Principles of LawSyllabus

Ms. Bowman . Rm CM 241. . Phone # 281-245-2232

Welcome to the Manvel High SchoolCriminal Justice Program!

Below are basic guidelines, expectations and general practices each student will be responsible for during the school year. This course, like all the courses in this program is run parallel to a college course. This includes assignments, subject material, and especially responsibility of the individual student. Please be aware that the course material may be sensitive and vivid. I am very excited to have you in my class and look forward to working with you!

Expectations: In order to finish this course successfully, you will be expected to:

  • Complete the course requirements outlined below
  • Come to class prepared, all required assignments completed, and ready to participate in the discussions/exercises/events scheduled in class.
  • Good discussion doesn't happen when everyone agrees with each other and everyone thinks alike, it happens when different opinions are shared and discussed. To this end, it is critical that everyone's opinion is respected. Agree to disagree.
  • Be attentive, undistracted, and keep your mind on what's going on in class! It is disrespectful to the Instructor and to the other students to be lax in behavior or language.
  • Confidentiality: Respect the confidentiality of others and their contributions to class discussions, which may, at times, be somewhat sensitive.
  • Be Punctual.
  • Be Honest. This course, as with every other AISD course is graded and adheres to the student handbook and classroom guidelines. Plagiarism, cheating or dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Absolutely No EXCEPTIONS
  • Take responsibility for your own learning.Exhibit a positive attitude towards learning. It is your education; please make the most of it!
  • Demeanor: Fortunately, most students understand what they’re here for and how to conduct themselves in a college-level class. Unfortunately, some don’t. When I close the door to begin class, I expect that private conversations will end and I will have your attention for the duration of the class. Among the things I expect you not to be doing in class: putting your head down or sleeping, talking to each other during class or generally being disruptive.
  • NO CELL PHONES and/or including ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES (i.e. Ipods, mp3 players, tablets ect…)
  • Grading points will be deducted for those who are consistently absent, late, do not participate, or do not conduct themselves as adults in class. Persistent and severe problems will be referred to the appropriate administrator and/or be removed from class.
  • Keep work area and class materials neat and clean


Unit Topics*

History and Development of Criminal Law
Law Enforcement
Court Roles, Processes and Procedures
Private Security
Fire Protection Services
Interagency Collaboration
Personal and Work Related Health, Safety and Ethics
High School and Beyond

*The amount of topic coverage is based on the readiness of the class, some topics may be omitted

Some Topics require physical movement, any limitations or concerns should be discussed prior to practicum in order to have an adequate supplement.

Every student is required to have these items daily:

1)A Copy of this syllabus including my contact information

2)A spiral notebook dedicated only to this course

3) One USB flash drive

4) 1 boxes of Kleenex

5) Clorox wipes

6) Ream of white typing paper

7) Hand sanitizer

8) 1 box of blue or black pens

9) 1 box of pencils

10)box of expo markers

11)1 Binder and notebook paper

There will be a daily and weekly assignment, please be aware these are a large percentage of your grade.

This Syllabus may be changed without notice at any time the instructor deems necessary.

All students and parents and/or guardians are expected to read this syllabus and sign below. By signing below, this indicates to me that we are all knowledgeable of expectations that are indicated above. I will keep the last sheet on file, and the remaining sheets must be kept with all classroom material. The course materials being covered may be sensitive and graphic, but necessary to learn and discuss in the criminal justice field. Some examples are illegal drugs, homicide, sex crimes, and other crimes. Though it is unpleasant it is necessary to gain knowledge in this field. If at any time you feel your student needs to be excused, please contact me at your earliest convenience.

I encourage parents to participate in the program. I look forward to our future positive communications this year!Encouraging your child to keep a direct and open line of communication with me is a direct correlation for professional success in this course and further professional endeavors.

Once again,Welcome!

Michelle Bowman

Student Signature Date

Parent Signature Date

Law is reason free from passion