UNITAR 2008-2009 Climate Neutral Policy and Strategy

1 December 2008

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is committed to measure and continuously reduce and offset the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) associated with its operations at Headquarters, outposted offices and training activities in the field. This commitment is consistent with, and implements the decision of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon and of the Chief Executives Board (CEB) to move the UN System towards climate neutrality. The Institute recognises and appreciates the support of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Environmental Management Group (EMG) in providing support to UN agencies towards reaching this important goal and in facilitating exchange of experiences of best practises.

UNITAR’s 2008-2009 first generation Climate Neutral Policy and Strategy is an initial step to put its commitment for climate neutral operations into action. It includes the following elements, commitments and action items:

Inventory of GHG emissions

  1. For its 2008 GHG emissions, the Institute will develop, and make publicly available in January 2009, its first annual GHG Emission Inventory. The 2008 Inventory is an initial inventory and covers (1) emissions related to UNITAR staff travel, and (2) emissions associated with the use of office space at the UNITAR Headquarters in Geneva.
  1. The 2008 Inventory assumes economy class air travel in its emissions calculations. All future annual inventories will take into account emission factors associated with various classes of air travel.
  1. In 2009, the Inventory will be expanded to also include GHG emissions from UNITAR representational offices, as well as emissions associated with travel of participants to UNITAR training courses.

Reduction of GHG emissions

  1. UNITAR pledges to reconcile the growing demand for its training services with a commitment to continuously reduce the carbon footprint of its operations.
  1. Starting in 2009, the Institute will establish a tracking and monitoring system that allows calculating emissions of GHGs per person trained and units of training delivered.
  1. The Institute will pursue a goal of reducing GHG emissions per person trained and unit of training delivered. The envisioned reduction goal of the Institute’s carbon footprint per unit of training delivered is 50 % by 2012, using 2008 data as a baseline.
  1. The goal of continuously reducing GHG emissions will, for example, be achieved by:
  2. Systematically increasing the ratio of e-learning courses vis-à-vis face-to-face learning
  1. Strengthening networks of regional training institutions to reduce travel distances to workshop sites
  2. Limiting, whenever possible, the number of UNITAR representatives in international meetings and training workshops
  3. Introducing modern video-conferencing facilities
  4. Encouraging UNITAR staff to engage in daily energy saving measures, such as turning off lights, taking public transport, etc.
  1. All remaining emissions will be compensated with an increasingly robust carbon offsetting programme.

Offsetting of emissions

  1. In 2008, UNITAR will offset 100 % of all emissions included in the 2008 GHG Inventory (i.e. staff travel and Headquarters office emissions).
  1. From January 2009 on, new project documents and budget proposals will not be approved by the Executive Director, unless they include a climate neutral component.
  1. For 2009, the Institute has set the goal of offsetting:
  1. 100 % of the GHG emissions from all its office locations
  2. 100 % of emissions originating from staff travel
  3. 50 % of emissions from travel of workshop participants and trainees.
  1. By 2010, the Institute plans to offset 100% of the emission originating from participants travel.
  1. Consistent with the 2008 CEB decision, all emissions will be offsetthrough the Clean Development Mechanism.

Other measures

  1. UNITAR has introduced revised procurement procedures based on the UN procurement manual, UN rules and regulations, revised delegation of authority and taking into the account the importance of sustainable and green procurement.
  1. UNITAR’s green policy moves the Institute in the direction of increasingly identifyingand using products and services that are suitable for greening and includes aspects such as eco-labels, renewable electricity, radiation, noise, pollution, recycling, waste reduction, and green versions of products. Furthermore, the Institute is looking at the optimization of the life-cycle costs and quality needed to meet the user requirements, while taking into consideration potential risk factors and resources available.
  1. To achieve these goals, the Institute is engaging with green procurement networks in order to share knowledge and best practices, and is working closely with the Issue Management Group on Sustainable Procurement managed by UNEP.