Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Tyumen State Oil and Gas University

Ukrainian State Geological Research Institute

State Commission of Ukraine on Mineral Recourses

State Enterprise "Ukrainian Geological Research and Production Center"

Shell Ukraine Exploration and Production I LLC

Institute of Geological Sciences of National Academy of Ukraine

National Joint-Stock Company "Naftogaz of Ukraine"

Nadra Group Company

All-UkrainianPublic Organization "Ukrainian Association of Geologists"

Expert council of Ukrainian association of geologists

International Scientific and Practical Conference


27 - 29 November 2013

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Geological Faculty

Kyiv, Vasilkivska Str., 90

The current state of oil and gas in Ukraine has led to an annual increase in dependence of the economy on imported hydrocarbons. In recent years, government organizations responsible for the increase in proven reserves of mineral resources, particularly oil and gas, started to develop a multi-vector strategy for growth in hydrocarbon production from both conventional and non-conventional hydrocarbons.

Unfortunately, evaluation resources "unconventional hydrocarbons" are defined only in recent years. More no valid objects hydrocarbon deposits of this type which have already been prepared for commercial use. In addition, little is known about the geological and geophysical characteristics of these deposits in Ukraine, much of the information about the layers comes from foreign sources, primarily from companies that have real experience of oil and gas production from unconventional reservoir rocks.

Performing "National program for the development of mineral resources of Ukraine for the period till 2030", and given the recent experience of exploration and production of oil and gas, government services Ukraine hold the organization works to attract foreign investors and companies with many years of experience in this field. For non-traditional hydrocarbons (coal bed methane, compressed gas reservoir) is owned and shale gas, production of which may significantly affect the economic situation in the country.

The purpose of the coming conference is to share experiences, develop effective approaches to prospecting, exploration and diagnosis of non-conventional reservoir rocks saturated with hydrocarbons and able to provide cost-effective production of oil and gas on the territory of Ukraine. A separate topic for discussion will be environmental safety of such works. This conference will be held for the first time on the basis of the geological department of the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko. Its scientific and practical value nesomenna. The conference will help to build and strengthen scientific and creative relationships between professionals and organizations involved in non-traditional sources of hydrocarbons.

Organizing Committee

1 / Vyzhva S.,, Professor - Chairman of the Organizing Committee / Vice-Rector for Research, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
2 / Mikhailov V.,, Professor - Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee University / Dean of the Geological Faculty, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
3 / Karpenko O.,, Professor - Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee / Head of the Department of Petroleum Geology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
4 / Ogar V.,, Associate Professor - Scientific Secretary of the Organizing Committee / Professor of the Department of Petroleum Geology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
5 / Proskuryakov O. / Minister, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine
6 / Lukin O., Academician of National Academy of Ukraine / Director, Chernigov branch of Ukrainian State Geological Research Institute
7 / Zeykan O., PhD / Director of the Department, National Joint-Stock Company "Naftogaz of Ukraine"
8 / Gladun V.,, / Deputy Director of the Department, National Joint-Stock Company "Naftogaz of Ukraine"
9 / Turenko S.,, Professor / Pro-rector, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University
10 / Neuhaus D. / Executive Director of Projects "Shell" in the Dnieper-Donets Basin in Ukraine
11 / Majewski B.,, Professor / Head of the Geologscal Department of exploration of oil and gas fields, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
12 / Zagorodnuk P., PhD / Chairman, Ukrainian Association of Geologists
13 / Rud'ko G.,,,, Professor / Chairman, State Commission of Ukraine on Mineral Recourses
14 / Krasnozhon M., / Deputy Director, Ukrainian State Geological Research Institute
15 / Dovzhok T., PhD / Deputy Director, State Enterprise "Naukanaftogaz" of National Joint-Stock Company "Naftogaz of Ukraine"
16 / Golub P. / Deputy Director, State Enterprise "Ukrainian Geological Research and Production Center"
17 / Kurovets I., PhD / Head of the Department of Petroleum Geophysics, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of Ukraian National Academy of Sciences

The conference program: plenary and breakout sessions, special sections on the issues of prospecting, exploration and development of unconventional sources of hydrocarbons.

The official languages of the conference: Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Approximate number of participants: up to 150 people.

Section (the main directions of subjects reporting) conference:

1. Geology of deposits (deposits) of natural gas and oil reserves of unconventional types.

2. Technologies and methods of prospecting and exploration of non-traditional types of deposits (deposits) of natural gas and oil.

3. Technical, economic and environmental aspects of the development of unconventional sources of hydrocarbons.

Duration of the report on the plenary session up to 30 minutes, at the sessions - up to 20 minutes. In addition to breakout sessions will be organized sections posters. The organizing committee reserves the right to refer the alleged reports to the plenary, breakout, or bench. By the beginning of the workshop will be published abstracts of participants.

Provision and presentation of reports is not a requirement for participation in the conference. You can only be a student at the meetings and participate in the discussion of the reports and the results of the conference.

The best papers will be published in scientific journals of the conference organizers.

Submission deadline is September 25, 2013.

The registration fee:

250 UAH. - Citizens of Ukraine,

400 UAH. - Citizens of the CIS countries,

800 UAH - Citizens of other countries.

Special categories of payment:

postgraduate students - 50%

students - 30%.


Karpenko Oleksii (Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee)

Ogar Viktor (Secretary of the Organizing Committee)

Ostrovska Lilia (Technical Secretary of the Conference) Tel. +38 044 259-80-79

Kozionova Olesia (Technical Secretary of the Conference) Tel. +380(44) 259-70-30


fax: +38 044 521-33-38

Geological Faculty

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Ukraine, 03022, Kyiv, Vasilkivska str., 90