Appendix B

Use of Hazardous Agents in Animals

Supplemental Safety Operating Procedures Form

I. Project Information

Principal Investigator / Phone Number / e-mail / ACUC Protocol Number
Protocol Title

II. Hazardous Agents or ProcedureInformation

List hazardous agent(s):
Potential hazard to personnel / Reproductive
hazard / Toxic
/ Carcinogen
/ Disrupts or alters
biological process / Other
Potential routes of exposure / Inhalation
/ Dermal
/ Ingestion
/ Injection
/ Other
Potential amount of agent that may have a biological effect in animal care personnel or laboratory personnel.
Yes / No / Specific groups (e.g. pregnant women, immune-compromised), are restricted from contact with hazardous agents or procedures or with animals under treatment with hazardous agents?
If yes, identify group.
Yes / No / References or support document regarding chemical or drug toxicity effects are provided.
Yes / No / Additionally, MSDS readily available for cleanup and emergency guidance?
Yes / No / Work would require special procedures or precautions during animal treatment, administration, or care? (if yes, complete Section IV)
Yes / No / Work would require special laboratory procedures or precautions during hazardous material handling or preparation? (if yes, complete Section V)
Yes / No / Work would require biosafety cabinet, fume hood or other safety device during animal treatment, administration, or care? (if yes, complete Section IV and V)
Yes / No / Are hazardous agents excreted or shed into animal bedding or exhaled?
If yes, describe expected shedding or excretion amounts and rate.
NOTE: Outside room entry door will be posted for hazardous agent use and the inside of the door will be posted with this Appendix B.

III. Treatment Information

Species / Agent / Administration route (injection, water, etc.) / Site / Volume and concentration / Number of Doses / Interval Between Doses / Total time of treatment of all groups
NOTE: All Cage or housing must identify hazardous agents (e.g. BrdU) and date of treatment.
Yes / No / Require special cage or housing (e.g. filter top cage)?
If yes, describe cage or housing requirement.
Yes / No / Bedding can be disposed by established LAR procedures?
If no, describe additional precautions for bedding disposal:
Yes / No / Carcass can be disposed by established LAR procedures?
If no, describe additional precautions for carcass disposal:
Yes / No / Routine LAR decontamination procedures are acceptable?
If no, describe additional precautions for decontamination procedures:

IV. Precaution(s) for Animal Care Personnel

Potential risk to animal care personnel:
Personal Protective Equipment:
Yes / No / Personal protective equipment isneed ABOVE the standard measures (e.g. laboratory coat/scrubs, gloves) for working with animals?If yes indicate below.
Safety Glasses / Face Shield / Specific Laboratory Coat:
Chemical Splash Goggles / Apron / Specific Gloves (type):
Dust Mask / Other. Please describe: / Respirator (type):
(Respirators require EH&S approval)
Additional engineering controls (Biosafety cabinet, fume hood or other safety device exhaust/barrier):
Specific animal husbandry instructions or precautions:
Specific work practices (i.e. Must not work alone):
V. Precaution(s) for Laboratory Personnel
Potential risk to laboratory personnel:
Personal Protective Equipment:
Yes / No / Personal protective equipment is need ABOVE the standard measures (e.g. laboratory coat, gloves) for working with animals and/or hazardous agents? If yes indicate below.
Safety Glasses / Face Shield / Specific Laboratory Coat:
Chemical Splash Goggles / Apron / Specific Gloves (type):
Dust Mask / Other. Please describe: / Respirator (type):
(Respirators require EH&S approval)
Additional engineering controls (Biosafety cabinet, fume hood or other safety device exhaust/barrier):
Specific instructions or precautions when handling hazardous agents or procedures:
Specific work practices (i.e. Must not work alone):
VI. Emergency Procedures
Yes / No / References or support document or MSDS available for emergency guidance?
If yes, list location.
For severe injuries – go immediately to the hospital and contact your supervisor later for instructions
For non-emergency injuries:
  1. Wash area thoroughly with soap and water, rinse/flush for 15 minutes.
  2. Notify your supervisor or other designated employee
  3. If non-emergency medical care is needed, call OptaComp to file a claim 1-877-518-2583 and follow their instructions about where to seek medical attention
  4. Take copy of the MSDS with you.
  5. For injuries that occur after hours - go to the hospital for emergencies or seek medical follow up the next day for non-emergency care following the steps above

  1. For skin exposure, flush immediately at nearest sink for 15 minutes. Be careful not to bruise or break skin surface.
  2. For eye exposure, flush immediately at nearest eyewash station for 15 minutes. IF wearing contacts, remove before flushing eye.
  3. Notify your supervisor or other designated employee
  4. If non-emergency medical care is needed, call OptaComp to file a claim 1-877-518-2583 and follow their instructions about where to seek medical attention
  5. Take copy of the MSDS with you.
  6. For injuries that occur after hours - go to the hospital for emergencies or seek medical follow up the next day for non-emergency care following the steps above
Submit form to:
FSU Environmental Health and Safety
Milton Carothers Hall Room 1200
MC 4481
Or call:
644-6895 for information and guidance
VII. Statement of Responsibility
As Principal Investigator for this proposal, I have the responsibility to assure that my laboratory is operated in a safe manner and that all staff and students are informed of potential risk(s), wear appropriate personal protective equipment, and are adequately trained. I will assure that all students and staff working in my laboratory receive orientation to laboratory safety instructions, MSDS files and laboratory Emergency instructions.
I understand that I am responsible for assuring that my laboratory is in compliance with all federal, state, and local environmental laws and regulations.
Additionally, I am responsible for adhering to FSU EH&S policies and procedures for handling hazardous materials and for addressing accidental spills and personnel contamination. I will report any significant problems and/or significant research-related accidents and illnesses to Environmental Health and Safety, and will complete required forms in the event of an incident or injury.
I further understand I must complete a new Supplemental Safety Operating Procedures Form and obtain approval prior to instituting any changes in my animal research.
Principal Investigator Signature / Principal Investigator (please print) / Date
Room(s) or Approved Facility:
EH&S Initial / ABSL-2 / Chemical
Date: / Radioactivity / Other Hazard

The expiration date of this Form is concurrent with the IACUC protocol

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