Dear Bernotas Middle School Families,
Hello, and welcome back to Bernotas Middle School! My name is MissHammerstone, I will be your LA and SS teacher. I would like to introduce myself, and let you know a bit about my academic background and teaching philosophies. I graduated with a Bachelors degree in History from Northern Illinois University, and am currently pursuing my Masters in Education from North Park University. I am passionate about Language Arts and History, and enjoy learning new things continuously. Part of what I believe makes an outstanding teacher is the relentless pursuit of knowledge; I endeavor to be a lifelong learner and hope to instill the same within my students.
This year as middle school students, you will be introduced to more responsibilities and new learning experiences. We will work together as a class to succeed as 8th graders. The first few weeks of class we will become familiar with one another and the expectations we have for the classroom. Please take the time to look over and become familiar with the following:
- Your students’ agenda is a great resource, complete with important contact information and calendar days to remember
- Includesthe school’s academic and behavioral guidelines- please take time to go over these
- The agenda will be a fantastic resource in keeping track of their assignments
Classroom Academic Expectations:
I believe that all students are capable of academic success, and will endeavor to see to it that all students both reach and exceed their potential. Some important expectations are:
- Students are engaged constantly with their studies within the classroom and at home- ask your student what they are learning!
- Students are responsible for their completing their work. If absent, it is their responsibility to seek out what they missed.
Grades will be posted online for student and parent access. Assignments and grades will be updated weekly. I will also post homework on the class website, and update as necessary.
Classroom Behavioral Expectations:
Your agenda details the official school policies regarding discipline. I have attached a “Classroom Behavior Expectations” list to this for you to review.I believe that we should seek to pay compliments to exceptional characteristics, such as trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship.
I am confident we can make this year a tremendous success and prepare for high school along the way! I look forward to and appreciate the opportunity to work with each and every one of you. I know there is quite a bit of paperwork coming home this week, so I have included a checklist at the bottom for your convince. Feel free to email me with any questions.
Miss Hammerstone
Paperwork Checklist:
Emergency Cards*
Activity Bus Letter
Aug/Sept Lunch Menus/New Prices
Roar From Thor Newsletter
White Team Info*
“Count Me In!”Volunteer Sign Up Sheet*
Picture Envelopes*
LA/SS Movies Permission Slip*
Please complete items marked with a * and return by Friday, August 29th.