VIEWING: THURSDAY JUNE 28th2012 9:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M.
FRIDAY JUNE 29th 2012 12:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.
SATURDAY JUNE 30th 2012 9:00 A.M. TO 10:30 A.M.
S 461 Five Misc. covers – misc. used stamps.
S462 Twenty packets stamps as listed. Approx. face value $200.00
S463 Twenty packets stamps as listed. Approx. face value $230.00
S464 Twenty packets stamps as listed. Approx. face value $400.00
S465 Nineteen packets stamps as listed. Approx. face value $318.00
S466 Twelve stamps June 1859-1864 #15-#14 x 3 - #17A x 2 - #17B - #18 x 2 - #19- #16 x 2
S467 Twenty one stamps cents issue 1859 #15
S468 Nine stamps large Queens 1868-1876 #30 x 3 -#30 - #30B x 4 - #30C
S469 Seven stamps large Queens 1868-1876 #30 x 2 - #30B x 4 -#30G
S470 Twelve stamps large Queens 1868-1876 #21 x 3 -#22- #22A - #22B x 2 - #23 x 4 - #22A
S471 Three stampslarge Queens 1868-1876 #24
S472 Twelve stamps large Queens 1868-1876 #25 x 5 - #25A - #25B x 6
S473 One stamp large Queens 1868-1876 #? Laid red cane
S474 Two stamps large Queens 1868-1876 #26
S475 Nine stamps large Queens 1868-1876 #27 x 2 - #27A x5 - #27C x 2
S476 Fifteen stamps small Queens 1870-93 #36 x 9 - #36D x 2 - #36E x 3 - #36F
S477 Nine stamps small Queens 1870-93 #35 x 3 and two blocks of three
S478 Ten stamps small Queens 1870-93 later printings #35 - #36E - #37C - #37E - #40 - #41 - #41A - #42 - #43 - #44
S479 Eleven stamps small Queens 1870-93 #34 x 10 - #34A
S480 Fifty eight stamps small Queens 1870-93 #37 x 58 = with eleven stamps #39
S481 Two stamps plate proof issue of 51 on India #P4 major re-entry - #P4 paper creased. Stamped specimen
S482 One stamp plate proof issue of 51 on India # 11 stamped specimen
S483 One stamp Jacques Cartier 1859-1864 #19-P.11.6
S484 Nine stamps – five single #34 and a block of four #37
S485 Diamond Jubilee 1897 twenty four stamps #50-#51-#52-#52A-#53-#54-#54A-#56-#60 (included two plate blocks #51)
S486 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 an imperforate pair #96 V.L.H. no gum
S487 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 an imperforate pair #97 V.L.H. no gum
S488 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 an imperforate pair #98 V.L.H. no gum
S489 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 an imperforate pair #99 V.L.H. no gum
S490 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 an imperforate pair #100 V.L.H. no gum
S491 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 an imperforate pair #101 V.L.H. no gum
S492 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 an imperforate pair #102 V.L.H. no gum
S493 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 an imperforate pair #103 V.L.H. no gum
S494 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 an imperforate pair #96 V.L.H. no gum
S495 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 an imperforate pair #97 L.H. with gum
S496 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 an imperforate pair #98 V.L.H. no gum
S497 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 an imperforate pair #99 V.L.H. no gum
S498 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 an imperforate pair #100 H. gum
S499 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 imperforate pair #101 H gum
S500 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 an imperforate pair #102 V.L.H. no gum
S501 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 an imperforate pair #103 V.L.H. no gum
S502 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 # set numbers #96-#103 (96-97-98 VF.NH #99 VF.VLH-#100 F.H. #101-102-103 F. used)
S503 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 a block of four #96A-major re-entry V.L.H. no glue
S504 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 a plate block of four #99 plate one H. glue
S505 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 two plate blocks of four #98 V.L.H. with gum
S506 Canada maple leaf issue 1897 thirty one stamps as listed
S507 Imperial penny postal-Queen Victoria 1898-1902; ten stamps #85-#86 with a block of four #79
S508 Small Queen issue 1888-1897 fourteen stamps Ottawa printing #42
S509 Small Queen issue 1888-1897 three stamps #46-four stamps #47 with a strip block of five #47
S510 King Edward VII 1903-1908 Sixteen stamps -#89-#90-#92-#93-#94-#95
S511 King George V Admiral issue 1912-26 1st gum 1912 and coil stamps, six vertical pairs and eleven single #104-#123-#125-#131 (as listed)
S512 King George V Admiral issue 1911-25 a plate block of four and a block of four #106
S513 King George Admiral issue 1911-24 a single stamp-horizontal pair –block of four and a block of six-#105-#126 (Thirteen stamps)
S514 A plate block of eight (dry re-engraved) #107-two blocks of four #107 and #107A
S515 King George Admiral issue a plate block of three Ottawa #108 wet process brown
S516 King George Admiral issue a plate block of four Ottawa #107D wet process deep green
S517 King George Admiral issue a block of four #106B
S518 King George Admiral provisional a plate block of eight Ottawa #184
S519 King George Admiral issue a block of four #112A (thin paper)
S520 King George Admiral issue a block of four #115
S521 King George Admiral issue 1922 a booklet pane of six #107C
S522 Admiral experimental coil stamps #84-A6-#106X deep rose red strip of four
S523 Confederation and Historical 1927 a vertical pair #145-two blocks of four #147-#148
S524 Confederation a plate block of four #143 Ottawa
S525 Confederation a plate block of eight #144 Ottawa
S526 Confederation a plate block of six #145 Ottawa and a block of four #142
S527 King George V scroll issue a plate block of eight #150 Ottawa
S528 King George V scroll issue a plate block of eight #154 Ottawa
S529 King George V (arch leaf) provisional a block of four #191-DieII (over stamp)
S530 King George maple leaf 1930 a block of four #166 extended mustache #65-PL8-L.R.
S531 King George V Admiral issue 1911 and others - #104 onwards, seventy two stamps
S532 Quebec Tercentenary issue 1908 a block of four vert. #96 and eighteen companions
S533 King George V (various) twenty five stamps -#106B - #114-#115-#117-#123-#131C-#133-#137_#138-#134-#138-#184-#134
S534 Admiral issue 1912-26 – sixteen stamps #108-#108B-#108C-#109-#129-#130-#134-#138-#pairs #129- #134 x 2 - #138
S535 Admiral issue King George V #106 x 3-#108 x 4-#109 and a plate block of eight #108
S536 King George V war tax stamps 1916 #MR3 - #MR3A-#MR3B-#MR3C-#MR4-#MR4A-#MR4B-#MR4D-#MR5 (nine stamps)
S537 King George V war tax stamps 1916 a block of four #MR4-a block of four imperforate #MR4B-a pair of #MR4A as described
S538 King George V war tax coils 1916 #MR6-#MR7-#MR7A and a pair of #MR7A
S539 King George V war tax 1915-1924 a block of six #MR3 plate one #MR3-#MR3C-#MR3B-#MR4 x 4 -#MR4D-#MR5
S540 King George V war tax 1915-1924 a pair of #MR3-a pair #MR4-a pair of #MR4B- a pair #MR4C-a pair #MR4B- a pair #MR5- a pair #MR7- a pair #MR7A (eight pairs)
S541 King George V war tax 1915-1924 three blocks of four #MR3 x 2 and #MR1
S542 King George V war issue 1915-1924 three stamps #139 x 2 -#140- a pair #MR7A and a strip of four #MR6
S543 Special delivery Confederation 1927 a pair #E3 LH – a block of four N.H.
S544 60th Anniversary of Confederation 1927 a block of four imp. Vent #141 NH. VF.
S545 60th Anniversary of Confederation 1927 a block of four imp. Vent #142 NH. VF.
S546 60th Anniversary of Confederation 1927 a block of four imp. Vent #143 NH. VF
S547 60th Anniversary of Confederation 1927 a block of four imp. Vent #144 NH. VF
S548 60th Anniversary of Confederation 1927 a block of four imp. Vent #145 NH. VF
S549 Historical issue 1927 a block of four #147 V.F.N.H.
S550 Historical issue 1927 A block of four #148 VF. NH
S551 60th Anniversary of Confederation 1927 and King George V scroll issue two plate blocks of four plate 3 and 4 #142 with nineteen King George stamps, as listed
S552 Scroll pictorial 1928 two blocks of four #154-one pair #156; two blocks of four #156-one block of four #155
S553 Scroll issue 1928 four imperforate pairs, two #149 vert. and horiz. – two #150 vert. and horizontal LH
S554 Scroll issue 1928, two imperforate pairs #151 vert. H. and #152 vert. N. H.
S555 Scroll issue 1928, three pairs #153 vert. and horizontal H.; one pair #154 vert. H.
S556 Scroll issue 1928 coils-perf-vent. three pairs and a single #160 H with a pair #161 NH.
S557 King George V arch leaf issue coil stamps 1930-31, thirty two stamps as listed
S558 Scroll issue 1928, four blocks of four #149-#153-#169-#170 with a block of six #154 plate 1
S559 King George V arch leaf issue coil stamps 1930-31, three singles and three pairs #180-#182-#183
S560 King George V arch leaf issue coil stamps 1930-31-#strip of four #180 A.NH.; a pair and two strips of four #182A NH (cockeyed King variety)
S561 Loyalists and King George V silver Jubilee 1934-1935- a pair #210-single #210A- a pair #209-single #218-single #216, two blocks of four #215 and #216
S562 King George V pictorial issue 1935 #217-#218-#219-#220-#221-#222-#223 and #223 x two together with #201-#203-#208-#227 x two
S563 King George V 1935 six imperforate pairs #217-#218-#219-#220-#221-#222 all VF NH
S564 King George V arch leaf 1930-31 eighteen plate bocks as listed
S565 Imperial Economic Conference 1932 four blocks of four #192 plates1-11-12 with four blocks of four #194 plates 1-2 with two blocks of four medallion issue #195
S566 Postal Union Commemorative 1933 two blocks of four #202 plate 2 with Royal William two blocks of four #204 plate 2
S567 Loyalists 1934, a plate blocks of four #209 plate1 with two blocks of four #210 plate 2
S568 Silver Jubilee 1935 a plate block of six #211 plate 2 with vert. blocks of three #213 plate 2 with a plate block of nine #213 plate3
S569 King George V Silver Jubilee 1935, a plate block of five #216 plate 1 with a block of ten #216 plate 2
S570 King George V pictorial issue 1935 fifteen blocks as listed
S571 King George V pictorial issue 1935 ten blocks as listed
S572 Air mail stamps 1928 two #C2 –four #C4 with one #C6 -#C7-#C8 plus three blocks of four #C1-#C3-#C5 with a block of six #C3
S573 Air mail stamps 1928 a block of six #C3 and a block of ten #C3 both plate 2
S574 Air mail stamps 1938-46, three blocks of four #C8-six stamps-#CE 1 x2 -#C5 2 x 2 -#CE3 -#CE4 with eight blocks of four #CE1-#CE2-#CE3-#CE4
S575 Air mail stamps 1898-1927 thirty five stamps as listed
S576 Air mail stamps 1935-ten blocks of four #E6 x 1-#E7 x 2 -#E9 x 1-#E10 x 2-#E11 x 4 with a block of six #E9
S577 King George V mufti issue 1937 six imperforate pairs #231-#232-#233-#234-#235-#236 (all VF. NH)
S578 King George VI coil stamps perf. 8 vent 1937, three stamps #238-#239-#240-three pairs #238-#239-#240 - three strips of four #238-#239-#240
S579 King George VI coil stamps 1937 and pictorial issue 1938-#232-#232 pair -#232 block of four -#236 block of four -#242 block of four -#244 pair -#244 block of four #245 vert. pair
S580 King George VI Coronation 1937 an imperforate block of four #237 VLH. VF.
S581 King George VI Coronation 1937 seventeen (pairs-strips and block) #237 printing variation as listed
S582 Newfoundland John Guy issue litho and engraved 1910-11, twenty one stamps as listed
S583 John Guy issue 1910 five blocks of four #87A-#88A-#89-#91A-#100
S584 Newfoundland Royal family 1911, fourteen stamps as listed plus a block of four #106
S585 Newfoundland Caribous issue 1919 sixteen stamps as listed
S586 Newfoundland Caribou issue 1919, twenty blocks of four #115 x 2- #116 x 2 _#117- #118 x 2-#119 x 2-#120 x 2 -#121-#122-#123-#124 x 2 -#125 x 2 -#126 x 2
S587 Newfoundland pictorial issue 1923-4 fifteens stamps as listed.
S588 Newfoundland 1923-24 thirteen blocks of four #131-#132-#133-#134-#135-#136-#137-#138-#139-#140-#141-#142-#143
S589 Newfoundland 1928 pictorial issue 1; sixteen stamps as listed
S590 Newfoundland pictorial issue 1-1928, thirteen blocks of four #145-#146-#147-#148-#149-#150-#151-#152 x 2-#153 -#154-#155-#156 and a block of six #154
S591 Newfoundland pictorial issue -2-1929-31 twenty stamps as listed
S592 Newfoundland pictorial issue-2-1929-31, Newfoundland pictorial issue-3-1931, thirteen blocks of four #168 to #180 inclusive plus one block of four #182
S593 Newfoundland 1861-62, three single stamps #18 VLH-#20 VLH -#21 VLH and a block of six-#21 VLH
S594 Newfoundland 1861-62, a block of four #18B DG-NH glue
S595 Newfoundland 1861-62, a block of four #23.DG.LH. glue
S596 Newfoundland 1861-62, a block of four #18.NH. glue
S597 Newfoundland 1861-62, a block of four #20. H. glue
S598 Newfoundland 1861-62 #20 NH. Glue
S599 Newfoundland 1861-62 #23 VLH. Glue
S600 Newfoundland Alcock and Brown flight 1919-#C2 surcharged VF. VLH
S601 Newfoundland Alcock and Brown flight 1919-#C2A surcharged VF. H.
S602 Newfoundland Alcock and Brown flight 1919-#C2 and #C2A surcharged VF. VLH.
S603 Newfoundland Alcock and Brown flight 1919-#C3A overprinted VF. LH.
S604 Newfoundland Alcock and Brown flight 1919-#C3A type 1 over printed no period VF. VLH.
S605 Newfoundland Dornier Do X flight 1932-#C12 overprinted surcharges VF. VLH.
S606 Newfoundland Labrador Gen-Balbo flight 1933-#C18 WM. Surcharged VF. VLH. (water marked)
S607 Newfoundland pictorial issue 1931 a pair of #C9 and #C9C VF. VLH.
S608 Nova Scotia Queen Victoria 1860-63, two blocks of four #9 (imprint on stamps) VF. VLH.
S609 Nova Scotia Queen Victoria bill stamp over stamped block of four #NS-R20 as described VF. NH.
S610 Canada officially sealed 1879-1913, a block of four #D52 (o X2) 1905 VF. H.
S611 Canada officially sealed 1879-1913 a block of four #DS1 (o X 4) 1879 VF. H.
S612 Canada officially sealed 1979-1913 #DS2A (o x 3) 1907 VLH.
S613 Canada officially sealed 1879-1913 #DS3 (0 x 4) proof stamp on thick paper with #DS3 (o x 4) 1913 VF. VLH.
S614 Canada, a stock sheet twenty postage due and seventy three customs duty stamps
S615 Canada registration stamps 1875-88 seven stamps #F1-#F1A-#F2 x 2 -#F2C -#F3-#F3A together with thirteen used as listed
S616 Canada registration stamps 1825 a block of eight #F1 VLH.
S617 Canada registration stamps, a block of eight #F1 VLH. Change
S618 Canada registration stamps 1888, a vert. block of two stamps #F1B VF. VLH
S619 Canada registration on stamps 1975-88 twelve stamps as listed
S620 Canada registration stamps 1975-88 a block of four (listed as # F2C) VF LH.
S621 Canada registration stamps 1875-88 a block of six #EA2 VF. LH.
S622 Canada bill stamps 1864-1st issue, a block of four #R12 thin transparent-white gum VF. LH
S623 Canada bill stamps 1864-1st issue, a block of four #R16 thin transparent white gum VF. LH
S624 Canada bill stamps 1865-2nd issue, a block of four #R33 (P12) with a block of four #R36 (F12) both off centre-thin transparent brown gum-both VF. VLH
S625 Canada bill stamps 1868 sixteen stamps used some signed, dated
S626 Canada bill stamps 1868 four blocks of four as described #R52-#R53-#R54-#R54
S627 Canada bill stamps 1868, a plate block of eighteen imperforate stamps #R52 VF
S628 Newfoundland definitive issue 1932-37, twenty three stamps and five blocks of four #184B-#186B-#188-#191-#198
S629 Newfoundland definitive issue 1931-37, twenty blocks of four and twenty one stamps
S630 Newfoundland Sir Humphrey Gilbert fourteen stamps and nine blocks of four
S631 Newfoundland Silver Jubilee 1935 and Coronation 1937 seven stamps #226-#227-#228-#229-#230-#231-#232
S632 Newfoundland Long Coronation issue, a set of eleven stamps #233 to #234 with eleven stamps= a pair #235-235A- thirteen blocks of four as listed and a block of nine #233A
S633 Newfoundland Royal family 1938, seven stamps incl. surcharges-#251A-#257; eight blocks of four #250 to #266 with #60 and #63 twice
S634 Newfoundland 1941-1947, twenty two stamps and two blocks of four #267-#267A
S635 King George VI mufti issue 1937 six blocks of four #231-#232-#233-#234-#235-#236 plus fourteen blocks of four #233 and twelve blocks of six #233
S636 Royal visit HRH Elizabeth and Margaret, twenty eight blocks of four #246 various plates
S637 Royal visit War Memorial eight blocks of four #247 various plates
S638 Royal visit George VI and Queen Elizabeth, twenty five blocks of four #248 with three blocks of six #248 various plates
S639 King George War issue 1942-3, seven stamps #249-#256 six stamps #258-#262-nine coil stamps #263-#281, nine pairs #263 to #281
S640 King George VI coil stamps 1949-1951, eleven strips of four-fifteen pairs and eight singles as listed with pre-cancel #295-#297 and a block of sixteen #292
S641 King George 1950 forty blocks of four #289 to #293, four blocks of four #294 an eight blocks of four #301 as listed
S 642 Fishing resources, four plate blocks of four #302
S643 Prime Ministers 1951 and King George VI post and coil stamps- sixty four blocks of four, #eight #303-eight #304, twenty four #305, twenty four #306 various plates
S644 King George VI coil stamps 1951, eight blocks of four #310 plate six x 4 and plate eighteen x 4
S645 King George VI peace issue 1946, twelve blocks of four #268 x 4- #269 x 4- #271 x 4- A.G. Bell 1947 four blocks #274, responsible government, four blocks #277, Royal Wedding four blocks #276 plus four blocks #282 and #283
S646 King George VI (posts-postages) 1949 #284 fifteen blocks of four -#285, blocks of four #286-twenty eight blocks of four #287, eighteen blocks of four #288-eight blocks of four
S647 King George VI (posts-postage) 1949 #286 twenty stamps-cracked plate block
S648 Eight sheets as per list
S649 O.H.M.S. narrow spaced variety #03 a strip of three -#01, a block of four-#04, a block of four -#012, a block of six with #027 ( a perf.) block of four
S650 Ten sheets as per list
S651 #321 eight plate blocks of four
S652 Twelve sheets as listed
S653 Seventeen sheets as listed
S654 Seventeen stamps 1953-55 plus four sheets as listed
S655 Queen Elizabeth II coil stamps #345 two jump strips of four-two strips of eight -#347, two strips of four-two strips of eight #348, one strip of four and two strips of eight
S656 Ten sheets as listed
S657 Twenty six stamps 1955-57 with a signed drawing portrait
S658 Nineteen sheets as shown #370 through #429 held in a stamp album
S659 Canada over printed, fourteen stamps #016 through #026-#C02-C9-#E02-E11-#027-302
S660 King George VI 1950- revised 1949 and peace/natural resources 1950-51 overprint, twenty three blocks of four #16-#17-#18-#19, twelve blocks of four #21-#22-#23-#24-#26
S661 Peace/natural resources 1950-51 overprinted #025 a block of four VF-NH
S662 Definitive’s-Queen Elizabeth II Karsh and wilding 1951-56 overprinted, seventeen stamps and ten blocks of four
S663 Canada air mail 1950 overprinted #02 four corner blocks
S664 Canada air mail 1950 overprinted #E02 two corner blocks
S665 Definitive’s 1951-53 overprinted #031 eight corner blocks of four
S666 Definitive’s 1951-53 overprinted #032 eight corner blocks of four
S667 Queen Elizabeth II Karsh portrait overprinted #033 to #037 fifty one blocks of four
S668 Definitive’s 1953-55 overprinted #038 ten blocks of four - #039 sixteen blocks of four
S669 Queen Elizabeth II Wilding portrait 1955-56 with Q.E. II cameo 1955-63 thirteen sheets as listed
S670 Official air mail O.H.M.S. perforated type A-B #OC-1#)AC-6; type A- #OC6-#OC7-#OC8-#OC9-#OC9; block of four -#OE7-OE10-#OE11-#OCE1-#OCE2-#OCE4-#OE11 a block of four