
Kay Sears – Chair

Erik Eliasen – Montana Vice Chair

Brian Gulliver – Past Chair

Tracy Copp – Policy

Taylor Lilly – Honors and Awards

Jason Hopkins – Asst Policy

Brett Shaffer – Asst Policy

Wesley Kenison – ATS

John Grace – Webmaster

Mark Kettles - Policy

Brandon Tortorelli – Young Professional

Brandon Walls - Education


Chair Opening

Roll Call

Policy Report

Webmaster Report

Programs Report

Education Report

Honors and Awards Report

ATS 2017 Report

Newsletter Report

Membership Report

New Business

Next Council Meeting


Chair Opening

Kay kicked off the meeting at 6:05pm and welcomed everyone. Kay emphasized three items to set the meeting: Monthly newsletter, awards and ATS.

Roll Call

Erik Eliasen filled in for Morty and conducted a roll call of members in attendance.

Policy Report

Tracy provided the Council the following Policy Committee update:


·  Upcoming

o  AIAA Annual Technical Symposium –Policy Panel (Friday 17 Nov 2017)

§  Planning has started for the policy panel

·  Many thanks to Todd, Jason, Chris and Wes for the help!

§  Topic for the panel will be the National Space Council

§  Colonel Martin France, USAFA, serves an advisor to the National Space Council and is currently planning to be the moderator for the panel

§  Assembling list questions for the panel

§  Assembling list of panelists/recruiting panelists (based on questions, and relevant track)

·  Confirmed today: Congresswoman Diana DeGette

§  Information on the panel will be submitted to Col. France early next week for review and approval by the White House staff

o  Colorado Space Roundup (Wed. Dec. 6th, 2017)

§  Secured commitment from CSBR for in-kind exchange between ATS and the Roundup

§  Looking for additional volunteers to staff the table

§  Kay Sears to attend

·  Save the Date!

o  Aerospace and Defense Caucus meetings (monthly between Jan. and April 2018)

o  Colorado Aerospace Day (March 2018)

o  CVD 2018 (Wed. March 21st 2018)

o  3rd Annual Aerospace Summit (March 2018)

o  Colorado Capital Conference (TBD)

·  Opportunities:

o  Define public policy committee direction, focus, gather new ideas and create plans for advancing key issues within the RMS.

o  Leverage Colorado interest groups (e.g. CSBR, CSC, CSE, Space Foundation, Metro Chamber, etc.) to assist in the advocacy of RMS member’s interests/concerns and increase collaboration with the other organizations.

o  Increase connection and collaboration with AIAA National PPC.

Webmaster Report

John attended and provided the following Webmaster report:

·  General

o  Space Foundation will send their broadcast emails to the . Depending on the topic, a Council member (YP, Programs, Education, etc.) should accept and forward to one of our email lists.

o  First email was received 10/3/17, but unclear which Council Member should forward.

o  The SharePoint replacement system is an instantiation of Higher Logic called ENGAGE ( Testing and familiarization is being conducted by Region Officers and a few Technical Committees. So far so good.

·  Support

o  Added Space Foundation RSS feed to our homepage

§  Registrations: High Precision Devices (10/26/17): 9 (as of 10/9)

§  ATS 2017 (11/17/17)

·  Abstracts: 26

·  ATS 2017 Registration is running: 12 (as of 10/9)

·  Email Lists

o  Updated the AIAA-RM email list () on Oct 2, 2017. AIAA-RM has 1346 email addresses (up from 1321 in September and 1173 in January!).

o  Council has 46 email addresses (2 belong to Space Foundation)

Programs Report

Chris is on travel but provided the following Programs Committee report:

·  Program Sketch 2017/18

o  October: 10/26/17: Kevin Miller--HPD High Precision Devices

o  November: Rich Feller STEM Building Bright Futurres from Main Street to Outer Space Educator Associate focused talk (ATS)

o  December: Sierra Nevada Dream Chaser, SMA Design or Ball IXPE

o  January: Lockheed Martin Lucy

o  February: Planet IQ Chris McCormick

o  March: Vestas Wind Turbine Plant Northern Colorado/Wyoming

o  April: ULA Vulcan

o  May: Ampt rocket engine testing

o  Alternates:

o  Spire Global

·  Program Ideas List

o  Analytical mechanics associates

o  ATA Engineering

o  Boeing

o  Booze Allen Hamilton

o  BRON Aerotech

·  Activities to promote Membership through collaboration:

o  Get integrated with colorado stem or oakman aerospace.

o  Get stacy defore to speak ats on citizens for space exploration.

o  Colorado space coalition tie to aiaa colorado space business report.

o  Industry cluster report.

o  Gps day Colorado announce to Facebook.

o  Road trip partners.

o  Promote ats sponsorsorship

o  Recruit membership

o  Recruit programs

Education Report

Brandon attended and provided the following report:

·  Near Term:

o  Advertised “Higher Orbits” event at Ft. Collins High School during October 20-22

§  Michelle, Founder/President, is looking for general volunteers, Mentors, and Judging help.

§  Several students have expressed interest in attending.

o  Sue submitted request to Roger McNamara for $500 sponsorship of the Regional BEST Robotics competition in December.

o  We will be organizing one or more “Engineers as Educator” workshops, using the “micro lessons” ( Probably in December and/or January. Need a location to host, more info forthcoming.

o  We will be reworking the education section of the AIAA website to better track resources, events, and accomplishments. Planning to provide missed STEM/STEAM events in next newsletter.

·  Accomplishments:

o  Draft “Aerospace Career” presentation as requested by Gene Dionne. Reviewed by STEM K-12 committee.

o  Posted:

o  All Education Outreach equipment and materials have been transferred to Brandon’s Garage!

o  Regional competition for best robotics has two upcoming events: one 20/21 Oct and one 16/17 Dec

§  Priority is October over December

§  AIAA gets a table at each event

Honors and Awards

Taylor briefed planning has begun for banquet:

·  Expecting to use the same venue and catering as last year

·  Coordinating with AIAA approved speaker F-35 pilot

·  Planning date 26/27 April

ATS 2017

Wes provided his ATS Report. Highlights included:

·  Met the abstract goal of 35

·  Panels looking good but women in aerospace isn’t going to happen. Kay inquired about Young Professionals panel, Dr. Sega attending? General Sue Helms attending?

·  ADI offering STK Level 1 certification training and will bring up to 30 computers if we book that many

·  Exceeded sponsorship goal

·  Catering decided as “gourmet box lunch” to keep the flow of traffic moving

·  New website up and running


Adrian briefed that October Newsletter was sent out and he expressed his thanks for all who contributed.

·  Next newsletter is mid Dec.

o  Highlights from the Annual Technical Symposium

o  October Speaker Series summary

o  Associate Fellows Announcement

o  STEM past events


2017-2018 Program Year Membership Goal = 1465

To-date Membership = 1393 or 4.65% to goal (1.5 months into Program Year)

New members in September – 25 Students, 4 Members, 4 Educators, 1 Associate

Most growth from Students (since Jul 2016)

New Business

Discuss possible need for Vice Chair Southern, Todd Nathaniel, to engage with USAFA folks to help with non-responses from UCCS.

Next Council Meeting

The next Council meeting will be 15 Nov at 6pm at the Tivolli Brewery in Denver (900 Auraria Pkwy, Denver, CO 80204).


Kay adjourned the meeting at 7:22 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin Mortensen

Secretary, AIAA RMS

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