EU-USADays: joint cooperation to enhance business and investment opportunities
5-6 October 2015
Venue:Palazzo Assolombarda, Via Pantano, 9 - 20122 Milano
5th October 2015 - morning session – Room: Auditorium
09:00Registrations and welcome coffee
09:30Welcomeand IntroductoryRemarks
- Chair and introduction: Mr. Giancarlo Caratti Di Lanzacco, Deputy Commissioner, EU Expo Pavillion
- Mr. Fabrizio Spada, Head of the Regional Office of the EU Commission in Milan
- Mr. Stefano Venturi, Board Member of Assolombarda and President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy
09:45Keynote Speeches
- Mr. Fabrizio Grillo, Secretary General of the Italian Pavilionin Expo 2015
- Ms. Kristin Schreiber, Director, Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW), European Commission
- Mr. Robert Peaslee, Consul for Commercial Affairs, American Consulate General in Italy
- Mr. Simone Crolla, Managing Director AmCham Italy
10:20EU-USA Business Dialogues: business opportunities and challenges. Policy tools supporting greater cooperation of SMEs in Europe and on the transatlantic market.
Moderator: Mr.Wojciech Sopinski, Policy Officer, DG GROW, European Commission
- European Commission views: Mr. Giacomo Mattino', Head of Unit, DG GROW, European Commission
- EU views: Mr. Dominic Boucsein, Trade Advisor, International Affairs, Eurochambres
- US views:Ms. Lori Cooper, US Department of Commerce
- US programs available for EU companies: Mr. Andrea Rosa, Senior Commercial Specialist and Select USA Representative in Italy American Consulate General, Milan
11:10Business Success Stories
Introduction and Moderation: Mr. Marco Malacarne, Head of Department, “COSME, H2020 SME and EMFF programmes”, European Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises (EASME)
- Mr. Ruggero Benedini, Managing Director, Progetto Grano - Board Member, Italgrani USA
- Mr. Stefano Callera, Italy Manager Business Unit Power & Water Solutions, Emerson Process Management, USA
- Mr. Erik Sandström, Project manager, IBC Robotics, SME Instrument Ambassador
- Q & A
12:10Conclusions Kristin Schreiber DG GROW, European Commission and Mr. Guido Dominoni, Project Manager, Finlombarda S.p.A.- Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)
12:30 – 13:30 Buffet lunch
5th October 2015 – afternoon – Venue: Palazzo Assolombarda – Room: A, B, Meregalli
13:40 - 19:00Business-to-Business and Cluster-to-Cluster meetings (A and B)
13:30 – 14:00Cluster introduction session(Meregalli)
18:30 – 19:00Cluster debriefing session(Meregalli)
19:00Transferfrom Assolombarda to the cocktail (only one-way)
19:30Cocktail offered by Lombardy Region (Venue: Palazzo Pirelli, 31th floor – Via Fabio Filzi, 22)
6th October 2015 - morning
09:30Visit at Expo 2015 Site, to the EUand Italian Pavilion (Lombardy Region corner) – reserved to a limited number of participants
11.15 Visit to the US Pavilion
6th October 2015 – afternoon
10:00Visit to companies organised by the Parma Business association(tbc)