Sustain Arvada Committee

Meeting Minutes

March 13, 2013 6:00 - 8:30 pm

City Hall Council Conference Room (3rd Floor)

1.  Call to Order / Roll Call / Dinner

2.  New Members were introduced- Tara Kent and Ken Anderson

-  Present: Jessica Prosser, Doug Magee, Kevon Storie, Allen Best, Chuck Clark, Natalia Ekberg, Jackie Raehl, Christopher Rose, Kevin Donovan, Nancy Ford

-  Absent: Roy Caldwell, Al Grasso,

3.  Approval of January 9 and February 13, 2013 minutes

-  Meeting minutes were approved as amended

4.  Review Meeting Agenda

Additional Items: Mennonite church brainstorming, Presentations at future meetings

5.  Public Comment (on items not on the agenda)

-  No public present

6.  Report from Staff / City Council Liaisons

-  Upcoming events / activities, City Council meetings, tours, ResourceSmart program, water conservation programs

  1. Arvada will be recognized by COSEIA as a Solar-Friendly Community at the bronze level at the State of the City on April 19, 2013.
  2. City Council Meeting April 22nd 6pm in Council Chambers, workshop. ASAC work plan accomplishments and updates will be presented to the councilmembers (20-30 minutes). Please be present if possible. Updates and next year’s goals will be included.
  3. NREL parking garage tour March 28th:
  4. Urban Conversion series including a feature about Rose Roots Community Garden and “kitchen gardens” at Colorado Environmental Film Fest. The film will be airing later this Spring on Rocky Mountain PBS.

-  Discuss “Healthy Places” panel visit and Urban Land Institute community interviews. The result of that panel including recommendations will be presented next Friday to City Council March 22nd at 8am. We may apply for one million dollar grant for infrastructure and travel demand management, and other various items.

-  Discuss Jessica’s upcoming leave. Jessica plans to be here through April, there is an intern hired to help with committee coordination during her absence. Robert Wallace will be present at our next meeting. He will be assigned with managing a few programs as well as this Committee and will be the point person for our community events. He is completing a Master’s Degree in Sustainability Management.

-  Discussion occurred about the future of the Mennonite Church located at 58th Ave and Miller Street. Nancy and Jackie have volunteered to meet with City Council to follow up on project.

7.  Unfinished Business

-  Volunteer sign-up sheet routed for other Arvada Festival involvement by ASAC – Kite Festival, Trails Day

-  Discussion of ASAC actions accomplished during the past year to be described in annual report and presentation to City Council

-  Update on Sustain Arvada Festival planning, including registered exhibitors, event logistics, etc.

  1. Subcommittees / teams needed to run event- Committee- there are several groups involved in working on the logistics for this event. Chuck will be responsible for greeting for presenters (20x30 tent for presentations during the festival). Vendors will be grouped around different topics, numbers of vendors for each topic as of 3/13/13 are:
  2. Transportation category of event 7(Nissan Leaf, Chevy Volt, Toyota ), Bike shops,
  3. Agriculture- 9
  4. Food vendors- 3
  5. Energy- 10
  6. Comm. Vitality- 4
  7. Waste 6
  8. Ed/outreach 9
  9. Exhibitors have until April 11th to sign up for participation
  10. 6pm, March 20th- next meeting for the Sustain Arvada Festival planning
  11. Please send ideas for more Food Vendor ideas to Chuck
  12. ASAC members needed to volunteer especially the day before for set-up in the evening, and during event itself.

8.  New Business

-  How does the committee want to talk about ourselves with others – Sustain Arvada or the Arvada Sustainability Advisory Committee? We will describe ourselves as part of the Sustain Arvada Committee. The Sustain Arvada logo and phrase are recognizable and consistent throughout our outreach.

9.  Reports from Committee Members

We might consider making recommendations or letters of support for some legislation to City Council- to stay ahead of some certain topics that can affect the community. For fall retreat, we might re-visit this idea for advisement.

Potential Speakers- ARC-recycling/waste diversion, Colorado Recycling Coalition, waste experts or hauler to speak to the market of waste hauling, solar gardens/community solar gardens (maybe Rec Solar, Community Energy Collaborative- they are doing 2 gardens in Arvada- Candelas and S. of Hwy 72)

10.  Agenda Items for Next Meeting

11.  Adjournment

Respectfully submitted: Jackie Raehl