State of Illinois )

County of McDonough )ss

City of Macomb )

The Macomb City Council met in a regular session on Monday, August 20, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in City Hall, 232 East Jackson Street, Macomb, IL

PLEDGE Mayor Pro Tem Lobdell called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Pro Tem Lobdell.

ROLL CALL City Clerk Melanie Falk called the roll and the following Aldermen answered present: Richard Vick, Edward Lavin, Louis Gilbert, Mike Inman, Dave Dorsett, Tim Lobdell, Chris Senn and Dennis Moon. Ken Zahnle was absent. Mayor Wisslead declared a quorum present for the transaction of business. In addition to the City Clerk and Aldermen, Legal Counsel Liz Wilhelm was also present.

Items on the Consent Agenda:

1.  Approve minutes of the Macomb City Council meeting held on Monday, August 6, 2007 and the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meetings held on Monday August 13, 2007.

2.  Approve claims and accounts submitted on August 14, 2007.

3.  Department Reports: Rental Housing Inspection, Police Department.

CONSENT Alderman Dorsett moved, seconded by Alderman Moon to dispense with the reading of the consent

AGENDA agenda and adopt the same as published, on question being put, Aldermen Vick, Lavin, Gilbert,

ADOPTED Inman, Dorsett, Lobdell, Senn, Moon, being all Aldermen present voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Pro Tem Lobdell declared the motion carried.

Legal Counsel Wilhelm gave 2nd reading of the following ordinance:

An ordinance to create a Class R plus SS liquor license for Tobias Delgado dba Mexico Lindo Mexican Restaurant, Inc. at 1319 East Jackson Street, Macomb, IL.

APPROVED Alderman Inman moved, seconded by Alderman Gilbert to approve the ordinance, on question being

ORDINANCE put, Aldermen Vick, Lavin, Gilbert, Inman, Lobdell, Senn, Moon, being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on

NO. 07- 30 roll call, Alderman Dorsett recused, and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Pro Tem Lobdell declared the motion carried and the ordinance was approved and became Ordinance No. 07- 30.

Legal Counsel Wilhelm gave 2nd reading of the following ordinance:

An ordinance approving a special use permit to allow the placement of a manufactured home at 915 North Pearl Street, Macomb, IL.

APPROVED Alderman Moon moved, seconded by Alderman Senn to approve the ordinance, on question being

ORDINANCE put, Aldermen Lavin, Gilbert, Inman, Dorsett, Lobdell, Senn, Moon, Vick being all Aldermen present NO 07- 31 voting “Aye” on roll call, Mayor Pro Tem Lobdell declared the motion carried and it became Ordinance No. 07- 31.

Legal Counsel Wilhelm gave 2nd reading of the following ordinance:

An ordinance approving the proposed final plat and special use permit for a Planned Unit Development (East Jackson Commercial Park) at 1631 East Jackson Street, Macomb, IL.

APPROVED Alderman Dorsett moved, seconded by Alderman Lavin to approve the ordinance, on question being ORDINANCE put, Aldermen Gilbert, Inman, Dorsett, Lobdell, Senn, Moon, Vick, Lavin being all Aldermen present NO. 07- 32 voting “Aye” on roll call, and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Pro Tem Lobdell declared the motion carried and

It became Ordinance No. 07- 32.

Legal Counsel Wilhelm gave 2nd reading of the following ordinance:

An ordinance amending Section 15-234 of the Municipal Code to designate additional snow routes and clarify snow emergency procedures.

APPROVED Alderman Senn moved, seconded by Alderman Moon to approve the ordinance, on question being ORDINANCE put, Aldermen Inman, Dorsett, Lobdell, Senn, Moon, Vick, Lavin, Gilbert, being all Aldermen present NO. 07- 33 voting “Aye” on roll call, and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Pro Tem Lobdell declared the motion carried and

it became Ordinance No. 07- 33.

AUTHORIZED Alderman Inman moved, seconded by Alderman Gilbert to authorize the hiring of four new policemen HIRING FOUR for the Macomb Police Department, on question being put, Aldermen Dorsett, Lobdell, Senn, Moon, NEW POLICEMEN Vick, Lavin, Gilbert, Inman, being all Aldermen present voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes,

Mayor Pro Tem Lobdell declared the motion carried.

City Council Minutes

August 20, 2007

Page 2

APPROVED Alderman Dorsett moved, seconded by Alderman Inman to approve the Collective Bargaining COLLECTIVE Agreement with the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge # 189, on question being put, Aldermen Lobdell, BARGAINING Senn, Moon, Vick, Lavin, Gilbert, Inman, Dorsett, being all Aldermen present voting “Aye” on roll call AGREEMENT and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Pro Tem Lobdell declared the motion carried.


Legal Counsel Wilhelm gave first reading to the following ordinance:

An ordinance to increase the City of Macomb’s telecommunication tax.

AUTHORIZED Alderman Dorsett moved, seconded by Alderman Lavin to authorize a one step salary increase for ONE STEP Jose Medina bringing his salary to $38,189.99 and a one step salary increase for Tim Howe bringing INCREASE FOR his salary to $39,250.00, on question being put, Aldermen Senn, Moon, Vick, Lavin, Gilbert, Inman, JOSE MEDINA Dorsett, Lobdell, being all Aldermen present voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Pro

AND TIM HOWE Tem Lobdell declared the motion carried.

DAVE THOMPSON Alderman Inman moved, seconded by Alderman Senn to concur with the appointment of Dave APPOINTED TO Thompson to the Enterprise Zone Board , all Aldermen voted “Aye” and Mayor Pro Tem Lobdell

ENTERPRISE ZONE declared the motion carried.


RICH WALLEN Aldermen Dorsett moved, seconded by Alderman Moon to concur with the appointment of Rich APPOINTED TO Wallen to the Zoning Board of Appeals, all Aldermen voted “Aye” and Mayor Pro Tem Lobdell ZONING BOARD declared the motion carried.


MOON & LAVIN Alderman Senn moved, seconded by Alderman Dorsett to concur with the appointment of Dennis APPOINTED TO Moon and Ed Lavin to the Pavement Program Subcommittee, all Aldermen voted “Aye”

PAVEMENT and Mayor Pro Tem Lobdell declared the motion carried.



EXECUTIVE Alderman Dorsett moved, seconded by Alderman Inman to adjourn into executive session for the SESSION purpose of a)Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of an

employee of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, pursuant to Sec. 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act, and b) Collective bargaining matters between the public body and it’s employees or representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees, pursuant to Sec. 2(c)(2) of the Open Meetings Act, and c) pending or probable litigation, pursuant to Sec. 2(c)(11) of the Open Meetings Act, on question being put, Aldermen Moon, Vick, Lavin, Gilbert, Inman, Dorsett, Lobdell, Senn, being all Aldermen present voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Pro Tem Lobdell declared the motion carried and they adjourned into closed session at 7:20 p.m.

OPEN Alderman Senn moved, seconded by Alderman Moon to adjourn back into open session, all

SESSION Aldermen voted “Aye” and Mayor Pro Tem Lobdell declared the motion carried and they adjourned back into open session at 7:47 p.m.

COUNCIL There being no further business to come before the Council, Alderman Dorsett moved, seconded

ADJOURNMENT by Alderman Vick to adjourn, all Aldermen voted “Aye” and Mayor Pro Tem Lobdell declared the

motion carried and they adjourned at 7:47 p.m.


City Clerk