1. What is the significance of Jamestown, Virginia?

a.  First permanent settlement in the New World

  1. When was Jamestown founded?

a.  1607

  1. What was the significance of the Virginia House of Burgesses?

a.  1st REPRESENTATIVE government

  1. Which colonly was founded by Roger Williams for the purpose of religious freedom?

a.  Rhode Island

  1. What colony was founded as a refuge for Catholics?

a.  Maryland

  1. Why did the Colonists resent the Britishregulations sucha s the Tea Act, Stamp Act & the Intolerable Acts?

a.  They were not given the same rights as British citizens living in England

  1. Why was the Battle of Saratoga considered the turning point of the war?

a.  The colonists began to win and it convinced France to support American Independence

  1. Why did colonists dislike the Proclamation of 1763?

a.  It stopped Westward Expansion and said that colonists could not settle West of the Appalachian Mountains

  1. Who was the author of the Decleration of Independence?

a.  Thomas Jefferson

  1. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?

a.  1776

  1. Why did the French & British clash in the Ohio River Valley?

a.  For control of land

  1. The above conflict became known as the
  2. French & Indian War
  3. Which battle of the American Revolution was fought to capture colonial supply of weapons and gun powder?

a.  Lexington & Concord

  1. Who was the American Naval Commander who raided the English coast adn captured British warships?

a.  John Paul Jones

  1. Who was the ruler of Great Britian during the American Revolution?

a.  King George III

  1. What ended the American Revolution?

a.  Treaty of Paris of 1783

  1. List the provisions of the above treaty.

a.  British must leave the Ohio River Valley, The Great lakes became the Northern border

b.  England recognized America as independent, The Mississippi became the Western boundary

  1. Compare & contrast the New England, Southern, & Middle Colonies.
  2. New England – ship building, fishing, subsistence farming
  3. Middle – cash crops, breadbasket colonies
  4. Southern – plantations, slavery
  5. Put the following events in order (French & Indian War, Columbus Arrives, Mayflower Compact, the American Revolution, Jamestown founded)

a.  Columbus, Jamestown, Mayflower Compact, French & Indian War, The Revolution

  1. Why did Great Britian pass the Quartering Act?

a.  To save money

  1. What was the original purpose for European colonization?

a.  Religious Freedom

  1. What roles did Benjamin Franklin play in American History?

a.  Inventor, Diplomat, author

  1. Who organized the Sons of Liberty?

a.  Samuel Adams

  1. Why were the Sons of Liberty organized?

a.  To protest the Tea Act

  1. In which colonial region did African Americans have a great impact on the economy?

a.  Southern Colonies

  1. Why was the primary goal of European countries during the Exploration Era?

a.  Gold, God, & Glory

  1. What is the significance of the Battle of Saratoga?

a.  Turning point of the American Revolution

  1. Why was the colony of Georgia founded?

a.  A refuge for debtors

  1. What is the significance of the Battle of Yorktown?

a.  Last battle of the American Revolution

  1. Who was selected to lead the Continental Army during the American Revolution?

a.  George Washington

  1. What were the terms of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?

a.  Outlined the steps to become a state & devised a method to govern new territory

  1. What country agreed to help the United States during the Revolution?

a.  France

  1. Who convinced the French to help the U.S.?

a.  Benjamin Franklin

  1. Who was considered a loyalist during the American Revolution?

a.  Someone who supported the authority of the king over the colonies

  1. Who was the opposite of a loyalist?

a.  patriot

  1. What is the significance of the year 1776?

a.  The Decleration of Independence was signed

  1. List the causes of the American Revolution.

a.  French & Indian War, Stamp Act, Boston Tea Party

  1. Where was the Treaty of Paris of 1783 signed?

a.  Paris, France

  1. The Ohio River Valley exchanged hands several time. Write the order of territorial acqusition of this land.
  2. List the people of different ethinc backgrounds that helped the United States in their struggle for freedom.

a.  Marquis de Lafayette – French Bernardo de Galvez – Spanish

b.  Pocahontas – Native American Squanto – Native American

41.  Put the following in the correct sequence from earliest to latest. (Bunker Hill, Washington takes command, bnattles of Lexington & Concord, Minutemen formed)

  1. In the 1770’s, why did the colonists dislike British policies?

a.  No representation in parliment and the policies were oppressive

  1. Why did England’s rulers want to establish colonies in the New World?

a.  Gold, God, Glory

  1. Why did Great Britain believe that its colonies should pay higher taxer?

a.  Britain had to keep up an army in the colonies to defed against the French, Spanish, & Native Americans

  1. Who fought for freedom of the press?
  2. Who wrote Common Sense?

a.  Thomas Paine

  1. What was the significance of Common Sense?

a.  To convince the colonists that their war was necessary

  1. What were the Patriot advantages during the American Revolution?

a.  Knew the land, motivation, Better leadership (George Wahsington), Foreign Aid

  1. What were the British advantages during the American Revolution?

a.  World’s best army, more money & supplies

  1. Ralph Waldo Emerson stated in a poem, “ and fired the shot heard round the world.” What did he mean by this statement?

a.  Describing the battles of Lexington & Concord

  1. List the 3 major battles of the American Revolution.

a.  Lexington & Concord, Saratoga, Yorktown

  1. What were the results of the French & Indian War? What treaty ended this war? Treaty of Paris of 1763
  2. Control of Canada went from France to Britian

b.  Colonists could not settle West of the Appalachian Mountains

  1. Colonists hoped to move onto lands West of the Mississippi River
  2. Be able to lable a map with the following: 13 colonies, Appalachian Mountains, Mississippi River, Great Lakes, Ohio River, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico
  3. What are natural resources?
  4. Plantations would be found in the Southern region
  5. Wheat would be grown Middle Colonies
  6. In which colony would you find a high percentage of immigrants?

a.  in New England

  1. What happened to the Native Americans as a result of European immigration?

a.  Their land was taken

  1. What was the Great Awakening?

a.  Religious Movement

  1. How did the Great Awakening change colonial society?
  2. List 3 Native American contributions to modern American society.
  3. The influence of this culture group can be found in the missions that are found in the American Southewest.

a.  Spanish

  1. Describe the economy of the Middle Atalantic Colonies.

a.  Breadbasket colonies, food cash crops, indentured servants

  1. Describe the economy of the New England and Southern colonies.
  2. New England – fishing, ship building
  3. Southern – grew product cash crops, plantations, slavery
  4. What is mercantilism?

a.  Control of the colonies economy to increase England’s power & wealth

  1. Why did Britian not want to the American colonies to manufactuer goods?

a.  So they would be forced to buy English goods

  1. What document established the first form of self-government? (people governing themselves)

a.  Mayflower Compact

  1. What is a representative government

a.  People elect others to represent them in a decision making process

  1. Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights influenced the idea of limited government in the colonies.
  2. The Declaration of Independence established the idea that people have rights that cannot be taken away.
  3. What are unalienable rights?

a.  Life , Liberty & the pursuit of happiness

  1. List the powers that the government had under the Articles of Confederation.

a.  Make treaties, declare war, make peace, print money

  1. What was one success of the Confederation Government ?

a.  Northwest Ordinance

  1. What was the first written constitution in the American colonies?

a.  Articles of Confederation

  1. What were the strengths of the Articles of Confederation?

a.  Northwest Ordinance & States Rights

  1. What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?
  2. No Executive Branch, No levying of taxes, No National Court System, Could not enforce laws
  3. What is the significance of the Mayflower Compact?

a.  1st form of self government in the colonies

  1. What ideal greatly influenced the writers of the Articles of Confederation?
  2. What contributed to the growth of principles such as government under the laws and by the consent of the governed?

a.  English Bill of Rights & Magna Carta

  1. Which document originally have English Citizens legal rights?

a.  Magna Carta

  1. According to the Declaration of Independence, the purpose of government is to protect individual rights
  2. When was the Constitution written?

a.  1787

  1. What are the three branches of the government and their duties?

a.  Executive – executes, carry out the laws

b.  Legislative – writes the laws

c.  Judicial - interperates the laws

  1. Name the leader of each branch of government:

a.  Executive – President of the United States

b.  Legislative – Speaker of the House & President of the Senate

c.  Judicial – Cheif Justice of the Supreme Court

  1. Who were the Anti-Federalists and what did they want added to the Constitution?

a.  Wanted states rights and a Bill of Rights

  1. The first 10 amendmetns to the Costitution are called the Bill of Rights. Their purpose is to protect individual rights.
  2. List the seven principles of the Constitution:

a.  Federalism, Individual Rights, Popular Sovereignty, Seperation fo Powers, Checks & Balances, Limited Government, Republicanism

  1. The idea that each branch of government will monitor the other branches to prevent abuses of the government’s power is Checks and Balances
  2. The idea that everyone, even our leaders, mustobey the laws is Limited Government
  3. The division of power between the national and state government is federalism.
  4. What rights are protected by the Bill of Rights?

a.  Individual Rights! Speech, Press, religion, Petition, assembly, Fair trial, attorney,....

  1. The division of power in our national government into 3 branches is seperation of powers
  2. Why does Congress have the power to impeach the President?

a.  To protect the counrty from a president who acted unlawfully

  1. Which branch approves appointments to the Juidcial Branch?

a.  Legislative

  1. The idea that people exercise their power in government by electing our leaders is Republicnaism
  2. Who is known as the father of the Constitution?

a.  James Masdison

  1. These were essay written to explaint eh Constitution and to convince people to ratify it:

a.  The Federalist Papers

  1. Compare and contrast Shay’s rebellion & the Whisky Rebellion.
  2. This plan created three branches of government with representation based on the population fo the state. It was preferred by the large states.

a.  Virginia Plan

  1. This plan had equal representaton in each state and was favored by the small states

a.  New Jersey Plan

  1. This settled the debate over how slaves should be counted for purposes of representation and taxation.

a.  3/5 compromise

102.  This compromise created our national government, a combination of the Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan

a.  Great Compromise

  1. What are examples of civic responsibility (or civic virtue)
  2. What is the purpose of the supremacy clause in the Constitution?

a.  To make the U.S. the most powerful and federal law always applies OVER state law

  1. Give examples of primary source documents

a.  diary

  1. Give examples of a secondary source document
  2. Students must be able to read and interpret information from timelines, maps, charts, excerpts, graphic organizers, venn diagrams, etc...