
Morning Worship* / Today / Next Week
Announcements / Anthony / Kowa
Song Leader / Wertz / Clubb
Prayer / Dennis / Dykman
Preside @ Table / Marbury / Neal, M
Assisting / Medina / Gauvin
Assisting / Lake / Dennis
Assisting / Kent / Comeaux
Prayer / Porter / Medina
Evening Worship*
Announcements / Anthony / Kowa
Song Leader / Wertz / Clubb
Prayer / Dennis / Dykman
Communion/Prayer / Marbury
Evening Worship*
Announcements / Anthony / Kowa
Song Leader / Wertz / Clubb
Invitation / Wedge / Wertz
Prayer / Porter / Medina
*** Brothers: If you are serving, please meet in the foyer
five minutes prior to services. If you are not
able to serve at a particular service contact
Mar / Apr / May
Prepare Communion / Dennis / TBD / TBD
Lockup / Anthony / TBD / TBD
Please take a moment each week to look over this list, to keep abreast of activities of the congregation.
Men’s Breakfast / Sat 3/10 / 8:00 am / OCB
Elder/Deacon/Pr’cher Mtg / Sat 3/10 / 9:30 am / Building
Ladies Breakfast / Sat 4/7 / 9:00 am / OCB
Mens’ Breakfast / Sat 4/14 / 8:00 am / OCB
Elder/Deacon/Pr’cher Mtg / Sat 4/14 / 9:30 am / Building
Tim Wertz at 703-878-7695.

Helpful Email Addresses:




Assignment scheduling changes:

Special Days
Happy Birthday March!
Catie Wordham / 7 / Alwilda Merritt / 12
Marjorie Kowa / 28 / Ernie Maiwald / 29
Happy Anniversary March!
Jeff and Melissa Davidson / 10



Living in a country that allows freedom of religion is a great and wonderful thing. However, there are many in our own country that don’t understand or really care about our freedoms. What answer do you think you would hear if you asked the average American what it meant to have religious freedom? The usual answer would be to worship God in the way that seems right to each individual. Brethren that answer is so far from what Jesus taught. Think about it this way with the description of fire.

Fire, depending on how it is used, can be either beneficial or destructive. When used correctly, it can warm a house, cook food, and create a romantic evening. However, when fire is used incorrectly, it can lay waste to forests; destroy houses, or even an entire city. Christian freedom is the same. When used correctly, it can be extremely beneficial, but when used incorrectly, it has great potential for destruction. There are so many people that claim to do the things they do religious through so called “religious freedom.”

Brethren if we are not using our religious freedom in the way Jesus described then we are doing a great harm to His sacrifice that He went through for each and every one of us. Notice the words of Jesus “if you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendents, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can You say, ‘You will be made free’?” Jesus answered them “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be made free” (John 8:31-35). We have to abide in the word of Christ to be free not in what seems right to us. Let your freedom come through the Words of Christ, not some person or feeling.


For our Prayers-Mar 4, 2012


v  Ray Webb, Melissa Davidson’s father, has Parkinson Disease and is having difficulty with medications.

v  Sharon Ragan, Bobbie Girard’s daughter, had a house fire last Sunday. Nobody was injured.


Kennetha Marbury (cousin passed away)

v  Denise Porter (uncle passed away)

Continued Prayers:

v  Dorothy Ellis, Lasha Dennis’ grandmother (fall)

Charles Nichols (speech and physical Therapy)

v  Sid Hooks, Ernie’s aunt (stomach cancer)

Carson Baldridge, Denise Porter’s uncle (congestive heart failure)

v  Debbie Vickers, Denise Porter’s sister, broken pelvis

v  Lenny Skutnik, (Crohn’s Disease)

v  Sharon Ragan, Bobbie Girard’s daughter (Crohn’s)

Joseph Comeaux, Perry Comeaux’s father (heart)

v  OT Martin (Ernie’s dad)

v  Jennie Cribb, Alwilda Merritt’s sister (post-polio

synd, COPD)

v  Wayne Cribb, Alwilda’s nephew (Prostate cancer)

v  Adrienne (cancer) and Harry (Parkinson’s) Sweet,

friends of Lee and Denise Porter

v  The men and women who are serving in harm’s way

throughout the world, away from their loved

Our young adults who are in college, home and


Trenda Maiwald (Art Institute of Washington)

Mandie Neal (PT Doctorate),

Catie Wordham (NOVA then JMU in the Fall)

Special Request:

There are brothers and sisters who need the prayers of

the congregation, as they undergo the misfortunes

of life. Please remember to include these nameless

ones when you petition God with other cares.

Continued prayers for our members:

Marjorie Kowa Bobbie Girard Alwilda Merritt Colleen Wertz Sue Bilbrey Deb Neal

Christine Liddell Joe Bilbrey Peggy Shields Betty Perez Katherine Wertz Ed Wiggins

James Roberson Patty Wiggins Will Davis