RE Curriculum Map KS1 Year B

Pilgrim Federation 2015

KS1: Theme / Autumn 1A / Spring 2A / Summer 3A
Teachings and Authority / Key Questions: Why are stories important to faith communities?
Focus Questions:
Why are the stories Jesus told important to Christians? How and why are sacred texts used in worship?
Emerging: I can describe the different of a ‘sacred text’ compared to a fictional story book.
Embedded: I can explain how religious stories express beliefs and tell people about God.
Exceeding: I can explain why religious stories are useful and how they explain different aspects of belief, life and God.
Concept: Authority, Word of God, Torah, Qu’ran
Introduction to the Bible. Why is it important to Christians? Look at Mary Jones and Her bible story (video)
-  Look at various Religious books:
-  Bible, Torah, Qu’ran
-  Read stories from different religions (link below)
-  Discuss how stories demonstrate values, beliefs, morals
Religious stories ideas:
a) ) Christianity - The Bible, The Good Samaritan, The Prodigal Son, Passage from the Sermon on
the Mount
b) Buddhism - The Jataka Tales, The Monkey King
c) Hinduism - The Panchantantra, The Donkey with No Brains
Faith Stories – Resource book / Key Question: What is a covenant?
Focus Questions: What happens at Pesach (Passover) and why is it important for Jews? What does it mean to make a covenant, a promise between God and a chosen group of people?
Emerging: I can describe some of the events of Passover.
Embedded: I can explain what happens at Passover and why it is important to Jews.
Exceeding: I can make links between the Passover story and the Easter story.
Concept: Covenant, chosen people
Jewish focus Pesach and simple links to Christian Communion (Bread and Wine)
Relate story of the Passover (BBC)
-  God cared for His people.
-  God delivered/saved them from captivity
Explain about the Last Supper –Talk about how this is the Christian Pesach (Jewish Passover) celebration. BBC video
Why do Christians share bread and drink wine together?
-  Relate to Easter story and Jesus being the New Covenant
·  Video and explanation
·  Last supper story
·  Easter writing frame
·  Painting of last supper in Jewish meal (Kathryn to provide) / Key Question: What is authority?
Focus Questions: What people are important in different religions? How is Jesus a role model for religious leaders? Who are religious leaders in modern Britain?
Emerging: I can describe different people who have authority, including some religious leaders.
Embedded: I can explain how religious leaders model authority and some understanding of what authority means.
Exceeding: I can explain the concept of authority and how various leaders demonstrate this in positive way.
Concept: Kingdom of God, Jesus as a teacher, Jesus had authority, Jesus as servant Leader vs authoritarian
The work of religious leaders within the community.
Authority figures within their own lives, who are they?
The role and work of, for example: Vicar/Priest/Minister/Pastor (Christianity), Rabbi (Judaism), Granthi (Sikhism), Priest (Hinduism),Imam (Islam)
-  Invite local church and other town leaders in to visit and talk about their role in shaping society
-  Invite an MP to discuss issues children think are important
-  Contrast Jesus’ servant leadership style look at washing disciples feed
-  NATRE web site : ‘A pastors week’, easily adaptable for KS1
KS1: Theme / Autumn 1B / Spring 2B / Summer 3B
Key Question: Why is light a symbol for different religions?
Focus Questions:
How is light used in the Bible as a symbol?
Why do Christians call Jesus the light of the world?
How do other religions use light as a symbol?
Emerging: I can give examples of how light is used in different religions
Embedded: I can explain why light is a symbol in different religions.
Exceeding: I can explain the symbolism and different meaning of light in various religions.
Concept: Symbolism, light, Good v Evil, common theme of salvation
Focus: Diwali, Hanukah, Advent
How light is used in the celebration of Christmas, Christingle, Jesus as light of the world, beliefs about God as bringing light
WHY IS LIGHT IMPORTANT IN EVERYDAY LIFE? If we didn’t have light, how would this affect life?
Where appropriate encourage the pupils to share their own experiences of light being important
Sit the pupils in a circle with lit candles as a
focus in the middle. Reflect on the light given
out by the candle and how it makes them feel.
How is light used in Divali?
Share the story of Rama and Sita. (story available on
Discuss how the diva light originated from the story. Talk about how the diva light is used in the celebration of the festival of Divali
Look at light in Hanukah – nine branch candle – nine days of miraculous oil, ie not a menorah.
Make Christingles, Divali patterns,
Light in religions fact sheet
Sample plans
PPT – Light and Christianity for Rama & Sita / Key Question: Why do Christians use symbols?
Focus Questions: What are the main symbols used by Christians? Where can we find them? What do the Easter symbols mean? What other symbols are related to Easter?
Emerging: I can give examples of some different Christian symbols related to Easter.
Embedded: I can explain why symbols are important to Christians and why they are used.
Exceeding: I can explain how symbols tell a story and convey a message to the believer.
Concept: Main focus on Christian Cross
Symbols and artefacts are
used to express beliefs, including
religious meaning
Show various artefacts. Children explore and discuss. Why are some things special?
Review some Christian Symbols and artefacts from church visit. Focus on the Cross and links to Easter, The ICHTHUS sign of fish, letters in Greek for fish are and acronym for Jesus, Christ, Gods, Son, Saviour
Make your own symbol or artefact that has a special religious or reflective meaning.
What signs and symbols do we see in everyday life and what do they mean?
What signs and symbols do Christians use?
Include a lesson on the main symbols from each faith and their meaning: Cross (Christianity), Wheel of Life (Buddhism), Aum (Hinduism), Star and
Crescent (Islam), Menorah (Judaism), Khanda (Sikh) Use
Teddy interactive for main religious artefacts/symbols, Drag correct icons/symbols/artefacts to the teddy!.
Teddy interactive:
Barnabas links to different types of crosses and meaning / Key Question: How did everything begin?
Focus Question: How do Christians believe the world began? What other faith views are there about creation? What other world views are there about creation or how life began?
Emerging: I can describe some Christian belief about creation.
Embedded: I can discuss on the concept o God being the creator.
Exceeding: I can explain why it is important for Christians to believe in a creator.
Concept: Belief in God, Creation, other theories of start of life
Christian Focus: Creation story
Note that some stories are told in different religious traditions about the natural world
Not all questions have a definitive answer .
Eg. Genesis 1 & 2 are shared by Christians and Jews.
What do some people believe about the creation/beginning of the world?
Read or tell a simple version of the Christian/
Jewish/Muslim creation story.
Express creation story creatively through, dance, drama, art, storytelling. Illustrate 6 ‘days’ of creation
-  Link back to day 7, Shabbat
Use music: All things bright and beautiful
-  Do a spring walk to celebrate creation and the creator. Look at new life, growth, beauty in nature, sky, light etc.
Creation story: RE today resource
Genesis 1, 2