James Bowie High School National Honor Society

Application for Consideration for Membership

Directions: Please complete all sections. Do not be modest. Every bit of information will be used by faculty council members to assist with the selection process.

Completion of this form does NOT guarantee selection. TYPE OR USE BLACK INK ONLY!

When this application is complete, please print it front-to-back on ONE sheet of paper.

I.Administrative Information

Name: Grade:

Please attach a copy of your schedule with room numbers and teacher’s names so we can find you to notify you of your status or to contact you if questions arise.

II.Co-curricular Activities: List all activities in which you have participated in high school. Include clubs, teams, musical groups, etc., and major accomplishments.

Activity or Organization / 9th / 10th / 11th / 12th / Accomplishments / Leadership Positions

III. Recognition and Awards: List below any honors, awards, or recognitions that you have received which support your bid to be selected for membership.

Recognition/Award / 9th / 10th / 11th / 12th

IV. Service Activities: List below any service project(s) or activities where you have volunteered and cite the number of hours of service given by you. Ask your sponsor, coach, or teacher to sign this form for verification. CERTIFICATES or LETTERS SHOULD BE ATTACHED FROM ADULT SUPERVISOR FOR NON-BOWIE COMMUNITY SERVICE. This total of 8 hours must have been completed within the past calendar year.

Name of activity for which service hours were completed / Number of hours / Signature of (adult) sponsor of activity

V. Write a paragraph describing yourself as a candidate for induction into the Bowie NHS. Consider the fact that scholastic achievement is only one of four criteria used for selection; the other three are character, service, and leadership. Use this space only.

VI.List seven DIFFERENTteachers/sponsors who currentlywork at Bowie (you need not be in his/her class at this time) to whom we should provide rating sheets. They may be teachers whom you currently do not have for a class but know you well. At least one teacher from each of the following areas must be included: English, mathematics, science, social studies, electives, and club/activity sponsor. PLEASE GIVE A FIRST NAME OR INITIAL FOR ALL TEACHERS, and please do not choose ACC teachers.

1. English

2. Mathematics

3. Science

4. Social Studies

5. Elective

6. Other

(Any subject area. This may be the same area as one of the teachers above but not the same person!)

7. Sponsor/Coach/Director

(Scholars does not apply) (Do NOT list someone you have already listed above)

VII. If selected, I wish to acknowledge

as my teacher mentor (the teacher that has most influenced me). This person MUST be a current Bowie staff member.