Phys 152: General Physics2 (Section 002)

Fall 2010

Instructor: Dr. Michael Pravica


Office: BPB 136 Phone(with Voice Mail): 895-1723

Lecture: TuesThurs 2:30pm – 3:45pm,

Office Hours:Wed. 2-3pm or by appointment

PhysicsLearningCenter Hours:Mon-Wed 3-5pm (BPB Room 248-249).See: for more info.

E-mail: , or Location:BPB-106

Text:Cutnell and Johnson’s PhysicsVols. One and Two, 8th Ed.(ISBN: 978-0-470-22355-0) with Wiley Plus, by J. D. Cutnell & K.W. Johnson (John Wiley & Sons publishers 2009).

We will use the Wiley Plus online homework system for our homework. Students must register first.

Class URL:

Content:We will be studying, electricity and magnetism, electric circuits, wave phenomena, light, optics, and relativity and possibly atomic physics, covering roughly Chapters 16-29 of your text. The amount of detail will be adjusted according to the interest of the class.

Expectations: It is expected in the very least that you will be able to solve basic problems related to the material covered and understand the fundamental concepts associated with this material to pass the course.


15% Homework (online assignments from WileyPlus®),

25% Laboratory Grade

20% Midterm Exam(Tuesday, October 19th, 2010)

20% Quizzes

20% InclusiveFinal Exam (Thursday, December 9, 2010 from 3:10pm – 5:10pm)

Grading Scale:

90 → 100: A- → A+; 80→ 89:B- → B+; 70 → 79:C- → C+; 60 → 69:D- → D+; Below 60:F



Attendance: You are expected to attend all lecture and laboratory periods. You are responsible for all assignments and announcements given in class. Missed exams will result in a grade of zero. In the event of an extreme emergency (e.g. hospitalization), make-up exams may be given only with the written permission of the Chair of the Physics Department or the Dean of Arts and Sciences. You may be asked to provide written documentationto justify your request to make up material. For example, often an excuse such as “I had a death in the family” is given for an absence. If such is the case, then proof of death and proof of close family relation must be supplied in order for the work to be made up. If you represent UNLV at any official extracurricular activity, you shall have the opportunity to make up assignments, but you must provide official written notification to the instructor no less than one week prior to the missed class. A student missing a class or laboratory assignment because of observance of a religious holiday shall have the opportunity to make up missed work. The student must notify the instructor of anticipated absences by the last day of late registration(8/27/10). Students who represent UNLV at any official extracurricular activity shall have the opportunity to make up lost work but must provide written notification to the instructor no less than one week prior to the missed class(es).

Homework:Homework will be assigned weekly and due one week later. Physics cannot be mastered without working out physics problems. Don't be discouraged when the material initially seems unfamiliar or the homeworks are difficult. You are not expected to understand the material immediately. Your mastery of physics will be a gradual process that will develop through diligent practice (i.e., homework). Hopefully, you will learn that this is not an unpleasant but intellectually engaging experience. Although each homework assignment is numerically worth the least in terms of your overall grade, it is the most important part of your studies. You should plan to spend an average of two hours on homework for every hour of lecture. Although we will discuss homework problems occasionally in lecture, questions on homework can always be raised with your instructor during his office hours. Practice makes perfect!!

Laboratories: Physics is an experimentally-driven science and laboratory work is essential to its understanding as theoretical concepts are tested in the laboratory, allowing you the chance to develop an intuition for natural laws. You must receive a C or better grade in PHY 152L to pass PHY152.

Exams: Each student must be prepared to present a pictured ID if requested during an exam. The Final Examwill encompass ALL of the material covered in the class.

Cheating: Any person caught cheating on an exam will be dropped from the course. You are permitted, and even encouraged, to work together discussing homework assignments however, you are required to write up your homework alone. Blatant copying on homework will be punished with a grade of zero for the work inquestion and may result in further disciplinary action.

Rebelmail: By policy, faculty and staff should e-mail students’ Rebelmail accounts only. Rebelmail is UNLV’s Official e-mail system for students. It is one of the primary ways students receive official university communication such as information about deadlines, major campus events, and announcements. All UNLV students receive a Rebelmail account after they have been admitted to the university. The suffix is always @unlv.nevada.edu.

For those with disabilities: The Disability Resource Center (DRC) coordinates all academic accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Ifyou have a documented disability that may require accommodations, contact the DRC for coordination in your academic accommodations. The DRC is in the Student Services Complex (SSC-A), Room 143. The phone is VOICE 702-895-0866,FAX 702-895-0651. Website:

Copyright violations: The University requires all members of the University Community to familiarize themselves and to follow copyright and fair use requirements. You are individually and solely responsible for violations of copyright and fair use laws. THE UNIVERSITY WILL NEITHER PROTECT NOR DEFEND YOU NOR ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR EMPLOYEE OR STUDENT VIOLATIONS OF FAIR USE LAWS. Violations of copyright laws could subject you to federal and state civil penalties and criminal liability, as well as disciplinary action under University policies. The University encourages you to visit its copyright web page:

Final Note: Physics has a reputation of being a difficult subject. However, you will see that it is not really that bad! You will find that the knowledge and problem solving skills that you learn here will be extremely valuable no matter what career path you follow. Therefore, don't be intimidated, try hard, and never be afraid to ask questions. This syllabus may change as the course progresses. The instructor will provide advance notice if and when this happens.

Tentative Schedule:

Week 1 (8/24, 8/26) Chapter 16,Waves and sound

Week 2 (8/31, 9/2)Chapter 17Superposition and interference phenomena

Week 3 (9/7, 9/9)Chapter 18Electric forces and electric field.

Week 4 (9/14, 9/16)Chapter 19Electric potential energy and the electric potential

Week 5 (9/21, 9/23)Chapter 20Electric circuits

Week 6 (9/28, 9/30)Chapter 21Magnetic forces and magnetic fields

Week 7 (10/5, 10/7)Chapter 22Electromagnetic induction

Week 8 (10/12, 10/14)Chapter 23Alternating currentcircuits

Week 9 (10/19, 10/21)Chapter 23 and Midterm Exam

Week 10 (10/26, 10/28)Chapter 24Electromagnetic waves

Week 11 (11/2, 11/4)Chapters 25The reflection of light: mirrors

Week 12 (11/9)Chapter 26The refraction of light: lenses and optical instruments

Week 13 (11/16, 11/18)Chapter 27Interference and the wave nature of light

Week 14 (11/23)Chapters 28Special relativity

Week 15 (11/30, 12/2)Chapters 31Nuclear Physics

FINAL EXAM:Tuesday, December 9 from 3:10pm – 5:10pm.