The ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar has devoted considerable attention to international issues affecting legal education and bar admissions. This focus reflects the globalization of the practice of law and the impact which international developments have had on legal education and the practice of law in the United States.
The Section’s accreditation process and the Standards and Rules of Procedure for Approval of Law Schools are recognized as the “gold standard” for legal education throughout the world. It is therefore not surprising that some law schools located outside the United States, who have modeled their educational programs on the American system of legal education, may be interested in seeking approval by the ABA Section pursuant to its Standards. The consideration of applications from law schools seeking approval under the ABA Standards present policy issues which may be unique to law schools not physically located within our country and its territories. Such issues may include, but are certainly not limited to, historical, cultural, demographic, linguistic and financial factors.
To ensure that the Section Council has carefully considered policy issues that may arise from the approval of law schools located outside the United States and its territories, the Chair of the Section, Jerome Hafter, has appointed a Special Committee to consider policy issues arising from the Section’s acceptance of applications from such law schools. The purpose of this Committee is to study and report to the Council on policy implications from potential approval of such law schools. Obviously, this Committee is not designed to consider any particular law school which has or may apply for approval, but to look generally at the all the issues.
The Committee members are:
Dean Emeritus Mary Kay Kane, University of California Hastings College of Law
Dean Emeritus Dennis Lynch, University of Miami School of Law
Justice Elizabeth Lacy, Supreme Court of Virginia
Chief Justice Randy Shepard, Supreme Court of Indiana
David K. Y. Tang, KL Gates, Seattle
The Council expects to receive a progress report from the Committee at the Council’s next meeting in August 2010.