1. Know the symbols for the 5 types of radiation (reference the table in your notes)
  1. Nuclear Chemistry:
  2. Who was the first to observe radioactivity?

a)Marie Curie




  1. An unstable atoms will undergo ______to become more ______.
  2. Compared to the energy liberated per gram during a typical chemical reaction, the amount of energy liberated per gram during the decay of a radioisotope is (greater or less)?
  1. Half-life
  2. What is half life?
  3. The half-life of a sample of a radioactive isotope is the time required for half of it to ______? a) decay b) undergo fission c) become stable
  4. Why is it beneficial that different substances have different half lives?
  1. Fission
  2. What is fission?
  3. A continuous series of fission reactions is called a ______reaction.
  4. What are the key “things” that keep fission going?
  5. Which element was used in the atomic bomb named “Little Boy?”
  6. What is “Critical mass?”
  7. Why did scientists begin creation of the atomic bomb in the first place?
  1. Nuclear reactors
  2. What is the purpose of a nuclear reactor? (What does it do?)
  3. What do the control rods do? How do they do the “controlling?”
  4. What do you do with the control rods if you want to increase fission?
  5. What do you do with the control rods if you want to decrease fission?
  1. Chernobyl
  2. Why did people die right away after Chernobyl exploded?
  3. How did radiation reach 20 other countries?
  4. What is the device used to measure the total amount of radiation a person has received? ______
  1. Fusion
  2. What is fusion?
  3. Where does fusion commonly take place?
  1. Write balanced nuclear equations for the following reactions:
  2. Radium-223 undergoes alpha decay
  3. Carbon-14 undergoes beta decay
  4. What particle is needed to complete this nuclear reaction?____
  1. The half-life of cesium-137 is 30.2 years. If the initial mass of a sample of cesium-137 is 1.00 kg, how much will remain after 151 years?
  1. The half-life of radon-222 is four days. After how many days is the amount of radon-222 one-sixteenth of its original amount?