

June 10, 2009 – 7:00 p.m.

KenEdwardsCenter, 1527 Fourth Street, Santa Monica, CA90401

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Santa Monica Commission on the Status of Women is to enhance the status of women in our community. The Commission will promote these goals through investigation, advocacy, and policy development on issues relevant to women and girls, and by creating leadership and career advancement opportunities for women and girls in our community.

A regular meeting of the Santa Monica Commission on the Status of Women was held on June 10, to discuss the following business:

1. Call to Order – Vice Chair Bishop-Dunbarcalled the meeting to order at 7:05p.m.

Roll Call –


Commissioner Emily Arms

Vice Chair Amy Bishop-Dunbar

Commissioner Emeritus Darlene Evans

Commissioner Hannah Galloway(departed at 7:30 p.m.)

Commissioner Anne Goeke

Commissioner Autumn Peebles

Commissioner Tia Skulski (arrived at 7:20 p.m.)

Commissioner Sarah Stegemoeller


Chair Ana Jara

Commissioner Trish Moon

Also Present:

Julie Miehle, YWCA Executive Director

Julie Taren, Human Services Division

Kathleen Stecko, Human Services Division

Approval of Minutes from May 13, 2009Meeting

Commissioner Stegemoellermoved to accept the minutesfromMay 13, 2009. Commissioner Goeke seconded the motion. Motion passed on a voice vote with Vice Chair Bishop-Dunbar, Commissioners Arms, Galloway, Goeke and Skulski voting for the motion and Commissioners Peebles and Stegemoeller abstaining.

2.Public Input – None

3.Oath of Office – Emily Arms – This item was handled administratively prior to the commencement of the meeting.

4.Announcements and Correspondence

Staff Liaison Taren announced:

  • WDVN Conference was a success and the COSW was acknowledged for their contribution.

Vice Chair Bishop-Dunbar announced:

  • League of Women Voters annual meeting is at the Montana Branch Library June 13, 2009.
  • Pico Neighborhood Association has requested the COSW attend their June 11, 2009 meeting to discuss the City yard’s expansion into the Pico neighborhood.
  • Santa Monica Daily Press reported on possible legislation intended to protect children from the paparazzi.
  • SMC is experiencing reductions in its summer school program.

Commissioner Galloway announced:

  • Santa MonicaHigh School approved cutting one house due to budget and declining enrollment.

5.Welcome and Introduction Councilmember Gleam Davis– Councilmember Davis was unable to attend due to continuation of the June 9, 2009 City Council meeting.

6.YWCA Santa Monica Presentation – Executive Director Julia Miehle introduced herself and outlined programs offered by the YWCA.

7.Staff Liaison Report – Staff Liaison Julie Taren

  • The Meet and Greet with Julie Rusk extended to June 22, 2009.
  • Trades intern program received funding from the federal stimulus program.

8.Committee/Liaison Reports

  1. Association of CaliforniaCommissions on Women (ACCW) – Vice Chair Bishop-Dunbar and Commissioner Goeke attended the May 2009 ACCW meeting.

Commissioner Goeke moved to explore COSW hosting March 2010 ACCW convention. Commissioner Skulski seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote.

  1. Legislative Report– Vice Chair Bishop-Dunbar presented information on the proposed State of California budget cuts to specific programs.

Commissioner Goeke moved to have the Commission write a letter to City Council to state the Commissions opposition to the planned program cuts and to encourage the Council stand in opposition to program cuts that negatively impact Santa Monica residents and shelters for victims of domestic violence. Commissioner Skulski seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote; Commissioners Gallowaywas werenot present at the time of the vote.

Discussion on AB98 requiring all health insurance policies to provide coverage for maternity and postpartum care will be continued to a later meeting after data is collected on potential impact.

  1. Adding one Commissioner to the Safety Ad Hoc – Vice Chair Bishop-Dunbar requested another Commissioner volunteer to join the Ad Hoc committee; none forthcoming at this time.

d.Adding one Commissioner to the Healthcare Ad Hoc – Committee will report back in July; Commissioner Peebles joined.

e.Adding one Commissioner to the Outstanding Woman Leader’s (OWL) AwardAd Hoc– Commissioner Arms joined the ad hoc committee.

9.Old Business

a.COSW June budget status report

Commissioner Stegemoeller moved to utilize remaining budget for donations; splitting between Rosie’s Girls and the YWCA. Commissioner Peebles seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote.

  1. Decision to provide Commission input at JuneCity budget adoption meeting– Vice Chair Bishop-Dunbar and possibly Commissioner Goeke to attend as observers, bringing the letter the Commission drafted in February.

10.New Business

a.Approval of date and timeframe for COSW planning retreat in July–Agreement to hold the retreat on July 25, 2009, which will serve as July’s meeting. Location option considerations include the Beach House, Back on the Beach or Back on Broadway.

  1. Approval to support Relay for Life on Friday, July 15, 2009 with a donation or team of COSW walkers– Commission considered the proposal and did not take action.

c.Agenda Items for July 2009 Meeting– Survey results, Gleam Davis invitation, affordable housing, healthcare, safety, legislation, survey, ACCW, OWL Awards, long range goals, budget and strategic planning.


Vice Chair Bishop-Dunbar moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Goeke seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote; Chair Jara and Commissioners Galloway and Moonwere not present at the time of the vote.

Approved: Attest:


Amy Bishop-Dunbar, Vice ChairJulie Taren, Staff Liaison

F:\HumanServices\Share\A NEW Share Drive\Boards and Commissions\Commission on the Status of Women\Minutes\2009\minutes 061009.doc