MSc International Procurement & Supply Chain Management, MSc International Logistics & Supply Chain Management and MSc International Shipping
Induction: 21-25 September 2015
Please print this and bring it with you to your induction. It’s a good idea to:
- read it before you arrive.
- follow any links and check instructions
- bring with you any documents,etc where these are specified.
Some documents may need to be returned to the University before you arrive.
If you have notpreviously been a student at Plymouth University you are required to upload a photograph of yourself using the e@pplicant page: following the online instructions.This photo will appear on your University Card, which is issued to you when you attend the University Card Collection session this week. Without this photo, your University Card cannot be produced. NB:If you have previously been a student then your University Card will remain valid for the duration of your new studies at Plymouth University.
Monday 21 September 2015
10.00-12.00 / Welcome Session – and introduction to the course / Mast HouseRoom 103
12.00-13.00 / Enrolment completion and ID card collection / Cookworthy
Room 506
14.00-15.00 / IT Induction / Mast House
Room 103
16:00-17.00 / Essential Information Sessions for International Students ONLY (including EU /EEA students)
Please note that it is very important you attend this session. If you are unable to attend then there will be further sessions running throughout the week between 16.00-17.00 at the following locations:
Tuesday 22nd September – Portland Square, Devonport
Wednesday 23rd September – Roland Levinsky Building LT1
Thursday 24th September – Roland Levinsky Building LT1 / Roland Levinsky Building Lecture Theatre 2
Tuesday 22 September 2015
19.15-21.45 / Faculty of Business Welcome Party for first year and new students to meet other students on their course, in the faculty, their academic staff, and some current/past students in an informal environment. / Hoe Graduation MarqueeWednesday 23 September 2015
15.00-16.00 / Library Induction Session (Amanda Southam) / Rolle BuildingRoom 018
Thursday 24 September 2015
15.00 – 18.00 / Boat Cruise of Plymouth Sound and the River Tamar / Assemble at Mast House Cafe
Friday 25September 2015
11.00-13.00 / Further course information – ONLY for students who arrived late (who missed welcome session on 22nd September) / Cookworthy Building Room 410Note: Teaching will commence the week beginning Monday, 28 September.
Online Enrolment
You must complete Online Enrolment as soon as possible and prior to collecting your University Card. Details of how to online enrol are here. Please note even if you have previously studied at Plymouth University you must follow the enrolment instructions for a NEW student.
Online enrolment needs to be completed in orderto be registered as a student All International students with a visa will need to have their visa and UKVI ID card (if applicable) scanned before being permitted to online enrol. You are requested to do this well before the allotted time for the Enrolment completion and ID card collection session.
Scanning points during September for International Students:
Roland Levinsky, Ground Floor Student Gateway 9.30-16.00
Please note: Some of you will need to register with the police on arrival (if this is stamped in your passport at your port of entry into the UK). Ensure that we have scanned your passport details (and you have opened a bank account if necessary) before you register with the police, as they will need to keep your passport for a minimum of 14 days.
For any further details, please email
Available in electronic format only on the University Intranet – from your homepage on the Student Portal select Course & Career information>Timetable
Available in electronic format only on your programme DLE ‘Moodle’ page