CV: Daniel W. Tsegai

Daniel Tsegai (PhD)

ZEF, Walter Flex Str. 3

53113, Bonn, Germany


Degree Date Institute Major

PhD 2005 ZEF, University of Bonn, Germany Development Economics (Magna

Cum laude)

MSc 2001 University of Göttingen, Germany Agricultural Economics (Magna

Cum laude)

B.A 1996 University of Asmara, Eritrea Economics(with Distinction)


  1. IWRM, Water value chains, Water Quality, River basin modelling, Economics of water use/supply efficiency, Climate change
  2. Internal/International migration, Environmental migration, Remittances, Livelihood issues
  3. Food security, health, sanitation, Hygiene and generalpovertyissues
  4. Policy issues on sustainable agricultural development in developing countries


Tsegai, D. 2005. The economics of migration in the Volta Basin of Ghana: Household and district-level analysis. PhD Dissertation, Centre for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, Germany.

Tsegai, D. 2001. Determinants of urban household demand for cassava and cassava products in Kaduna, northern Nigeria. MSc. Thesis, University of Göttingen, Germany.

Tsegai, D. 1996. Household energy consumption behaviour in Asmara: A case study of Zone 6. B.A. Thesis, University of Asmara, Eritrea.


01.08.2006-PresentSeniorResearcherat the Centre for Development Research (ZEF) for a research project on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in South Africa.

01.01.2006 - Present Lecturerfor Applied Development Micro Economics at the Centre for Development Research (ZEF)for PhD students;tutoringPhD students at ZEF.

01.12.2006 - Present Lecturer for DevelopmentPolicy analysis; Development theoryfor Msc students at the Department of Geography and Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn, Germany.

01/2005–04/2005Postdoc Researchat the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Regional Office, Pretoria, South Africa

10/2000-03/2001 Junior Researcherat the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria. Responsibilities included conducting household surveys and analyzing data (As part of the MSc Thesis work).

09/1996-03/1999 Junior Policy and Regulations Expert at theMinistry of Finance, Asmara, Eritrea. Responsibilities included conducting research on existing taxation systems in Eritrea and examining other developed and developing countries’ taxation systems.


Wielgosz, Benjamin, Margaret Mangheni, Daniel Tsegai, and Claudia Ringler. 2012. Malaria and Agriculture: A Review of the Literature with a Focus on the Potential of Integrated Pest and Vector Management for Uganda. IFPRI Discussion Paper, International Food Policy Research Institute: Washington DC, 2012 (Forthcoming).

Walter, T., J. Kloos and D.W. Tsegai.2011. Options for improving water use efficiency under worsening scarcity: Evidence from the Middle Olifants sub-basin in South Africa, Water SA. Vol. 37. No. 3.Pages 357-370.

Tsegai, D. and Le, Q. B. 2011. District-level spatial analysis of migration flows in Ghana: determinants and implications for policy. Regional Science Policy & Practice, Volume 3. Issue 2. Pages 87–100.

Abdul Salam Lodhi, Daniel Tsegai and Nicolas Gerber. 2011. Determinants of participation in child’s education and alternative activities in Pakistan, ZEF- Discussion Papers on Development Policy No. 159, Center for Development Research, Bonn, December 2011, pp. 50; ISSN: 1436-9931.

Evita Hanie Pangaribowo and Daniel Tsegai. 2011. Food Demand Analysis of Indonesian Households with Particular Attention to the Poorest, ZEF- Discussion Papers on Development Policy No. 151, Center for Development Research, Bonn, August 2011, pp. 38.

Dan Liu and Daniel Tsegai. 2011. The New Cooperative Medical Scheme (NCMS) and its implications for access to health care and medical expenditure: Evidence from rural China, ZEF- Discussion Papers on Development Policy No. 155, Center for Development Research, Bonn, October 2011, pp. 42.

Tsegai, D.W. 2010. Economic analysis of water supply cost structure in the Middle Olifants sub-basin of South Africa. Journal of European Economy, Volume 9, Number 6, Pages 367-384.

Tsegai, D.W. and Q.B. Le. 2010. District-level Spatial Analysis of Migration Flows in Ghana: Determinants and Implications for Policy. ZEF- Discussion Papers on Development Policy No. 144, Centre for Development Research, Bonn, December 2010, pp. 18.

Walter, T., J. Kloos and D.Tsegai. 2010. Improving water use efficiency under worsening scarcity: Evidence from the Middle Olifants sub-basin in South Africa, ZEF- Discussion Papers on Development Policy No. 143, Centre for Development Research, Bonn, November 2010, pp. 21.

Tsegai, D. W. and P. M. Kormawa. 2009. Determinants of urban household demand for cassava and cassava products in Kaduna, Northern Nigeria: An application of AIDS model. European Journal of Development Research Vol. 21, Issue 3, Pages 435 – 447.

Tsegai, D. 2007. ‘Migration as a household decision: What are the roles of Income differences? Insights from the Volta basin of Ghana’. The European Journal of Development Research. Vol. 19. Issue 2. Pages 305-326.

Kloos, J. and D. Tsegai. 2009. Preferences for domestic Water Services in the Middle Olifants sub-basin of South Africa. ZEF Discussion paper series on Development Policy. No. 131.

Linz, T. and D. Tsegai. 2009. Industrial Water Demand analysis in the Middle Olifants sub-basin of South Africa: The case of Mining. ZEF Discussion paper on Development Policy. Number 130.

Tsegai, D. W., T. Linz and J. Kloos. 2009. Economic Analysis of water supply cost structure in the Middle Olifantssub-basinof South Africa. ZEF Discussion paper on Development Policy. Number 129.


Tsegai, D.W. 2011. Improving water use efficiency under worsening scarcity: Evidence from the Middle Olifants sub-basin of South Africa. ZEF News.

Tsegai, D. W. 2009. Economic Analysis of water supply cost structure in the Middle Olifants sub-basin of South Africa. Proceedings on International Conference of Applied Economics (ICOAE, 2009). Pages 715- 724.

Tsegai, D.W., K. Frohberg, J. Kloos and T. Linz. 2008. Integrated Water Resources Management Pilot project in the Middle Olifants sub-basin of South Africa. Project Report. Pages 20-22.

Tsegai, D.W.2005. The economics of migration in the Volta Basin of Ghana: Household and district level analysis. Pages 58-59.

Rudolph, K.U., K. Frohberg, D. Tsegai and N. Beck. 2005. The Middle Olifants sub-basin of South Africa: A Pilot project for Integrated Water Resources Management. Research Proposal selected for funding by BMBF.Bonn. Germany.

Tsegai, D. and T. Yilma. 2004. GLOWA-Volta Weighting Factors. ZEF Documentation of Research 1/2004.


Improving water use efficiency under worsening scarcity: Evidence from the Middle Olifants sub-basin of South Africa. Management of water in a changing world: lessons learnt and innovative perspectives: 12-13 October, 2011, Dresden, Germany (Oral Presentation).

Invited presentation at the European Master in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis (AFEPA) Summer School, July 18-28, 2011,Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (

Interaction of economic and hydrological models for optimal water allocation. UNESCO-IHP and IWAS, E-Learning Module, Koblenz, Germany, Feb 2011.

Improving water use efficiency under worsening scarcity: Evidence from the Middle Olifants sub-basin of South Africa. Conference at the Global Catchment Initiative, University Club Bonn, Germany, 6-8 Dec. 2010 (Oral Presentation).

District-level Spatial Analysis of Migration Flows in Ghana: Determinants and Implications for Policy. PEGNet Conference 2010: Policies to Foster and Sustain Equitable Development in Times of Crisis Development Bank of Southern Africa, Midrand South Africa, 2-3 September. 2010 (Poster Presentation)

Capacity Development Efforts of the “IWRM South Africa” Project: Reflections from Experience. Capacity Development: Nachhaltige Umsetzungsstrategien für Wissenschaft, Verwaltung und Wirtschaft in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern 1 and 2 October, 2009, Helmholtz-center for Environmental Research, Magdeburg, Germany (Oral Presentation)

Options for Marginal Cost Pricing in the Middle Olifants of South Africa. Presented at the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE ) conference in Amsterdam 24-27 June, 2009. (Oral Presentation)

Economic analysis of water supply cost structure in the Middle Olifants sub-basin of South Africa. Paper presented at the International Conference on Applied Economics (ICOAE), Kastoria, Greece (27 – 30 May, 2009). (Oral Presentation)

The Water Allocation Module in the context of IWRM project in the sub-basin of South Africa: Self organized workshop on IWRM project in Pretoria, South Africa. September 18-19, 2008 (Oral presentation)

Migration as a household decision: What are the roles of Income differences? Insights from the Volta basin of Ghana. Paper presented in the IZA/World Bank conference on “Employment and Development” in Rabat, Morocco. May 05/06, 2008(Oral presentation)

The Middle Oilfants sub-basin of South Africa: A Pilot project for Integrated Water Resources Management and technology transfer. A self organized “project kick off Workshop” held in Water Resource Commission, Pretoria, South Africa. March 6/7, 2007 (Oral Presentation).

Impacts of migration and remittances on farm and non-farm self employment incomes in the Volta basin of Ghana. Presented at the 11th European Association Development Institutes (EADI) General Conference (EADI). Bonn. 21-24 Sep. 2005. (Oral presentation/ Convener of a session)

Migration and income differentials in the Volta basin of Ghana. Presented at the 11th European Association Development Institutes (EADI) General Conference. Bonn. 21-24 Sep. 2005. (Oral Presentation/ Convener of a session)

The Middle Oilfants sub-basin of South Africa: A Pilot project for Integrated Water Resources Management and technology transfer. A self organized “fact finding Workshop” held in Water Resource Commission, Pretoria, South Africa. April 5, 2005 (Oral Presentation).

Participated as a panellist in a Panel discussion on selected transboundary water sheds of Nile, Lake Chad, Limpopo and Southern Africa. Institute for Technology in the Tropics (ITT) at the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne, Germany. 01 Sep. 2005 (Panellist).

Migration in the Volta Basin of Ghana: Flows and Determinants. Status conference on German Program on global change in the hydrological cycle GLOWA –VOLTA project (www-glowa-volta.de), Cologne, Germany, May 17-19, 2005. (Poster Presentation).

Das Flusseinzugsgebiet des Mittleren Olifant in Südafrika: Ein Pilotgebiet für integriertes Wasserressourcen- Management und Technologietransfer. A self organized “assessment” Workshop held in Water Resource Commission, Pretoria, South Africa. April 05, 2005 (Oral Presentation).

Impact of wage differentials on household migration decisions: A sample selection approach. Canadian Economics Association (CEA). Toronto, Canada, June 4-6, 2004 (Oral presentation).

Macro level migration dynamics in the Volta Basin of Ghana: implications for migration forecasts. Deutscher Tropentag: Technological and Institutional Innovations for Sustainable Rural Development. Georg-August-University, Göttingen, Germany, October 8 - 10, 2003 (Poster presentation).

Determinants of urban household demand for cassava and cassava products in Kaduna, northern Nigeria. Deutscher Tropentag: Challenges to Organic Farming and Sustainable Land Use in the Tropics and Subtropics. University of Kassel, Witzenhausen, Germany, October 9-11, 2002 (Oral presentation).

Multiple-Agent Modeling of Interrelated Land Use and Water Management. Status conference on German Program on global change in the hydrological cycle GLOWA – VOLTA project (www-glowa-volta.de) (Phase I, 2000-2003), München, 14-16 April. 2002 (Poster Presentation).


10/2001-01/2005PhD Research Grant, Center for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn.

04/1999-09/2001Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) scholarship for Msc studies at the University of Göttingen

09/1994-06/1996University of Asmara, Winner of Immanuel scholarship given to outstanding students


Lecturer on “Applied Development Microeconomics”for PhD students at the Center for development research (ZEF), University of Bonn (Fall 2005 – Present).

Lecturer on “Development Policy Analysis”for Msc students at the Centre for development research (ZEF), University of Bonn (Fall 2006 – Present).


Fluent in English, Amharic, and Tigrinya (Mother tongue); very good German


Proficient user of STATA, SPSS, and moderate use of GAMS


  • Since May 2009: European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) Membership
  • Since October 2005: European Association of Development Research and Training

Institutes (EADI) Membership

  • Since June 2004: Canadian Economic Association (CEA)Membership