English 120 – Rosichan
Group Oral Presentation on Topics for The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Matthis
Value: 100 points
Length:20 minute presentation including follow-up questions & discussion
Directions:The groups will first research the history of the theme, finding enough relevant facts and information to give an excellent view of the theme, its beginnings, its development, its effects, whether it is still happening, and any action, legal or otherwise, that has happened in opposition to the theme. The next step is establishing a solid connection between the theme and the novel, showing how the author wants it to work in the text, how it affects the audience (and if that is in line with the author’s intent), and who the author’s intended audience might be, and why.
You can use any audiovisual aids (powerpoints, prezzis, videos, graphics, etc.) that you desire in your presentation to make is more effective and appealing.
Methods:Feel free to use the media available in the room or bring in poster board, etc. Don’t let them dominate, however. Reading from notes or from PowerPoint does not demonstrate understanding of the material or even equal participation in the preparation. Instead, use notes and/or PowerPoint to help guide both you and the audience through your presentation.
Grading will be based on the demonstration of the following:
•Preparedness & Participation
•Comprehension of material
•Clarity, relevance, and interest of the presentation
Grading Rubric
A – EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS (90-100 points)
- Material presented is relevant, informative, and engaging.
- Good understanding of the material is demonstrated.
- The presentation is well organized and clearly, thoroughly, and effectively communicated.
- Appropriate media are used effectively, including clear, informative handouts and engaging interactive activities.
- The student participates fully and equally in the presentation.
B – MEETS EXPECTATIONS (80-89.9 points)
- Material presented is informative but may lack detail or relevance.
- Some understanding of the material is demonstrated but with possible gaps.
- The presentation is somewhat organized and mostly clear but may be inconsistent.
- Appropriate media are used, including handouts and class activities.
- The student participatesin the presentation but possibly to a lesser degree than others in the group.
- Material presented lacks relevance or specificity.
- The presentation demonstrates minimal understanding of the material.
- The presentation lacks organization.
- The presentation may rely too heavily on media, mostly just reading from notes or PowerPoint. Handouts may be minimal or late (not copied in time for the presentation)
- The student participates minimally in the presentation.
- There is very little or no participation in the presentation.
- Presenters came unprepared.
- Presenters provided no handouts.