Minutes for the ACURA 20thRegular Board of Management Meeting

Friday, May 31, 2013, 13:00 PST

Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability

2260 West Mall, UBC, Vancouver V6T 1Z4


Voting Members:

Michael DeRobertisYork University, Chair

George DixonUniversity of Waterloo

Sara EllisonUniversity of Victoria

Vicky KaspiMcGill University

Peter LewisUniversity of Toronto

Frank MaurerUniversity of Calgary

Marcin SawickiSaint Mary’s University

Daniel WeeksUniversity of Lethbridge

Ex-officio, non-voting members:

Don BrooksChair, Institutional Council

Ray CarlbergTMT-Canada Project Manager

Greg FahlmanNRC-HerzbergManager

Laura FerrareseCASCA President

René RacineACURA Secretary-Treasurer

Ernie SeaquistACURA Executive Director

Russ TaylorChair, C-SKA Consortium Board

The Chair welcomedthe participantsat 13:00EST

1– Approval of the agenda

The proposed agenda (Appendix A)was approved with the addition of item 4.4: Performance of the Executive Director, to be dealt in camera by Board members.

2– Approval of the minutes for last meeting

Approval of the minutes of the June 8, 2012 meeting at the University of Calgary) was moved (Racine), seconded (Sawicki) and carried.

Matters arising:

2.1– Delinquent member: The Chair informed the Board that a tangible plan is afoot to resolve the issue and proposes that a final decision be postponed to the next (January 2014) Board meeting.


3– Astronomy at NRC

Fahlman reported that the transformation of NRC to an RTO has been announced by Minister of State for Science and Technology Goodyear and NRC President McDougall on May7, 2013. Some specific science projects have been put forward under a centralized administration in Ottawa. Vice-President Wayner is in charge of the Emerging Technology Division whose “business lines” include national science infrastructures (NSI): TRIUMF, CNBC and astronomical observatories. Fahlman is the NSI General Manager. The NRC Act (1976) will stand as to the administration and management of national astronomical observatories.

4- Executive Director Report

4.1. Meetings with NRC

ACURA has arranged to constructively talk to NRC and to the Government about astronomy issues. Meetings between NRC and ACURA representatives are on-going to discuss, among astronomy issues, the status of the TMT project. Meetings have so far been held on November 29, 2012 and March 5, 2013. The next meeting is scheduled for June 18, 2013. ACURA is to prepare a report to NRC, due June 20, on the international aspect and Canadian leadership in astronomy, HQP training, university support and social impacts

4.2. TMT Master agreement and ACURA engagement

ACURA needs to approve the agreement between the scientific authorities of all TMT partners –ACURA for Canada –to permit it tobe signed.

The Board agreed to recommend to the Institutional Council that its Chair signs the agreement.

4.3. ACURA role in SKA

The Executive Director updated the Board on the status of the SKA project. He foresees that, given the evolution of the project in Canada, it will be appropriate that ACURA’s role in it continues to grow. Board members agreed.

4.4. ED Performance Evaluation

Board members, in a brief in camera session, expressed their unanimous satisfaction at the performance of Ernie Seaquist as Executive Director. Upon his return to the meeting, the Executive Director was thanked and congratulated by the Chair.

5 - Treasurer’s Report

5.1. Financial situation and budget forecast

Secretary-treasurer Racine presented the financial situation and the budget forecast for FY 2013-14 (APPENDIX B).The budget includes the same allocations as last year for the salaries and benefits of the Executive Director and Secretary Treasurer. After a few questions had been answered, it was moved (Racine) and seconded (Sawicki) that the budget be approved.

Carried unanimously

5.2. Appointment of auditors

It was moved (Racine) and seconded (Lewis) that the Institutional Council invites Mme Christine Béchard of the firm Brodeur&Létourneau CA (1986) to audit the financial statement and records of the Corporation for FY 2012-13

Carried unanimously

6 - TMT Report

Carlberg asked the Board to appoint René Doyon (Université de Montréal) as replacement for John Graham (University of Toronto) as an ACURA member of the TMT Scientific Advisory Committee.

Unanimously approved.

The thorny “premium issue” for the TMT science shares has been resolved thanks to the expert report of the McKinsey firm. A 4% premium above inflation for early investments has been adopted by the TMT Board. Canada’s share of the project would be 19.8% should federal funding for the construction be obtained. The ACURA Board is satisfied with this outcome.

TMT Master Agreement (MA)

Brooks noted that the TMT MA contains a number of clauses – the one on intellectual property in particular – that requires input from all ACURA institutions, as “co-owners”, before ACURA signs it.

It is moved (Lewis) and seconded (Ellison) that the Council Chair seeks comments from the senior authorities of all ACURA members on the key clauses of the MA.


It is moved (Sawicki) and seconded (Ellison) that, subject to the satisfactory consultations with the senior authorities of ACURA members, the Council Chair be authorized to sign the TMT Master Agreement between the scientific authorities of the project.


7 - SKA Report

Taylor reported that RFPs for SKA work-packages will be issued on June 10, 2013. Canadian representatives need to be appointed on the Canadian SKA Strategic Committee. ACURA (the universities) and Canadian industry should explore forming an industry-led consortium in support of SKA activities. Seaquist re-iterated that indeed the role of ACURA in support of SKA-Canada is expected to grow.

8 - Coalition Report

Brooks underlined the increasing interactions between ACURA NRC and Government departments including DFAITS since foreign affairs and international trades are important aspects of projects such as TMT and SKA.

9 - Other business

No other business is raised

10 - Date of next regular meeting:

The next (21st) regular Board meeting will be held on Friday, January 31, 2014 a 1 p.m. EST.


20th Regular Meeting of the ACURA Board of Management

Friday, May 31, 2013

9:00 a.m.

Policy Lab A & B

Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability

2260 West Mall, UBC, Vancouver V6T 1Z4



09:00 0 - Welcome and introductory remarks M. DeRobertis

09:05 1 - Approval of the agenda M. DeRobertis

09:102 - Approval of minutes for last meeting (Jan. 25, 2013)M. DeRobertis

Matters arising

2.1 Delinquent members

09:30 3 - Report on astronomy at NRC G. Fahlman

10:00 4 - Executive Director Report E. Seaquist

4.1. Meetings with NRC

4.2. TMT Master agreement and ACURA engagement

4.3. ACURA role in SKA

4.4. (Board members in camera) Performance of Executive Director

10:15 Break

10:30 5 - Treasurer’s Report R. Racine

5.1. Financial situation and budget forecast

5.2. Appointment of auditors

10:45 6 - TMT Report R. Carlberg

6.1 TMT Master Agreement – motion to recommend

approval to Council E. Seaquist

11:30 7 - SKA ReportTaylor

7.1 MOU on SKA Consortium

11:45 8 - Coalition ReportBrooks

12.00 9 - Other business

10 - Date of next regular meeting:


Note for those joining by phone: Toll Free 1-866-392-3248; Conference ID 4337423

Account balance on June 30, 2012 / $180,928 / audited
Expected variations to June 30, 2013
Membership fees 2012-13 / $96,000 / +$19 900 delinquent
Contributions to Coalition activities / $5,000 / from CASCA
Contributions to Coalition activities / $10,000 / from Industry
Total / $111,000
Executive Director allocation / -$ 30,000
Secretary-Treasurer allocation / -$ 10,000
Clerical services / -$ 250
Coalition activities / -$ 23,300 / TSA, Ottawa meetings
Travel and meetings / -$ 18,500 / BoM, IC, CASCA,TMT, SKA
Office expenses / -$ 2,200
Professional fees / -$ 2,400 / audit
Bank fees and dues / -$ 75
Contingencies / -$ 2,000.00
Total / -$ 88,725.00
TOTAL / $22,275
Account balance on June 30, 2013 / $203,203 / expected
Proposed budget to June 30, 2014
Membership fees 2012-13 / $106,000 / assumes re-entry of a member
Contributions to Coalition activities / $5,000 / from CASCA
Contributions to Coalition activities / $10,000 / from Industry
Executive Director allocation / -$ 30,000
Seretary-Treasurer allocation / -$ 10,000
Clerical services / -$ 500
Coalition activities / -$ 35,000 / TSA, Ottawa meetings
Travel and meetings / -$ 20,000 / BoM, IC, CASCA,TMT, SKA
Office expenses / -$ 2,500
Professional fees / -$ 27,500 / TMT legal services, audit
Bank fees and dues / -$ 75
Contingencies / -$ 5,000
TOTAL / -$ 9,575
Account balance on June 30, 2014 / $193,628 / expected
René Racine, S/T