The Imperialism Newspaper Project

You will create a newspaper which chronicles some of the most notable imperialist events of the past two centuries. You will use Microsoft Publisher and will begin by giving your paper a name. Each article will have a byline and your name as staff editor. (BERLIN, May 1781 is an example of a byline). Create a catchy headline for each article and include independent research which you will underline. Begin each article with the 5 Ws (what, where, when, why and who), enliven it with interesting and relevant independent research and then editorialize your analysis of the event by addressing cause and effect, comparisons, contrasts, opinions and/or predictions. Independent research must be relevant and different from textbook information. Bibliographic citations for each article should be noted on a separate page at the end of the newspaper. You will complete 8 articles.

DATE DUE: Monday, Dec 16, 2013

AFRICA (pp. 339-344)

·  The Berlin Conference 1884-85 (p. 342)

·  The Boer War (pp. 342-343)

·  Successful and unsuccessful African resistance movements (pp. 348-349)

·  Editorial on the pros and cons of imperialist rule in Africa, Middle East & Asia (pp. 350-351 & throughout chapter)

·  Editorial on the different motives (political, economic, cultural, religious, military) for imperialism (See throughout chapter

MUSLIM LANDS (pp. 352-356)

·  Decline of the Ottoman Empire (p. 352)

·  The Crimean War (p. 353)

·  The Great Game (p. 354)

·  Modernization and the Geopolitical Significance of Egypt (pp. 354-355)

·  Development of oil concessions in Persia OR the tobacco boycott (pp. 355-356)

INDIA (pp. 357-361)

·  The Sepoy Mutiny (pp. 357-361)

·  Obituary for Ram Mohun Roy (p. 361)

·  Founding of the Indian Nationalist Congress in 1885 and/or the Muslim League in 1906 (p. 361)

SOUTHEAST ASIA (pp. 362-365)

·  Spanish-American War and the Philippines (pp. 364)

·  Annexation of Hawaii (pp. 364-365)

·  French Control of Indochina (p. 363)

·  The Dutch in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia pp. 362)

CHINA (pp. 371-375)

·  The Opium War (pp. 371-372)

·  The Boxer Rebellion (pp. 374-375)

·  The US Open Door Policy (pp. 373-374)

IMPERIAL JAPAN (pp. 376-379)

·  Meiji Reform and modernization (pp. 376-379)

·  Russo-Japanese War (pp. 378-379)

·  Japanese annexation of Korea in 1910 (p. 379)