This survey is part of a research activity being conducted by graduate students from The University of Maryland on behalf of the Wheaton Sustainability Subcommittee. Please take a moment to answer a few short questions.

1. During the past year, how often, on average, have you dined out (or purchased carryout)?

(check one)

____ 6 or more times per week

____ 4-5 times per week

____ 2-3 times per week

____ 1 time or less per week

2. If you have dined (or carried) out during the past year, how often did you go to the restaurants in Wheaton Triangle (the area bound by Veirs Mill Rd, University Blvd and Georgia Ave)? (check one)

____ Always ____ Often ____ Occasionally ____ Never ____ N/A

3. If you have been to one or more of the restaurants in Wheaton Triangle during the past year, what would you say was the BEST part (in general) about them?

(check all that apply)

____ Quality of Food

____ Quality of Service

____ Location/Convenience

____ Price

____ Atmosphere

____ Variety

____ Environmental practices

____ Other ______

____ N/A

4. If you have been to one or more of the restaurants in Wheaton Triangle during the past year, what would you say was the WORST part (in general) about them?

(check all that apply)

____ Quality of Food

____ Quality of Service

____ Location/ Convenience

____ Price

____ Atmosphere

____ Variety

____ Environmental practices

____ Other: ______

____ N/A

5. If some of the restaurants in Wheaton Triangle adopted “green” business practices (such as energy and water conservation, recycling, buying local produce) would you:

(check all that apply)

____ Be more likely to patronize those “green restaurants”

____ Be willing to try a new restaurant because it is “green”

____ Be willing to spend 10%-20% extra on your meal to support a “green restaurant”

____ Not care

____ Other ______

____ N/A


6. What, in your opinion, are the 3 most important issues in the overall effort to “green” the central business district area of Wheaton? (check 3)

____ Stormwater Management

____ Waste Disposal/ Recycling

____ Water Conservation

____ Energy Conservation

____ The need to use “green” business practices

____ Air Pollution

____ Water pollution

____ Lack of trees/ green space

____ Other:______

7. How much do you care about environmental issues: (check one)

____ A lot ____ Somewhat ____ Not at all

8. If you do care about environmental issues, to what degree do you use green/ environmentally friendly practices at home? (ie recycling, conserving water and energy, composting) check one

____ A lot ____ Sometimes ____ Never

The Following Questions are for classification purposes only and will be kept entirely confidential.

9. To ensure it is recorded accurately, could you please state your gender?

____ Male ____ Female

10. What is your age as of your last birthday?

____ Under Age 18 ____ 18-24 ____ 25-45 ____ 46-64 ____ 65+

11. What is your race?

____ White or Caucasian (non-Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish)

____ Black or African American

____ Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish

____ Asian

____ Other (Specify)______

____ Refuse

12. Please complete this sentence by using the choices below. I ______in/to Wheaton. (Select all that apply)

____ Live ____ Work ____ Own a business ____ Shop/Eat/Go out/Entertain ____ Never go

13. What is your home zip code?______

14. Would you be willing to be part of a focus group or sit down for an in depth interview about sustainability issues in Wheaton? If so, please give us your contact information:




Thank you for your time!