Delaware Athletic Boosters Scholarship Application

Delaware Athletic Boosters Scholarship--GPA requirement 3.0. Must be a varsity letter winner and parents/self must be active in Booster fundraising activities. Attach a 300-500 word essay describing how the athletic program at Hayes has affected you and the choices you have made as a student in the Delaware City Schools. Describe your future plans/goals (they can be general) and the qualities you have gained through sports that you feel will help you succeed in the future.

Completed applications (including resumes, letters of recommendation & additional responses) are due

March 15th (no exceptions!) to the Counseling Office. This application should be completed without the assistance of family members, teachers, peers, etc. See your School Counselor with any questions.

Your Name: ______

Name(s) of Your Parent(s)/Guardian(s): ______

Your Phone Number: ______

Your Email Address: ______

Sport you earned a Varsity Letter: ______

Years you or your parents were involved in the Boosters: ______

Attach a typed sheet answering the following questions:

1. What is your cumulative GPA (located on your online Power School report card)?

2. What is the name of the post-secondary institution (i.e. college or university) you will be attending?

3. What type of college is this (4-year, community college, technical school, etc.)?

4. Will you be attending full-time, half-time, or less than half-time?

5. Semester you will start college (Summer 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018)

6. What are your educational and career goals long-term?

7. Report any unusual personal or family circumstances that you feel warrant attention.

8. What or Who is the most important influence in your life? Why?

Attach a typed resumé in addition to the to sheet answering the above question which includes:

·  Work Experience (Please include positions held over the last 4 years, dates of employment, hrs/week)

·  School Activities (Please include the name of each club/sport participated in during the last 4 years, number of years participated, and any special honors or awards, including the number of years as a Varsity letter winner.)

·  Community Activities (Please include the name of each community activity you participated in without pay during the last 4 years, number of years participated, and any special honors or award.

Scholarship Checklist:

Did you?

o  Complete the information (name, etc.) at the top of this page?

o  Attach a typed sheet answering questions 1-8?

o  Attach a typed resumé?

o  Attach a typed 300-500 word essay describing how the athletic program at Hayes has affected you and the choices you have made as a student in the Delaware City Schools. Describe your future plans/goals (they can be general) and the qualities you have gained through sports that you feel will help you succeed in the future

o  Attach a letter of recommendation from school or community members?