May 11, 2015


The Pekin Community School Board met in regular session on May 11, 2015, at 6:01 p.m. in the board room/media center of the Pekin Community Schools. Board members present were: Baker, Coleman, Copeland, Davis, Greiner, Millikin and Wittrock. Also present were: Kim Brisby, Tim Hadley, Kim Ledger, Lori Eads, Brenda Hagedon, Alissa Kitzman, Ken Hutchinson, Tyler Hotz, Maddie Bemis, Sam Nisse, six students representing the high school football team, Superintendent Dennis Phelps, and Connie Linney.

President Copeland called the meeting to order and acknowledged a quorum.

Baker read the Pekin Mission Statement

Amendments to the agenda included: F. 1.Resignations – Industrial Tech. Davis moved to approve the consent agenda as amended. Consent agenda included: approval of April 13, 2015 Regular Session board minutes, April 30, 2015 Special Session board minutes, May 6, 2015 Special Session board minutes; general bills in the amount of $64,750.53; management bills – $2,412.42; PPEL bills - $810.01; SILO bills - $2,804.16; activity bills – $31,539.90; hot lunch bills - $16,343.07; approval of Crystal Lamansky as half-time school nurse; approval of Aaron Deutsch as high school science teacher; approval of Ashley Sieren as preschool associate. Wittrock seconded. The motion carried.

Brenda Hagedon spoke to the board about the trip to Branson, Missouri, the music students would like to take March 16-20, 2016,

The board recognized Maddie Bemis and Sam Nissen as State History Fair Qualifiers.

Chase Copeland and Trevor Northup address the board on their concerns about a football coach.

Wittrock moved to approve the Music Trip to Branson, MO, March 16-20, 2016. Greiner seconded. The motion carried.

Greiner moved to renew the operational sharing incentive of the superintendent between Pekin and Tri-county to continue for the 2015-2016 school year. Millikin seconded. The motion carried.

Baker moved to approve summer band contract for Brenda Hagedon for summer band lessons in May and June, at a cost of $750. Coleman seconded. The motion carried.

Coleman approved the Lau Plan (English Language Learners). It has been submitted to the Department of Education for their approval. Wittrock seconded. The motion carried.

Wittrock moved to approve the hiring of Lori Eads as Athletic Director for the 2015-2016 school year. Millikin seconded. The motion carried.

Baker moved to approve the hiring of Tim Hadley as 6-12 principal for the 2015-2016 school year. Coleman seconded. The motion carried.

Millikin moved to approve the transfer of funds from the Management Fund to the General Fund to cover the insurance deductible of $250. Wittrock seconded. The motion carried.

Coleman moved to approve the ISJIT as a bank depository in the amount of $1,000,000 for the 2014-2015 school year. Greiner seconded. The motion carried.

Millikin moved to approve the 2013-2014 Audit. Baker seconded. The motion carried.

Mrs. Ledger spoke briefly on Lau Plan and student progress data.

Mr. Hadley spoke to the board about Jefferson County Farm Bureau and Cattlemen hosting the 9-12 Skunk River Rivalry appreciation lunch. Pekin will keep the trophy for the second year in a row.

Mrs. Eads reported district track will be Thursday, May 14 with a rain date of Friday, May 15. Baseball started last week and softball will start this week.

Mr. Phelps spoke about legislative matters – GPAEA Superintendent’s meeting touring Ottumwa Job Corps, still no decision about State Supplemental Aid and the anti-bullying legislation. Pekin’s graduation will be held May 17 at 2:00. It was decided to hold the June board meeting on Wednesday, June 10 at 6:00 p.m. rather than Monday, June 8. Mr. Phelps also recognized the board for School Board Recognition Month.

Wittrock moved to adjourn the meeting. Greiner seconded. The motion carried. The time was 6:53 p.m.

Reports and documents and the full text of motions, resolutions, or policies considered by the Board at this meeting are on file in the Board Secretary’s office, 695-3707, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Connie Linney

Board Secretary