Draft programmes –Onsite Visit.

The following outlines a draft programme for the proposed London site visit by Professor David Kennedy.

In the Reducing Serious Violence in London proposal the National Network for Safe Communities, agreed to London site visits. The proposal outlined that these site visits would be an opportunity to ‘assess implementation progress; meet with stakeholders and guide partners through implementation changes on the ground.’

The site visit will also provide an opportunity for the three London boroughs, regional partners, MOPAC and Trident to look back at the work undertaken in the last six months and ensure that local Shield implementation plans remain aligned to the GVI model.

A proposed draft programme for the onsite visits is below but will be subject to change depending on feedback from Professor Kennedy, the three London pilot boroughs, regional partners and Trident colleagues.

Day 1 – 30th November
Timings / Agenda item
12:00 – 14:00 / Welcome working lunch with the MOPAC Shield Team, Sam Cunningham, Lynne Abrams; Evidence and Insight and the Trident Gang Crime Command at City Hall
2.00 – 5:00 / Meeting with the Evidence and Insight team to receive an overview of the evaluation.
(We will liaise with the Evidence and Insight Team and the National Network to ensure that this initial meeting has a clear focus.)
Day 2 – 1st December
9.00 -12.00
AM Borough visit in partnership with the MOPAC Shield Team to include attendance at local delivery group meeting
This meeting will be targeted at local delivery groups, local Board members and community representatives. / Prior to the visit by the National Network, the MOPAC Shield Team will work with each of the three boroughs to establish what support they will require from their dedicated time with the National Network team. It is anticipated that the borough specific sessions could address the following:
  • Information on recent innovations to the GVI model and current best practice which could be applied in the London context
  • Introduction to and technical assistance on borough specific Shield implementation plans with onsite guidance from the National Network if required
  • Problem solving current challenges faced by the pilot boroughs
  • Strategies for collaboration between the police and community members

2.00 – 5.00
PM borough visit in partnership with the MOPAC Shield Team to include attendance at local delivery group meeting
This meeting will be targeted at local delivery groups, local Board members and community representatives. / Prior to the visit by the National Network, the MOPAC Shield Team will work with each of the three boroughs to establish what support they will require from their dedicated time with the National Network team. It is anticipated that the borough specific sessions could address the following:
  • Information on recent innovations to the GVI model and current best practice which could be applied in the London context
  • Introduction to and technical assistance on borough specific Shield implementation plans with onsite guidance from the National Network if required
  • Problem solving current challenges faced by the pilot boroughs
  • Strategies for collaboration between the police and community members

7.00 – 8.30pm
Community meeting in one of three pilot boroughs, bringing together community voice and community leaders from all three boroughs / Invite only community meeting for community leaders and identified community voice representatives managed and held in partnership with the Community Development Foundation.
This will be a key opportunity to discuss and problems solve the challenges in involving and speaking to London’s diverse communities about the GVI model.
Day 3 – 2nd December
9.00 -12.00
AM Borough visit in partnership with the MOPAC Shield Team to include attendance at local delivery group meeting
This meeting will be targeted at local delivery groups, local Board members and community representatives. / Prior to the visit by the National Network, the MOPAC Shield Team will work with each of the three boroughs to establish what support they will require from their dedicated time with the National Network team. It is anticipated that the borough specific sessions could address the following:
  • Information on recent innovations to the GVI model and current best practice which could be applied in the London context
  • Introduction to and technical assistance on borough specific Shield implementation plans with onsite guidance from the National Network if required
  • Problem solving current challenges faced by the pilot boroughs
  • Strategies for collaboration between the police and community members

2.00 – 4.00pm
Meeting with regional partners involved in the implementation of Shield / Prior to the visit by the National Network, the MOPAC Shield Team will work with regional partners to establish what support they require. It is anticipated that the session could address the following:
  • Information on recent innovations to the GVI model and current best practice which could be applied in the London context
  • Problem solving current challenges

Day 4 – 3rd December
10:00 – 13:00 / Meeting with Trident Gang Crime Command and MOPAC in order to:
  • Review what has come out from the borough meetings
  • Agree agenda items for future phone support from the National Network
  • Agree agenda for virtual support between London sites and other National Network sites for a session in October 2015
  • Agree timeframes for the London Shield team to visit the US

13:00 – 15:00 / Farewell lunch