July 18, 2000 J4/00-0513

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Accredited Standards Committee

NCITS Reply to: Don Schricker

189 Georgetown Rd

Boxford, MA 01921

Tel: (978) 887-6692

7 email:


Organization: J4, the COBOL Technical Committee of NCITS

Meeting Dates: July 23-29, 2000 – J4

Time: 8:30-6:00 (except Thursday)

8:30-5:15 (Thursday)

Meeting Registration Fee Per J4 Member: $200

Meeting Location: Holiday Inn – Media Center

Meeting Room 4

150 E. Angeleno

Burbank, California 91502

Phone: 818-841-4770

Fax: 818-848-6581

Host: Mr. Karlin, Karlins' Korner

Scheduled Items:

26. Review of plans - scheduled for 8:30 on the last day

Note: @ indicates items not yet received

1. Membership report

2. Distribution of documents

3. Approval of agenda

4. Standing Documents - no action requirement unless an issue is raised

4.1 99-0277 (S-4) - Guidelines for Hosting a Meeting (Fisher)

4.2 00-0327 (S-5) - COBOL Standard Style Guide (Nelson)

00-0500 – Comments on S-5 (Klein)

00-0505 – Type font guideline – re 00-0500, item 2 (Bennett)

4.3 S-9 - Template for E, EF, and A documents

4.4 00-0353 (S-10) - Directions to the Secretary (Nelson)

00-0501 – Comments on S-10 (Klein)

4.5 00-0235 (S-11) Template for Full Revision change proposals (Schricker)

4.6 98-0058 (S-14) – J4 Internal procedures (Schricker)

4.6.1 What constitutes attendance at a meeting?

4.7 99-0516 (S-15) - J4 New Member Packet (Schricker)

4.8 99-0517 (S-16) - Candidate Features for a Future Revision (Schricker)

4.9 00-0483 (S-17) - Guide to J4 electronic document distribution (Bennett)

00-0502 – Comments on S-17 (Klein)

4.10 00-0396 - J4 Document Register - 2000 (Mehta)

5. Meeting planning

5.1 Future meetings

5.2 Scheduling around conflicts

6. Treasurer's report

6.1 Set meeting fee for next meeting

6.2 Approval of $1 per month for internet access to account

7. 00-0437 - Action item and Dynamic Document Assignments (Nelson)

00-0453 – Sorted action item list (Nelson)

8. Approval of minutes

00-0307 - J4 Meeting 224 Minutes (Nelson) - schedule ad hoc to review minutes

00-0436 – J4 meeting 225 minutes (Nelson)

00-0499 – Comments on approved minutes of meeting 223 (00-0319) (Klein)

9. Processing of Input documents

10. Report of J4 Chair

10.1 00-0482 – Annual report to NCITS (Schricker)

10.2 00-0426 – Project proposal for a new TR on finalizers (Schricker)

Plans for proceeding with development

10.3 00-0328 - Call for Volunteers - J4 Chairman (Garner)

10.4 00-0428 -- Letter ballot on NCITS subscription service

00-0376 – Subscription service for paper copies (Vago)

00-0397 – J4 Subscription service (Vago)

The ballot passed: 7-3-1-1

member ballots:

No - 00-0438 – Compaq

Yes - 00-0439 – Ebbinkhuijsen

Yes - 00-0440 – EDS

Yes - 00-0441 – Fujitsu

Yes - 00-0442 – HP

Yes - 00-0443 – IBM

Yes - 00-0444 – ITSCJ

00-0445 – Karlins' Korner – not voting

No - 00-0446 – Klein

Yes - 00-0447 – MERANT

No - 00-0448 – Victor Consulting

Abstain - 00-0449 – Wizard Systems

11. Controversial Subjects

12. Processing of Base Document

12.1 Status of Base Document (Nelson)

00-0454 - Combined Change Proposal CD 1.8 #2 (Nelson)

00-0495 – Comments on 00-0454 (Jones)

00-0431 – Miscellaneous changes from meeting 225 (Schricker)

00-0503 – Miscellaneous changes for meeting 226 (Nelson)

12.2 00-0424 - Schedule for revision of ISO COBOL (Wallace)

13. Review of EF and WR documents that were "approved as modified"

13.1 @EF-309.2 - CODE SET Hardware Dependency (Wallace)

13.2 00-0385 - EF-361.5 Simple insertion to left of float ins (IQ-2529) (Klein)

13.3 @00-0321 - Describe record area (00-0146) (Karlin)

13.4 00-0427 – Misc changes for meeting 225 (Nelson)

13.5 00-0432 – Changes from 00-0342, CD 1.8 comments (Schricker)

14. Tracking of comments

14.1 International Comments on the public review of the CD

97-0351 - Disposition of Comments Report for ISO/IEC CD 1989 (Wallace)

98-0405 - Status of comments on COBOL Committee Draft 1 (Wallace)

99-0103 - Status of comments on COBOL committee draft (Wallace)

15. Items requiring significant direction

15.1 00-0366 - Character positions in fixed-form reference format (99-0477) (Klein)

15.2 00-0367 - Incompatible data and related issues (00-0141) (Klein)

15.3 00-0360 - PICTURE clause syntax rule 24 (00-0203) (Schricker)

15.4 00-0485 – Upper/lower-case equivalence of extended letters in idents (00-0152) (Wallace)

16. Items required for FCD

16.1 @Introduce exceptions in Conformance (00-0420/39) (Takagi)

16.2 @Remove restrictions on files in object instance definitions (00-0420/38) (Schricker)

16.3 @Disallow many of the data division sections in a method (00-0420/17) (Karlin)

16.4 @Hex literals (00-0420/12) (Schricker)

16.6 @Remove declaratives from OO format of proc division (00-0420/15) (Schricker)

16.7 @Remove declaratives from object-oriented format of the procedure division 00-0420/16) (Ebbinkhuijsen)

16.8 00-0466 – BYTE-LENGTH and LENGTH functions (00-0420/7) (Ebbinkhuijsen)

16.9 @Reinstate rules for IS and ARE from the previous standard (00-0420/10) (Piggott)

16.10 @Require BASED items to be in the linkage section (00-0420/29) (Wallace)

16.11 @GOBACK enhancements (00-0420/30) (Ebbinkhuijsen)

16.12 @Flagging for standard arithmetic (00-0420/31) (Karlin)

16.14 00-0467 - Rename CALL-CONVENTION clause (00-0371/14) (Ebbinkhuijsen)

16.15 @File sharing for SORT and MERGE (00-0352/6) (Schricker)

16.16 00-0474 – Remove the ALLOW clause, version 2 (Ebbinkhuijsen)

17. Mini-review comments

17.1 00-0347 – CD 1.9 mini review comments (Reimann)

17.2 00-0350 – Mini-Quality Review comments (Klein)

comment 35 is addressed by 00-0468

00-0510 – Mini-quality review comments (edited version) (Klein)

17.3 00-0496 - "DATA" – consistently singular or plural (Klein)

17.4 00-0352 – Review of file sharing and record locking (Jones)

00-0507 – File sharing and record locking – global (Jones)

00-0512 – Avoiding spurious deadlocks (Jones)

17.5 00-0381 - Elementary Numeric Items in a GROUP-USAGE NATIONAL Group (Klein)

17.6 00-0372 – Comments on the BASED clause (Jones)

17.7 00-0375 – Categories of data-items (Ebbinkhuijsen)

consider also comment 4 in 00-0339

17.8 00-0380 - Review comment on translated hex literals (Wallace)

17.9 00-0382 – Goback and exit statements (Klein)

17.10 00-0383 – Misc review comments #1 (Wallace)

17.11 00-0384 – Review comment on garbage collection (Wallace)

17.12 00-0386 - Request to reconsider flagging native arithmetic (Nutsford)

17.13 00-0387 – Misc review comments - 2 (Wallace)

17.14 00-0390 – Mini-quality review – some "missing" terms (Klein)

17.15 00-0391 – Mini-quality review – A-margin items revisited (Klein)

17.16 00-0395 – Review comments on mathematics-related intrinsic functions (Klink)

00-0398 - Input on 00-0395 Review comments on math-intrinsic functions (Wouk)

17.17 00-0389 – Review comments - #3 (Wallace)

17.18 00-0408 – Comments on Object Orientation (Noba)

00-0423 – File sharing/record locking in objects (Wallace)

17.19 00-0409 - Comments on Screen handling (Inoue)

17.20 00-0410 – Miscellaneous (Ono/Takagi)

17.21 00-0411 – Exception-names as context-sensitive words (Ono/Takagi)

17.22 00-0412 – The class of numeric and numeric-edited data items (Ono/Takagi)

00-0484 – Usage NATIONAL and numeric-edited items (00-0420/10) (Wallace)

00-0498 – Comments on 00-0484 (Klein)

00-0509 – Comment on 00-0498 (Bennett)

17.23 00-0413 – PERFORM statement correction (Ono/Takagi)

17.24 00-0414 – REPLACE statement rewording (Ono/Takagi)

17.25 00-0415 – LINAGE-COUNTER and report counters not qualified (Ono/Takagi)

17.26 00-0416 – Disallow elementary items with neither PICTURE or USAGE (Ono/Takagi)

17.27 00-0417 – Required clauses for an elementary screen item (Ono/Takagi)

17.28 00-0418 – Editorial comments (Ono/Takagi)

00-0473 – Analysis of 00-0418 (Nelson)

17.29 00-0419 – Review based on the verbal forms (Ono/Takagi)

17.30 00-0421 – Review of pointer addressing (2) (Jones)

17.31 00-0455 – Misc Data Division (Ebbinkhuijsen)

17.32 00-0456 – USAGE clause (Ebbinkhuijsen)

17.33 00-0458 – PERFORM statement (Ebbinkhuijsen)

17.34 00-0459 – SIGN clause (Ebbinkhuijsen)

17.35 00-0460 – Misc Procedure division (Ebbinkhuijsen)

17.36 00-0461 – Description techniques (Ebbinkhuijsen)

17.37 00-0462 – SUBTRACT statement (Ebbinkhuijsen)

17.38 00-0463 – Alphanumeric, bit and national groups (Ebbinkhuijsen)

17.39 00-0464 – ADD statement (Ebbinkhuijsen)

17.40 00-0465 – DIVIDE statement (Ebbinkhuijsen)

17.41 00-0481 – INVALID, version 2 (Ebbinkhuijsen)

17.42 00-0475 – Screen section comment (Beit-Aharon)

17.43 00-0493 – Source format directive enhancement (Jones)

17.45 00-0497 – Is the (draft) COBOL standard "Commercially viable?" (Klein)

17.46 00-0508 – Review of SORT and MERGE statements (Jones)

17.47 00-0511 – Comments on 00-0237 Patent rights (Jones)

18. Corrections

18.1 @Decimal point and grouping separator (98-0452/20) (Karlin)

18.2 00-0368 - Continuation of literals in free-form reference format (00-0154) (Klein)

18.3 00-0486 - Response to comment 98-0483/5 - SPECIAL-NAMES (Wallace)

18.4 @Specification of conditional and imperative statements (00-0146) (Karlin)

18.5 00-0379 – Correct use of "shall" (Wallace)

18.6 @Rewrite 15.4, Date conversion functions (00-0287) (Murray)

18.7 update00-0362 - Format validation of pointers, index data items and object refs (Schricker)

18.8 00-0361 - Disjoint set replacement (00-0236) (Schricker)

18.9 00-0492 - Meaning of abnormal termination (00-0265) (Wallace)

18.10 00-0364 - Restructuring explanation of alignment (00-0290, item 3) (Schricker)

18.11 00-0354 – VALIDATE rule changes (Nelson)

18.15 @VALIDATE GR1 corrections (00-0357/last item) (Schricker)

18.16 00-0469 - De-editing (00-0371/6) (Wim)

18.17 00-0457 - CORRESPONDING (00-0371/9) (Ebbinkhuijsen)

18.18 @VALUE clause rule clarification (00-0342, comment 8, pi 6) (Wallace)

18.19 00-0504 – Investigation of 00-0342, item 9, ANY LENGTH (00-0342. comment 13c, pi 9 and 13b, pi 11) (Bennett)

18.20 @LOCALE-DATE and LOCALE-TIME returned values (00-0176) (Wallace)

18.21 00-0478 – Period after PICTURE character-string (Ebbinkhuijsen)

19. Items that would be nice to have

19.1 @Example in the concepts section of a user-defined function to validate time arguments (00-0420/1) (Piggott)

19.2 00-0476 – Improvements to GR13, etc of the PICTURE clause (00-0420/14) (Jones)

19.3 @VALUE clause consideration of SET TO FALSE stmt (Nelson)

19.4 @Notes for INTEGER and INTEGER-PART functions (00-0343 page 595) (Wallace)

19.5 @Concepts for FORMAT and CODE-SELECT WHEN clauses (00-0369) (Wallace)

19.6 00-0472 – Statements and sentences (00-0371/17) (Wim)

19.7 @CALL concepts (00-0342/22) (Schricker)

19.8 00-0468 – Variable-sized characters (Ebbinkhuijsen)

20. Liaison reports

20.1 WG4 - COBOL (Wallace)

20.2 SC22 liaison (Tauber)

20.3 The Open Group (X/Open) COBOL (Wallace)

20.4 The Open Group (X/Open) Transaction Processing working group (Tauber)

20.5 Universal Coded Character Set, L2 and SC2/WG2 (Wallace)

20.6 H2 data base (Schricker)

20.7 WG11 Data Interchange (Nelson)

20.8 WG20 Internationalization (Wallace)

20.9 Interex SIGCOBOL (Tauber)

20.10 OMG - Object Management Group (Schricker)

21. Development of a Technical Report for finalizer

00-0114 - Letter ballot on 00-0113

00-0113 - FINALIZE method (Satoh/Takagi)

00-0217 - Answers to the LB comments on Finalizer

This ballot failed: Yes - 5 (1 with comments), No - 7, Not voting - 1 (Karlins' Korner)

00-0115 - member ballot (Nelson)

00-0118 - member ballot (Reimann) - NO

00-0119 - member ballot (Mehta) - NO

00-0120 - member ballot (Wallace) - NO

00-0121 - member ballot (Takagi) - NO

00-0123 - member ballot (Klein) - NO

00-0124 - member ballot (Schricker) - NO

00-0127 - member ballot (Spiro) - NO

00-0331 - J4 discussion of a FINALIZER technical report (Wallace)

00-0341 - Finalization in Java (Yawn)

00-0346 - Memory reclamation in Java and COBOL (Biggs)

00-0359 – Finalization (Foskey)

22. Development of a Technical Report for a Class Library

22.1 97-0043 (WG4 N111) - Class Library TR "new work item" process (Wallace)

22.2 96-0499 (WR-825) - Internationalisation of the class library (Clarke)

96-0507 - Comments on Internationalisation of the class library (Clarke)

22.3 99-0523 - OO - Standard base classes (Gavan)

22.4 99-0524 - OO class library (Foskey)

23. Processing of interpretations for 1985 standard

23.1 Resolution of letter ballots

23.1.1 96-0391 (E-356.1) - Alphanum and Num in Compare & Move (Acks)

93-1229 - LB on 93-1260 (E-356) Alphanum and Num in Compare & Move

Yes - 10 (Fisher and Beit-Aharon with comments), No - 2 (Wallace, Schricker)

Schricker changed to YES at meeting 203

97-0315 - comments on E-356.1, Alphanum & num in compare & move (Wallace)

23.1.2 @E-357.2 - WRITE vs WRITE AFTER ADVANCING (Nelson)

93-1225 - LB on 93-1010 (E-357) WRITE vs WRITE AFTER ADVANCING

Yes - 9 (Schricker with comments), No - 3 (Anstead, Wallace, Nelson)

23.2 Interpretations in Progress

23.2.1 @E282.4 COPY and partial word replacement (IQ1989) unassigned

23.2.2 @E308.2 Undetected User Errors (IQ2204) (Wallace)

I2244 Undetected User Errors (Wallace)

I2254 Undetected User Errors (Klein)

23.2.3 @E312.4 Sort/Merge and IO Errors (IQ-2210) unassigned

23.2.4 @E318.1 Textname & Libname as impldefn (IQ2239) unassigned

23.2.5 @E320.1 Figurative Constants as Func Args (IQ2243) unassigned

23.2.6 @E328.1 Data Items, Class and Category (IQ2273) unassigned

23.2.7 @E329.1 END PROGRAM Header Level in IPC (IQ2274) (Tauber)

23.2.8 @E330.1 SYMBOLIC Char in nonnative Alphabet (IQ2275) (Tauber)

23.2.9 @E333.1 Evaluation of FunctionIdentifiers (IQ2284) unassigned

23.2.10 @E340.1 Intrinsic func args with unary operators (IQ2347) (Tauber)

23.2.11 @E343.1 Equivalence of representations of Zero (IQ2350) (Tauber)

23.2.12 @E344.1 Group items created by RENAMES clause (IQ2351) (Brieschke)

23.2.13 @E349.1 IntegerofDate for Two Dates (IQ2395) (Tauber)

23.2.14 @E-369 - Items with P in PIC as sub & GO TO DE (94-0081) (Brieschke)

23.2.15 @E-371 - FUNCTION RANDOM as a function arg (94-0448) unassigned

23.2.16 @E-372 - ALT RECORD KEY and OPEN OUTPUT (94-0449) unassigned

23.2.17 @E-373 - Conditional phrases & scope delimiter (95-0368) unassigned

24. Corrections in Previous Interpretations

25. Track interpretations for CIB-29

A-309, A-331, A-339, A-352, A-361, A-367, A-368

26. Future Revision Processing

25.1 @00-0108 - Integer adjustments for post-plan B (Ebbinkhuijsen)

25.2 00-0135 - DYNAMIC-STORAGE SECTION and the NAVIGATE verb (Rick Smith)

27. Review of plans - scheduled for 8:30 on the last day

27.1 Review draft agenda for next meeting

27.2 Review revision schedule and future meetings, including ad hocs

Schedule meetings for 2001

27.3 Consider whether to reprint the document and plan distribution