Mi Ciudad Imaginaria- My Imaginary City

Task:Create an imaginary city map using your artistic abilities on 8.5x11 blank paper. Your imaginary city will be displayed for others to see. It can be in any format you want so be creative and original!

Map Requirements:

___ 100% in Spanish (aside from proper nouns- IE JoyeríaBotts)

___8 city buildings (ZapateríaFabulosa, Carnicería St. Hillaire) *notice that proper nouns and adjectives are placed after the building name, unlike in English

___3: 1 avenue (Avenida de Los Locos), 1 street (CalleCuatro) and 1 road (CaminoFruta Fresca) *notice that nouns and adjectives are placed after street name

___1: either a plaza, beach or a park

___1: either a bus station/train/subwaystation (una estación de autobuses/de trenes/de metro) OR anairport (un aeropuerto)

___8-10 sentences saying: where your city is, what features you have, your buildings descriptions, description (fun, exotic etc.), the building you have, what people do in different locations

Extra vocabulary – next to (al lado de), close to (cerca de), far from (lejos de), in front of (enfrente de)

These layouts will be graded on content and neatness so do your best.


4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Task Completion / Superior completion of the task; content appropriate; ideas well developed and well organized / Completion of the task; content appropriate; ideas adequately developed / Partial completion of the task; content mostly appropriate; ideas undeveloped / Minimal completion of the task and/or content frequently inappropriate
Written Comprehensibility / Text readily comprehensible, requiring no interpretation on the part of the reader / Text comprehensible, requiring minimal interpretation on the part of the reader / Text mostly comprehensible, requiring interpretation on the part of the reader. / Text barely comprehensible.
Level of discourse / Variety of complete sentences and of cohesive devices / Emerging variety of complete sentences and some cohesive devices / Predominant use of complete yet repetitive sentences; no or almost no cohesive devices. / Attempted use of complete sentences; no or almost no cohesive devices
Vocabulary / Rich use of vocabulary / Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary / Somewhat inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary / Inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary
Mechanics / Few of no errors in spelling, use of diacritical marks, punctuation, and/or capitalization. / Mostly accurate spelling, use of diacritical marks, punctuation, and / or capitalization / Somewhat inaccurate spelling, use of diacritical marks, punctuation, and/or capitalization / Inaccurate spelling, use of diacritical marks, punctuation, and/or capitalization
Appearance / Well-designed, colorful very neat / nice-design, some color, generally neat / some problems with designs, little color, sloppy in places / major problems with design, no or almost no color, overall sloppy appearance

Rough Draft Sample