DETE –100884 Arts and Crafts

Paint and paint equipment, drawing and drawing equipment, canvas, board, paper and pads, craft, ceramic, sculpture and modelling.
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Customers have saved $3,127,814 since this arrangement was awarded in November 2011 with additional cost avoidance savings of $80,512
Suppliers / Contact details / How to access the DETE agreed products and pricing
Buckham School Supplies / Bob McDonald
 (07) 3851 1311
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  • Go to view product range. Go to Oneportal or contact supplier for pricing and delivery charges. Order by phone or email. Pay by Corporate Card or issue purchase order quoting SOA No. DETE100884

CleverPatch / Stephen Thomas
1300 836 522
 /
  • Go to to view product range. Go to Oneportal or contact supplier for pricing and delivery charges. Order by phone or email. Pay by Corporate Card or issue purchase order quoting SOA No. DETE100884

Eckersleys / Jill Stonnell
 (07) 3890 7359
 /
  • Go to to view product range. Go to Oneportal or contact supplier for pricing and delivery charges. Order by phone or email. Pay by Corporate Card or issue purchase order quoting SOA No. DETE100884

Harleys Educational / Michelle l’Anson
(07) 4053 3966
 /
  • Go view product range. Go to Oneportalor contact supplier for pricing and delivery charges. Order by phone or email. Pay by Corporate Card or issue purchase order quoting SOA DETE100884

Kookaburra Educational Resources / Bernie Schultz
(02) 4904 3000
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  • Go view product range. Go to Oneportalor contact supplier for pricing and delivery charges. Order by phone or email. Pay by Corporate Card or issue purchase order quoting SOA DETE100884

Modern Teaching Aids / Jim Craddock
(02) 9938 0431
 /
  • Go view product range. Go to Oneportalor contact supplier for pricing and delivery charges. Order by phone or email. Pay by Corporate Card or issue purchase order quoting SOA DETE100884

OfficeMax / Julie-Ann Hall
(07) 3877 3683
 /
  • Go view product range. Go to Oneportalor contact supplier for pricing and delivery charges. Order by phone or email. Pay by Corporate Card or issue purchase order quoting SOA DETE100884

Oxlades / Paul Oxlade
(07) 3348 8180
 /
  • Go view product range. Go to Oneportalor contact supplier for pricing and delivery charges. Order by phone or email. Pay by Corporate Card or issue purchase order quoting SOA DETE100884

School Art Supplies / Diane Williamson
(07) 3848 6000
 /
  • Go view product range. Go to Oneportalor contact supplier for pricing and delivery charges. Order by phone or email. Pay by Corporate Card or issue purchase order quoting SOA DETE100884

Speedy School Supplies / Jim McMenamin
(07) 3217 0088
 /
  • Go view product range. Go to Oneportalor contact supplier for pricing and delivery charges. Order by phone or email. Pay by Corporate Card or issue purchase order quoting SOA DETE100884

Staples / Kim Willis
(07) 3365 0829
 /
  • Go view product range. Go to Oneportalor contact supplier for pricing and delivery charges. Order by phone or email. Pay by Corporate Card or issue purchase order quoting SOA DETE100884

Why use these arrangements?

No need to seek multiple quotes – just select a supplier and order

The purchase is protected through agreed terms and conditions

Suppliers are managed and monitored closely by the Corporate Procurement Branch

Who can use these arrangements?

State and non-State schools (Catholic and Independent schools), P&C’s and TAFE Institutes

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