This Sample Request for Proposal (RFP) has been provided by
U.S. Inspection Group, Inc.
To our current and future clients as a value added benefit.
USIG…..celebrating our 1,000,000 UPCS unit inspection
Corporate Office West Coast Office
848 Livingston Road, Ste 101 PMB 53 3652 Lake Park Road.
Crossville, TN 38555 Fallbrook, CA 92028
Ph: 866/863-8744 Toll Free Ph: 866/644-8101 Toll Free
Fx: 866/573-3280 Toll Free Fx: 866/408-4450 Toll Free
Request for Proposal
UPCS Annual Inspection Services
Scope of Services Performed
Provide the [Housing Authority of XXXXX] Annual Inspections utilizing the HUD required UPCS protocol for [#] units and [#] of developments.
Inspection Service
- All items interior and exterior required to be inspected under a completed UPCS annual inspection.
- Inspections will address all UPCS Inspections Areas, including, (1) Site, (2) Exteriors, (3) Systems, (4) Common Areas, (5) Unit Interiors, and (6) Health and Safety.
- The actual number of units inspected will be based upon the total number of units at a property and will include all units on the property, both occupied and vacant.
- A minimum of the PHAS required 2 attempts to inspect all units.
- The review, with the full cooperation of PHA personnel, of all physical certifications required under PHAS to include: boilers, elevators, fire alarms, lead based paint and sprinkler systems. Verify the existence of these certifications and their suitability under PHAS requirements. Verify the existence of lead based paint disclosure forms through a random sampling of resident files in each development.
Inspection Standard
1. UPCS 100% Physical Annual Inspections of all properties according to the requirements of PHAS.
Issued Reports
1. Health and Safety reports
a. All exigent Health and Safety defects, as defined by REAC, and will be specifically documented to PHA on a daily basis.
2. Detailed deficiency report.
a. This report should include all level 1, 2 and 3 deficiencies for each units, common area, site building system and exterior inspected including comments for location. This report should include all deficiencies location and comment.
3. Unit deficiency review report.
a. A single sheet report for each unit should include all level 1, 2 and 3 deficiencies.
b. This report will be a unit-by-unit report purposed for the file of each resident’s file.
4. Scoring report
a. This report should include an estimated score for each development.
b. This report should also include an overall housing authority score.
5. PHAS Management Operations Certificate report
a. Report the MASS reporting physical inspection information based on the inspection performed.
6. Housekeeping report
a. This report will include housekeeping information based on the criteria provided by the housing authority.
7. Recommended Correction report.
a. This report should include a recommendation for correction to conform to UPCS and a cost estimate on all deficiencies that presented a consistent problem throughout the housing authority.
8. All required documentation for the inspections completed and submitted to PHA will be in a format that is clear, complete and easily understood. It shall be professionally bound and on CD.
Inspector Requirements
- Only qualified, REAC certified, multifamily development inspectors.
- A thorough understanding of the current UPCS procedures, standards and reporting requirements.
- The ability to provide clear and concise documentation on inspections and deficiencies utilizing specialized UPCS reports.
- The ability to work with PHA staff.
- An identification badge must be worn at all times on premises and visible before entering a dwelling unit.
1. Inspections are to start no later than [DATE] and completed by [DATE].
2. Coordination with PHA employees to schedule required inspections, to assure the timely completion of all inspections, and to minimize disturbance of the community residents.
3. All issued reports as stated above are to be received within [#] of working days from completion of all developments.
Notification of Residents
1. Firm to notify residents of inspection dates no less than 72 hours prior to inspection date.
Fee Schedule
1. The cost for services to be submitted on a per unit basis and a total cost for the housing authority. The total cost must be clear and without expense contingencies.
2. An option second and third year cost also to be provided.
Submission Requirements
1. Proposal must be received, in duplicate, by [TIME], [DATE] to:
2. Proof of Liability Insurance. Bid will require [NAME OF PHA] listed as an additional insured.
3. Ten (10) references including (no more or less to be submitted):
- Name of PHA
- Contact person
- Phone number (email optional)
- Number of units
- Date of inspection
Selection Criteria
1. Cost (12 possible of total 25)
2. References (7 possible of total 25)
3. Understanding of UPCS protocol and requirements (3 possible of total 25)
4. Capability to meet required inspection schedule (3 possible of total 25)
Please direct any questions concerning this Request for Proposal to [NAME], [TITLE] at [phone number] or by email at [EMAIL ADDRESS].
Office Use Only - In Comparing Proposal Results
REAC trained and experienced inspectors
Management experienced, REAC certified & certified to train inspectors
Inspected over 1,000,000 units using the UPCS protocol
Reporting Capability
All reports available online to download immediately after the inspection
Reports sent via FedEx in an organized, professional binder (divided for easy use)
All reports compiled on a CD to distribute, re-print or organize to meet your needs
Included Reports
Deficiency Report (location and comment for every defect)
Scoring Report (equivalent to your REAC score to give you an idea of where you stand)
Property Profile Report (overall summary of each property)
Health & Safety Reports (printed report supplied daily)
Recommended Corrective Action Report (useful information on common defects found)
Unit-by-unit Report (ideal for resident’s file and maintenance organization)
Housekeeping Report (added benefit customized to your criteria - reduces resident inconvenience)
MASS Certification report (complete with answers for the physical inspection)
Software allows recording of ALL deficiencies - not only those with higher priority
Software records location and comments for ALL deficiencies
Ability to Provide Services
Quality references within your State
Large inspection staff allows flexibility in meeting your deadline
General Commercial Liability, Workman’s Comp. & Auto Insurance requirements met
Annual Inspections are a company priority without REAC conflicts of interest
All of the above reports included in the cost
Everything included in the per unit price (i.e. sites, common areas, building exteriors &
systems, inspector expenses, travel, per diem and overhead)
Follow Up
Staff available by phone to answer questions about the inspection and reports
Should a REAC appeal be necessary, assistance is available at no charge
Industry Affiliations
Member of NAHRO & eProcurement
Member of Manufacturers and Supplier Council (MSC)