Institut Biblique Parole Vivante-WORD ALIVE BIBLE INSTITUTE.

Enregistré au Ministère de l’Education, Direction de l’Enseignement Supérieur de la République du Sénégal

Le 23 Mai 2002,.sous le n°2688/ME/DES/DFS

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Lesson 1: Reality of Creation

Lesson 2: Reality of Redemption

Lesson 3: Reality of Repentance

Lesson 4: Reality of the Resurrection

Lesson 5: Reality of Jesus's Substitution

Lesson 6: Reality of Oneness with Christ

Lesson 7: Reality of What We Have in Christ

Lesson 8: Reality of the God-Kind of Love

Lesson 9: Reality of God Reproducing Himself in Us

Lesson 10: Reality of the Bible as the Living Word

Lesson 11: Reality of the Renewed Mind

Lesson 12: Reality of the Disciples Who Walked with Jesus

Lesson 13: Reality of the Old Covenant versus the New Covenant

Lesson 14: Reality of the Defeated Satan

Lesson 15: Reality of the Christian Life

ISOM – InternationalSchool of Ministry


Lesson 1: Reality of Creation

  1. Genesis 1:1 - God (Elohim - plural) created the earth Genesis 1:26 - Let us...
  2. Father through Son by agent of the Holy Spirit
  3. Jesus in creation
  4. Colossians 1:15-16
  5. John 1:1-4
  6. Holy Spirit in creation - Psalms 104:30, Genesis 1:2
  7. Why God created the earth
  8. To be inhabited - Isaiah 45:18
  9. Three principles of creation - Isaiah 45:12
  10. heaven - created to minister and serve earth - Genesis 1:14-18
  11. earth - created to minister to and serve man - Genesis 2:8-10a, 15
  12. man - created to minister to and serve God - Genesis 1:26
  13. Adam and Eve
  14. Created like God
  15. Spirit being - Genesis 1:26
  16. Had character and nature of God - Genesis 1:27
  17. Had the mind of God - Genesis 1:27
  18. Had dominion and authority - Genesis 1:26
  19. Had a will to choose - Genesis 2:19
  20. Adam was to guard and tend the Garden - Genesis 2:15,17; 2 Thessalonians 3:10
  21. Genesis 2:16-17 - God gave Adam the command; Eve not yet created
  22. Genesis 2:4-6 - up to this point both were walking in the spirit
  23. When Eve was deceived, she died spiritually - Gen 3:1-8
  24. Adam had a choice (he was not deceived - 1 Timothy 2:14) to follow God or follow Eve; chose Eve and died spiritually also
  25. Sin brings separation -- brought separation of man and God
  26. Gen 3:7-13 - natural eyes were opened; fell from spiritual realm to soulish realm
  27. Gen 3:22-24 - if Adam had eaten of Tree of Life in his sin state would have lived like that forever
  28. Results of sin
  29. Death - James 1:14-15; (separation Isaiah 59:1-2)
  30. Three deaths

a)Spiritual - separation of man's spirit from the spirit of God

b)Physical - separation of spirit and soul from the physical body

c)Second - eternal separation from God

  1. Man lost his position with God
  2. Relationship was broken (union); fellowship was broken (communion)
  3. Lost knowledge based on God's word and gained knowledge based on experience
  4. Gained a sense of guilt (Genesis 3:6-8) began operating in fear
  5. Lost dominion and authority of earth (passed to Satan - 2 Corinthians 4:4)
  6. Death passed to all mankind - Romans 5:12-14

ISOM – InternationalSchool of Ministry


Lesson 2: Reality of Redemption

  1. Romans 5:12 - need of redemption
  2. We are sinners by nature - Romans 3:10
  3. We are sinners by choice - Romans 3:23-24
  4. We are sinners by practice - Romans 6:23
  5. Isaiah 59:1-20
  6. Sin separates us from God
  7. God took it upon Himself to bring us back to Him but could find no man
  8. Hebrews 9:12-28
  9. God chose His son - perfect sacrifice - 1 Peter 1:18-19
  10. Put away sin so relationship between man and God could be restored
  11. Legal side of redemption - what God has done for us (past, completed)
  12. Romans 4:25, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
  13. Laid our sins on Jesus - 2 Corinthians 5:21
  14. Redeemed us from iniquity and made us pure to be used as His vessels - Tit 2:14
  15. Our old self died and was buried with him - Gal 2:20, Rom 6:8, Col 2:12
  16. Been justified, made alive, and raised with him - Colossians 2:13, Ephesians 2:4-6
  17. Conquered forces of darkness - Colossians 2:15
  18. All that's legally ours becomes vitally ours by Word and through Spirit in us
  19. Vital side of redemption - what we need to do, what is being done today (active)
  20. Repent - Romans 10:1-13
  21. Romans 8:1, Colossians 1:14 - what the Holy Spirit is doing in us today
  22. Present, on going
  23. 2 Corinthians 5:17-18
  24. Being strengthened with power - Ephesians 3:16-20
  25. Love being shed abroad in our hearts - Romans 5:5
  26. Ephesians 3:20
  27. Eph 1:17-23 - process through which the nature and life of God is built in us
  28. Jesus is the Word - John 1:1-5, 14
  29. When Word is in heart & gains control of whole being, Jesus gains control of us
  30. Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father right now - Hebrews 1:3, 8:1
  31. We can enter into rest - Hebrews 4:3-12
  32. We are a new creation - 2 Corinthians 5:17
  33. Have life and nature of God in us - Ephesians 1:13-23
  34. We're part of the Body - 1 Corinthians 12:27
  35. We're more than conquerors - Romans 8:37
  36. When God looks at us He sees Jesus
  37. Whatever you ask the Father in Jesus's name it's yours - John 14:14
  38. You can come boldly into the throne room of God - Hebrews 4:16
  39. No word from God is void of fulfillment - Isaiah 55:11
  40. You are independent of circumstances - Philippians 4:11-13
  41. Satan is defeated; you don't need to fear him - Colossians 2:15
  42. The greater one lives in you - 1 John 4:4
  43. You're complete - Colossians 2:9-10

ISOM – InternationalSchool of Ministry


Lesson 3: Reality of Repentance

  1. Repentance - a Godly sorrow, a change of principle and practice
  2. The real condition of natural man
  3. 1 Corinthians 2:14 - why - Ephesians 2:1-3
  4. Dead in trespasses and sins - Romans 5:12-21
  5. Spiritual death - having the nature of Satan and not God; having no relationship with God; being united with Satan spiritually

a)Because of Adam; Adam's nature automatically passed to each person

  1. Satan is his father - John 8:44-45
  2. Can receive none of God's blessings; no hope; without God - Eph 2:12
  3. Mentally blind; spiritually blind - 2 Corinthians 4:4
  4. Darkened in understanding; hardened heart; alienated from God - Ephesians 4:18
  1. What repentance demands of natural man
  2. Change in principles and practices
  3. Change in mode of conduct
  4. Giving up of old habits
  5. Giving up of rebellion against God's authority
  6. Man can't change his old nature
  7. New nature is a gift from God - 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
  8. Cannot work for it or earn it - Romans 4:4-5
  9. When man accepts this gift through repentance, old habits cease and new habits take their place
  10. The new habits line up with the new nature
  11. Repentance is not a one time act
  12. Repent when accept Jesus as Lord (not Savior) - Romans 10:9-10, John 3:16-17
  13. Repent and have Godly sorrow every time we become aware of the fact we have acted displeasing to God - 1 John 1:9
  14. Results of repentance - Ephesians 2:4-10

ISOM – InternationalSchool of Ministry


Lesson 4: Reality of the Resurrection

  1. The resurrection - John 20:1-10
  2. Satan conquered and his authority stripped - Hebrews 2:14-18
  3. Death and hell conquered - Revelations 1:17-18
  4. Principalities and powers conquered - Colossians 2:15, Revelations 12:11
  5. Colossians 1:13-16 - because He did all these things, we have been delivered from them
  6. Man has been legally redeemed
  7. Man can now be a child of God instead of a child of the devil - 2 Cor 5:17-21
  8. John 5:24 and John 6:47 can now be a reality - "everlasting life"
  9. Can now come into fellowship with Jesus, become identified with Him, and become one with Him - 1 Corinthians 1:9
  10. Gives man a new nature and destroys the old one
  11. Gives man a position of a son with all the rights and privileges of a son
  12. Romans 5:17 - receive abundance of grace and gift of righteousness
  13. The resurrection gives us
  14. A person to live with not just a principle to live by
  15. Defeat of death
  16. Defeated enemy
  17. Legal right to eternal life
  18. Sonship
  19. Privilege of doing the works of Jesus - John 14:12

ISOM – InternationalSchool of Ministry


Lesson 5: Reality of Jesus's Substitution

  1. When the reality as a new creation we have God's nature and life in us is as real to us as the things we see, hear, feel, taste, and smell, we'll walk in the realm of victory all the time
  2. The reality of substitution
  3. God's ability is our ability - Philippians 4-13
  4. All Jesus did is ours just as our hands and feet are ours
  5. Our spirits have been raised from spiritual death just as Jesus body was raised from physical death
  6. We've been taken out of Satan's authority and dominion and have been placed into the family of God - 1 John 3:1-2, 7-10
  7. God's our father; we have His divine nature - 2 Peter 1:4
  8. Jesus is our righteousness - 1 Corinthians 1:30
  9. Jesus took our sin and paid the price for it (1 Peter 2:24-25); we took His righteousness and are able to live like him (2 Corinthians 5:21, Matthew 27:45-46)
  10. He had authority over demons - Luke 9:1, 10:17, Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:18
  11. He had authority over sickness and disease - 1 Peter 2:24, Matthew 9:35
  12. He had authority over want and hunger - Mt 6:25-31,34, 2 Cor 10:5, Is 26:3
  13. He had no sense of inferiority (Philippians 2:6), unworthiness or pride
  14. He was not afraid of Satan
  15. He had no fear of death
  16. He had no sense of condemnation - John 3:17-21
  17. He came to destroy the works of the devil - 1 John 3:8-9, Hebrews 2:14
  18. Jesus has given us authority through His name to do all He did and be all He was when He was on earth - Matthew 28:18, John 14:12-14
  19. Isaiah 53:3-6, 12 - We are the fruit of the travail of His Soul, Praise God
  20. He gave us His kingly glory and took our suffering (spirit, soul and body), sins, infirmities and diseases
  21. He imparted Himself to us and gave us a new self in place of our old self

ISOM – InternationalSchool of Ministry


Lesson 6: Reality of Oneness with Christ

  1. Galatians 2:20, John 15:7
  2. Our thoughts should be on things above and not earthly things - Colossians 3:1-2
  3. Jesus is our head; we are his body - Ephesians 1:19-23
  4. We're to model our lives after Him
  5. Obedience - John 5:19-20, 30
  6. Prayer - Matthew 14:23, Mark 1:35, Luke 6:12, 9:28
  7. We're to change to His image - 1 Corinthians 3:18-19, Philippians 2:7
  8. Fruit is His nature - Galatians 5:22-23
  9. We're to abide in Him - John 15:1-17
  10. We can't do anything apart from Him
  11. He's how we receive answers to our prayers
  12. We're the fruit bearing part of Him

a)We cause Him to be glorified by bearing fruit

  1. We're the love revealing part of Him
  2. We're the part of Him that brings life to the lost
  1. We share His victory over Satan - Colossians 2:13-15, 1 John 3:8-9, Hebrews 2:14
  2. We are seated with Him - Ephesians 2:6-8
  3. We have His authority - Matthew 28:18
  4. We have use of His Name - Philippians 2:9
  1. Romans 6:2-6
  2. We're dead to sin because we're one with Christ
  3. We're to be employed wholly in the activities of our new life with Him
  4. Our body which is the instrument of sin was nailed to the cross with Jesus so we don't have to let it dictate our life
  5. As Jesus's branches He is sharing in our ministry with us - John 15:7
  6. We're His testimony - 1 Peter 2:4-5
  7. We have taken His place on earth - Matthew 28:18-19
  8. We're to act as He would here - 1 John 4:17, Philippians 4:13

ISOM – InternationalSchool of Ministry


Lesson 7: Reality of What We Have in Christ

  1. Remission of sins - Colossians 1:13, Ephesians 1:6
  2. Redemption from dominion of Satan - James 4:7
  3. Righteousness - Romans 3:21-22, 1 Corinthians 1:30
  4. The ability to stand in the Father's presence without sense of guilt or inferiority
  5. Justification (made just, correct) - Romans 3:24
  6. Peace with God - Romans 3:26, 5:1
  7. Eternal life - Hebrews 9:11-12
  8. An inheritance - Ephesians 1:11, Hebrews 9:15
  9. A new nature - 2 Corinthians 5:17
  10. All spiritual blessings - Ephesians 1:3, Romans 8:32
  11. Authority to make disciples - Matthew 28:19
  12. Holy, blameless - Ephesians 1:4, Romans 8:1
  13. Adoption as children - Ephesians 1:5, John 1:12
  14. Seal of the Holy Spirit - Ephesians 1:13, 2 Corinthians 1:22
  15. Raised up and seated in heavenly places - Ephesians 2:6
  16. Riches of his grace - Ephesians 2:7
  17. Recreated spirit - Ephesians 2:10, Philippians 1:6, Hebrews 12:2
  18. Access to the Father - Ephesians 2:18, 3:8-12
  19. Strength - Ephesians 6:10
  20. Completeness - Colossians 2:9-10
  21. Spiritual circumcision (a stripping off of the flesh or old corrupt carnal nature - Colossians 2:11-14

ISOM – InternationalSchool of Ministry


Lesson 8: Reality of the God-Kind of Love

  1. Be imitators of God...walk in love - Ephesians 5:1-2 (1 John 4:8)
  2. God so loved the world He gave of Himself - John 3:16
  3. Paul showed God-kind of love by allowing self to be thrown in prison and beaten so a slave girl could be delivered - Acts 16:16-24
  4. Law of Old Testament - law of sin and death - Romans 5:12-21, 8:2
  5. Given to man who didn't have a new nature
  6. Ten Commandments not for believers - Romans 13:8-10
  7. Jesus fulfilled all the Ten Commandments
  8. When Jesus said "It is finished" meant he fulfilled the Old Covenant and everything associated with it
  9. Law of New Testament - law of Spirit of life
  10. John 13:34-35
  11. Law of love sets us free from law of bondage of Old Testament - Romans 7:1-6
  12. 1 Corinthians 13 shows us the new law of love - what it does and doesn't do
  13. This law not designed for unbelievers; they can't live it
  14. The man who walks in love will fulfill all the Ten Commandments - Rom 13:8-10
  15. Matthew 5:3-10 - Beatitudes show the God-kind of love
  16. Luke 6:35-36 - love our enemies, be merciful
  17. We are to give up our own ambitions and desires and do what God has called us to do - Galatians 2:20
  18. 1 Corinthians 9:19-20
  19. We're free to do what we want
  20. You're to bring yourself under bondage of the law of the New Covenant, law of love - Romans 6:19-20
  21. 1 Corinthians 10:23-33 - we're to give no occasions to stumbling to the religious person, the worldly person, the believer
  22. Law of love is to rule our daily life, our businesses, our home
  23. Love is how we're to be recognized as belonging to Jeses - 1 John 3:10-23

ISOM – InternationalSchool of Ministry


Lesson 9: Reality of God Reproducing Himself in Us

  1. Galatians 4:4-7; 5:1,16
  2. The process
  3. Holy Spirit makes His home in us at the New Birth
  4. We read the word - Romans 12:1-2
  5. We practice and live the word
  6. The word then gets built in us
  7. Process is very slow
  8. God is the one who builds himself in us through the Holy Spirit - Philippians 2:13
  9. 2 Peter 3:18 - grace means love at work
  10. To grow in God is to grow in our love walk
  11. We need to yield to Him to allow Him to do this
  12. Not knowledge that does this but our acting on knowledge we have that does it
  13. Colossians 1:9-12 - Paul prayed we become more like the Father
  14. Holy Spirit is our teacher and guide - 1 Corinthians 2:11-12
  15. Knowledge of His Word will enable us to walk worthy of and pleasing to God
  16. This walk is a walk before the world
  17. We're to walk before men in such a way they recognize the new life in us
  18. Philippians 1:20-21
  19. Joy is always a by-product of God
  20. John 15:11
  21. Romans 14:17
  22. James 1:2-4
  23. Psalm 16:11
  24. Nehemiah 8:10
  25. John 15:7-8
  26. What it means to have His word abide in you
  27. James 1:22-23 - hearing and doing the word
  28. Grow in grace by doing His word
  29. Colossians 1:12
  30. This is the climax of God's heart desire for us - that we so let Him live in us that we begin to share the inheritance in Christ

ISOM – InternationalSchool of Ministry


Lesson 10: Reality of the Bible As the Living Word

  1. Bible is God speaking to us a living message
  2. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
  3. Faith in God is faith in His Word
  4. It's God's attitude toward all issues of life (priorities, finances, sickness)
  5. Everything God says through Bible is truth because God can't lie - Titus 1:2, Psalm 19:7, Numbers 23:19
  6. The Word is Jesus
  7. John 1:1-3, 14
  8. Jesus's words are just as real now as they were when they inspired John, Peter, and Paul
  9. The living word is eternal - Matthew 24:35
  10. Few words written by man live longer than a generation
  11. The living word is:
  12. Always present tense - 1 Peter 2:24, 2 Corinthians 2:14, Hebrews 11:1
  13. The mind and will of God
  14. Food to our spirit - Mt 4:4, Jer 15:16, Job 23:12, John 6:32,38
  15. Health to our bodies - Psalm 107:20
  16. Our strength - Philippians 4:13, Psalm 27:1, Psalm 84:5
  17. Our help - Philippians 4:19, Psalm 121:1-2
  18. The living word
  19. Gives us powr to produce like seed - Luke 8:11
  20. Imparts faith to us - Romans 10:17
  21. Imparts the God-kind of love in us - Romans 5:5, James 4:14-17
  22. Understanding God's love keeps us from depression, discouragement and faultfinding
  23. God confirms the living word with signs and wonders - Mark 16:19-20
  24. In order for the living word to be real to you, you must live it
  25. Can't live it without knowing it - John 8:31,32; 15:7
  26. Will give you courage and steadfastness - Joshua 1:8
  27. Will build the character of Jesus in you - Galatians 5:22-23
  28. Your word and God's word needs to become one - 2 Timothy 2:15, James 1:23-25
  29. How?
  30. Say it
  31. Practice it
  32. Pray it
  33. Be convicted by it
  34. God watches over his word to perform it - Jeremiah 1:12, Romans 4:21, Isaiah 55:11

ISOM – InternationalSchool of Ministry


Lesson 11: Reality of the Renewed Mind

  1. When born again great joy but unless mind being renewed through feeding on word and practicing it, joy will die - Matthew 7:24-27
  2. When we received our new nature, our mind stayed the same
  3. All the knowledge mind had comes from senses and senses can't be renewed
  4. Senses part of physical body
  5. Senses can be brought into subjection and controlled but not renewed - Romans 12:1-2
  6. Brought into subjection by word
  7. The mind slowly comes into fellowship with recreated spirit as read the word, meditate on it and practice it - Joshua 1:8
  8. Important this takes place so can live life way Jesus wants us to
  9. As mind is renewed will come to know will of the Father and will not have to ask "Is it wrong to do this?" "Should I do that?" - John 10:1-5
  10. Colossians 3:5-10
  11. Vs. 5-9 shows the mind dominated by our five senses
  12. Told to rid ourselves of these things
  13. vs. 10 says "you" put on and can only be done by our mind continually being renewed by the word
  14. Mind can't be renewed by just studying word; must do it
  15. Proverbs 4:20-23
  16. Ephesians 2:10 - God has prepared us to walk in His will, it can only be done as your mind is renewed by the word
  17. God has created us to walk in His will by the spirit - Romans 8:1, 8-11, 14
  18. Heal sick
  19. Walk in love
  20. Witness to unsaved
  21. Be a blessing to those around us
  22. Can only be done as renew mind
  23. Romans 8:3-9
  24. vs. 3 - the Greek word for "flesh" can and should be translated "senses" (meaning five senses)
  25. Literal translation of vs. 5 "those who are controlled by their senses pursue the things that gratify the natural man" or "those that are controlled by the senses are going to do the things the senses suggest. But those that are controlled by the recreated spirit are going to do the things of God"
  26. vs. 6 - mind of the senses (unrenewed mind) is under the dominion of spiritual death (Satan) but the mind of the recreated spirit (renewed mind) is under the dominion of God
  27. vs. 7 - the mind of the senses is hostile to God
  28. vs. 8 - those living in realm of senses (unrenewed mind) can't please God
  29. vs. 9 - Not living life controlled by senses when Spirit dwells in you (controls and directs you) that's only done by a renewed mind

ISOM – InternationalSchool of Ministry