Unit Theme: 1.5 Let’s Celebrate Week: # 3

Teacher: Subject: English Grade: 1st Date: From _______to ______20____

Desired Results /
Enduring Understanding
Example: The student will understand that ...
EU1. Reading and writing helps us understand our own stories, the stories of others, and the world around us.
EU2. Celebrations show our pride in our culture.
EU3. Through music and art from Puerto Rico, we share some of our culture with the world.
EU4. Singing and music is a way to share our feelings and help others share theirs. /
Assessment Evidence /
Summative Evaluation (Special Works, unit projects, exams, etc.)
Learning Plan /
Suggested Learning Activities: /
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Standards / Language, Reading Foundational Skills / Reading Foundational Skills / Reading, Reading Foundational Skills / Listening, Reading Foundational Skills / Listening, Reading Foundational Skills
Expectations / 1.LA.4c; 1.R.FS.11; 1.R.FS.11a / 1.R.FS.11d; 1.R.FS.12b;1.R.FS.12c / 1.R.10; 1.R.FS.12 / 1.L.1F; 1.R.FS.11d; 1.R.FS.12a / 1.L.1F; 1.R.FS.11d; 1.R.FS12a
Academic Strategy
Instructional Strategy and Phase
Objective / After listening to nursery rhymes on sound syllables and spoken words, the student uses basic phonemic patterns to decode correctly. / At the end of the lesson, the student does word sorts based on patterns and creates word wheels from CVC,CVVC and CVCe patterns with accuracy. / Throughout reading printed mini books from the word families, the student applies phonics and word analysis skills accurately. / After playing the game, “Create a Word”, the student identifies sounds, pronounces and decode with accuracy. / After playing the game “Go Fish”, the student decodes regularly spelled one syllable word accurately.
Depth of Knowledge (DOK) / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking
Initial Activities / Routine activities. Teacher will introduce the topic and will use nursery rhymes to let student recognize sound symbols that will help him/her in the use of word families CVC,CVVC and CVCe patterns. / Routine activities. The teacher will tell the student that he/she will be working with an activity that will help him know the final –e sound, long and short vowel sound, and pronounce initial, middle vowel and final sounds. / Routine activities. Teacher tell the student that today he/she will be reading a mini book to a friend in the classroom., that they will play a game. (peer work)The student will be like the teacher reading to a friend, and then they switch turns. / Routine Activities. The teacher tell the student that today they will play a game where he/she will be able to discriminate and identify sounds, and then he/she will pronounce words correctly. / Routine activities. The teacher will tell the student that the activity of the day has to do with CVC words only. She/he will explain that they will play a game with words containing only one syllable.
Development Activities / The teacher reinforces other word families through finding examples of words with these patterns from read alouds. This will help her/him create an authentic list of words that the student references rather than “nonsense” words. The teacher creates picture cards from vocabulary words and the student matches the picture on the word wall. / Teacher gives instructions on how the student will do word sorts on pattern and will help him/her create word wheels from CVC, CVVC and CVCe words found in read alouds or from “Rhyme a Week” - http://www.education.com/activity/article/
Paper Phonis Wheel First/
phonics-word-wheels.html / The teacher assigns or let student choose mini-books from the word families that have been studied. These books provide vocabulary for the student to create word family books, word family wheels, etc. The teacher will walk around while each pair of students is reading to each other, listening to student’s pronunciation on patterns, making corrections if necessary and sharing with students. / The teacher invites word play to manipulate and pronounce words with CVC, CVVC, and CVCe patterns by playing “Create a Word”with rolling dice with letters and pronounce the word: (The teacher uses the link provided in the unit lesson plan to prepare this activity ahead of time) / Explain the rules of the game.The student does word sorts with CVC cards, plays “go fish”and will also play matching games with word cards that have CVC pattern. Teacher will provide different patterns so that the student will choose the correct ones, and match them with definitions or with others having the same patterns. Student pronounces the words and give definition if possible. (Teacher can use the link recommended to prepare this activity in the unit plan)
Closing Activities / Summarize the class. Revise and review all the words mentioned during the day. Make student pronounce them correctly and know the definition if possible. / Summary of the class and discussion of the activities realized during the day. Review and revise student’s work before he/she leaves the classroom. / At the end of the activity, the teacher can ask the student about the experience of reading to a friend. Summarize the class and review some words with the patterns already studied. / Summarize the class. Student can write a sentence on his/her notebook about the experience of the day. “I like the class because______.
“I did not like the class because______.
“I will like to______. / Summarize the class and make student write in his/her journal about the experience of the day.(One or two sentences will be enough)
Formative Assessment – Other evidence
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education
___ Section 504
___ Gifted
Teacher’s Reflection