Postcards from the Edge.
Everlyn is Chatting with other staff as Suzanne approach her.
Everlyn : And he said “ what am I gonna do without you”.
I say, “ I don’t know. Juices,I guess. lots and lots of juices.
Suzanne : Could I talk to you just for a second?
Everlyn: yeah...Come on,honey. It can’t be that bad.
Suzanne : Oh,no,no,,,It’s just ,,It’s about this guy.
Everlyn : Yes,it usually is.
Suzanne : Bobby said you might know him.
Everlyn : I guess I might that .Who?
Suzanne : Jack Falkner.
Everlyn : ( just giggling)
Suzanne : You know him.
Everlyn : Yeah,,you might say that.
Suzanne : You’ve slept with him.
Everlyn : Well, I don’t know how much of a rest I got.
Why? What’s the matter? …..Has he got..?
Suzanne: Oh, no,no,no. Oh,God,I hope not.
Everlyn: God,you scared me for a second.
I thought you were from some celebrity AIDSnotification board or something.
Suzanne: Could I ask you a personal question?
Everlyn : You mean asking me who I sleep with isn’t personal anymore?What do you wanna know,, if I smoke?
Suzanne : When did you see him last?
Everlyn : I don’t know .A coulple of days ago?
Mmmmm,,,,Saturday,Saturday afternoon.
Suzanne : Saturday afternoon.
Everlyn : yeah,why?
Suzanne : I was with him Saturday night. That’s two girls in one day.
Everlyn : Yeah, that’s just the ones we know about.
Imagine what you could pick up about him if you got one of those satellite dishes
Suzanne: How can you laugh? It’s completely disgusting!
Especially this day and age.
Everlyn : Hey, you look like somebody who can take care of herself. Buy some condoms
Don’t feel bad. He probably really likes you.
Hey,he didn’t give you his big Walt Whitman speech, did he? The one about genius?
Suzanne : I don’t think so.
Everlyn: See, that’s a good sign. That’s his standard pickup line.
That and the big Cambodian speech.
And the thing about Catalina.
Suzanne : That’s what I’ve heard.
Everlyn : That’s not bad. One out of three.
You’re obviously getting some new stuff,which means he must like you.
Suzanne : So he goes out with lots of people.
Everlyn : Yeah,sure.That’s his big thing….Women~
So if you can just enjoy yourself with him …like he’s enjoying himself with you….That’s what I do.
I’m in it for the “ endolphin “ rush.
Suzanne : “endorphin “
Everlyn : whatever.