Senior Science

Electrostatics, Batteries, and Capacitors

1. Which of the following is the formula that describes Coulomb’s Law?

a. f = kq2/r2

b. f = q1q2/r2

c. f = kq1q2/r

d. f = kq1q2/r2

2. What does Coulomb’s Law give?

a. Force between two charges

b. Energy between two charges

c. Both a and b

d. None of the above

3. Which scientist was one of the first to theorize that there were two types of charges?

a. Millikan

b. Aristotle

c. Franklin

d. Coulomb

4. Which of the following is the value of the constant in Coulomb’s equation?

a. k = 9.8

b. k = 9 x 109

c. k = 9 x 10-9

d. k = 6.67 x 10-11

5. What are the units of Coulomb’s constant?

a. C2

b. Nm

c. Nm/C2

d. Nm2/C2

6. The value of k in Coulomb’s Law depends on ______.

a. the magnitude of the charges

b. the distance between the charges

c. the medium between the two charges

d. both a and b are correct

7. Which factor is squared in Coulomb’s equation?

a. force

b. charge

c. distance

d. the constant

8, The q in Coulomb’s law stands for______.

a. the mass of charged objects

b. the charge of charged objects

c. the distance between two objects

d. the quality of the charge of objects

9. If the charge of an object is doubled, what would happen to the force?

a. There would be no change

b. It would be twice as strong

c. It would lose half its strength

d. The object would lose it charge

10. What are the units of electric field?

a. N

b. N C

c. N/C

d. N/m2

11. In Coulomb’s Law, the force of attraction or repulsion between two charges is:

a. inversely proportional to the charges

b. directly proportional to the product of the charges

c. inversely proportional to the distance between the charges

d. directly proportional to the square of the distance between the charges

12. What is the correct unit for charge?

a. meters

b. Newtons

c. kilograms

d. Coulombs

13. Electric charges under action of electric forces is called ______.

a. electric flux

b. electric field

c. electrostatic

d. electric field lines

14. If we have a positive and a negative charge, the force between them is ______.

a. zero

b. infinite

c. positive

d. negative

15. The ability of charged bodies to exert force on one another is attributed to the existence of ______.

a. protons

b. neutrons

c. electrons

d. electric field

16. If the distance between two charges is doubled, the electrostatic force between the charges will ______.

a. increase by a factor of two

b. decrease by a factor of two

c. decrease by a factor of four

d. increase by a factor of four

17. Two charges, Q1 and Q2, are separated by a distance, D. If Q1 is doubled, the force will ______.

a. increase by a factor of two

b. decrease by a factor of two

c. increase by a factor of four

d. decrease by a factor of four

18. Two charges, Q1 and Q2, are separated by a distance, D. If Q1 and Q2 are doubled, the force will ______.

a. increase by a factor of two

b. decrease by a factor of two

c. increase by a factor of four

d. decrease by a factor of four

19. Two charges, Q1 and Q2, are separated by a distance, D. If Q1 and D are doubled, the force will ______.

a. remain the same

b. decrease by a factor of two

c. increase by a factor of four

d. decrease by a factor of four

20. Two charges, Q1 and Q2, are separated by a distance, D. If Q1, Q2, and D are doubled, the force will ______.

a. remain the same

b. decrease by a factor of two

c. increase by a factor of four

d. decrease by a factor of four

21. The algebraic sum of electric charges will remain constant in a closed system. This is the law of conservation of ______.

a. mass

b. charge

c. energy

d. momentum

22. A repelling force must occur between two charged objects under which conditions?

a. Charges are of like signs

b. Charges are of unlike signs

c. Charges are of equal magnitude

d. Charges are of unequal magnitude

23. Which of the following best characterizes electrical conductors?

a. Low mass density

b. High tensile strength

c. Poor heat conductors

d. Electric charges move freely

24. Which of the following best characterizes electrical insulators?

a. Low specific heat

b. High tensile strength

c. Good heat conductors

d. Charges on the surface don’t move

25. Two point charges are 4 cm apart. They are moved to a new separation of 2 cm. By what factor does the resulting mutual force between them change?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 4

d. ½

26, If the distance between two point charges is tripled, the mutual force between them will be changed by what factor?

a. 3

b. 9

c. 0.33

d. 1/9

27. If the size of the charge value is tripled for both of two point charges maintained at a constant separation, the mutual force between them will be changed by what factor?

a. 3

b. 9

c. 0.33

d. 1/9

28. The electric field of a point charge has an inverse ______behavior.

a. r

b. r2

c. r3

d. r1/2

29. The combination of two separated point charges of opposite sign but equal magnitude is called an electric ______.

a. dipole

b. octapole

c. monopole

d. quadrapole

30. The unit of electrical potential, the volt, is dimensionally equivalent to ______.

a. J/C

b. C/J

c. J C

d. J/F

31. The quantity of electrical potential, the volt, is dimensionally equivalent to ______.

a. force/charge

b. force x charge

c. charge x distance

d. electric field x distance

32. A free electron is in an electric field. With respect to the field, it experiences a force acting in ______.

a. parallel

b. anti-parallel

c. perpendicular

d. along a constant potential line

33. Which of the following is a positive charge?

a. 1.6 x 10-18

b. 2.4 x 10-16

c. 1.9 x 10-18

d. 1.92 x 10-18

34. Electric field intensity is related to force and charge as ______.

a. E = FQ

b. E = F Q

c. E = F/Q

d. E = Q/F

35. The electric field intensity at a point situated 4 m from a point charge is 200 N/C. If the distance is reduced to 2 m, what will the field intensity be?

a. 400 N/C

b. 600 N/C

c. 800 N/C

d. 1200 N/C

36. A battery consists of ______.

a. a cell

b. a circuit

c. a generator

d. a number of cells

37. The unit that measures a battery’s strength is the ______.

a. volt

b. circuit

c. current

d. conductor

38. Which of the following is true of battery voltage?

a. It may be stored indefinitely

b. It is lowered as the load increases

c. It is restored as soon as disconnect occurs

d. It will be reduced to zero as power is drawn

39. The voltage in a battery is ______.

a. always a multiple of 1.018 V

b. less than the voltage in a cell of the same kind

c. more than the voltage in a cell of the same kind

d. the same as the voltage in a cell of the same kind

40. If the current in a circuit equals 0 A, it is likely that ______.

a. the circuit is open

b. the voltage is too high

c. the circuit has a short

d. the resistance is too low

41. If 60 J of energy are available for every 15 C of charge, what is the voltage?

a. 4 V

b. 15 V

c. 60 V

d. 0.25 V

42. What is amp-hours a measure of?

a. e.m.f.

b. charge

c. power

d. current

43. Power is calculated in a circuit by multiplying voltage times ______.

a. current

b. charge

c. conductor

d. resistance

44. If you connect two identical storage batteries together in parallel and place them in a circuit, the combination will provide ______.

a. half the voltage and half the total charge that one battery would

b. the same voltage and twice the total charge that one battery would

c. twice the voltage and the same total charge that one battery would

d. twice the voltage and twice the total charge that one battery would

45. The capacity of a battery is expressed in terms of ______.

a. current rating

b. voltage rating

c. ampere-hour rating

d. none of the above

46, The capacity of a lead-acid cell is measured in ______.

a. watts

b. watt-hours

c. amperes

d. ampere-hours

47. The capacity of a lead-acid cell depends on what?

a. The rate of discharge

b. Density of electrolyte

c. Quantity of active materials

d. All of the above

48. Cells are connected in series in order to ______.

a. increase the voltage rating

b. increase the current rating

c. increase the life of the cells

d. none of the above

49. Five 2 V cells are connected in parallel. What is the output voltage?

a. 1 V

b. 2 V

c. 1.5 V

d. 1.75 V

50. Three 12 V, 2 A batteries are connected in parallel. What is the total voltage for this combination?

a. 4 V

b. 12 V

c. 24 V

d. 36 V

51. In series circuit, which of the following quantities remains the same throughout the circuit?

a. Current

b. Voltage

c. Both a and b

d. None of the above

52, What happens when an electric switch is turned off?

a. The circuit is broken

b. There is a short circuit

c. A circuit breaker turns off

d. The circuit becomes a series circuit

53. A circuit that only has one electric flow is a ______.

a. paper circuit

b. series circuit

c. battery circuit

d. parallel circuit

54. Which of the following quantities remains constant in a parallel circuit?

a. Current

b. Voltage

c. Both a and b

d. None of the above

55. Five cells connected in series each have an e.m.f. of 2 V amd an internal resistance of 0.5 Ω. The resulting battery will have:

a. An e.m.f. of 2 V and an internal resistance of 0.5 Ω.

b. An e.m.f. of 2 V and an internal resistance of 0.1 Ω.

c. An e.m.f. of 10 V and an internal resistance of 0.1 Ω

d. An e.m.f. of 10 V and an internal resistance of 2.5 Ω

56. Five cells connected in parallel each have an e.m.f. of 2 V amd an internal resistance of 0.5 Ω. The resulting battery will have:

a. An e.m.f. of 2 V and an internal resistance of 0.5 Ω.

b. An e.m.f. of 2 V and an internal resistance of 0.1 Ω.

c. An e.m.f. of 10 V and an internal resistance of 0.1 Ω

d. An e.m.f. of 10 V and an internal resistance of 2.5 Ω

57. Five 2 V cells, each with an internal resistance of 0.2 Ω are connected in series to a load of resistance 14 Ω. What is the current flowing in the circuit?

a. 1.4 A

b. 1.5 A

c. 0.33 A

d. 10 A

58. Four cells each of e.m.f. ‘E’ are joined in parallel to form a battery. The equivalent e.m.f of the battery will be ______.

a. E

b. 4E

c. E/4

d. E = 0

59. Parallel connected components form ______,

a. branches

b. open circuits

c. short circuits

d. a voltage divider

60. A parallel circuit differs from a series circuit because a parallel circuit has which of the following?

a. no path for current flow

b. one path for current flow

c. fewer paths for current flow

d. more than one path for current flow

61. Which of the following is true of the total resistance in a parallel circuit?

a. It is equal to the average resistance.

b. It is more than the largest resistance.

c. It is less than the smallest resistance.

d. It is equal to the sum of the resistances.

62. If a resistor is added in parallel to a working circuit, what will happen to the total resistance?

a. It will decrease

b. It will increase

c. It will remain the same

d. Cannot be determined

63. Which of the following statements best describes the difference between series and parallel circuits?

a. Series circuits are used in computers and parallel circuits are used in homes.

b. Series circuits are battery circuits and parallel circuits are generator circuits.

c. Series circuits have a single path and parallel circuits have two or more paths.

d. Series circuits have one switch in them and parallel circuits have two switches in them.

64. The electrical outlets in your house are wired in ______circuits.

a. series

b. parallel

c. two-way

d. three-way

65. A capacitor is constructed of two parallel ______.

a. inductors

b. dielectrics

c. conductors

d. semiconductors

66. What is capacitance?

a. Charge/length

b. Charge per volts

c. Charge per unit area

d. None of the above

67. Which of the following is true of capacitors?

a. They block both AC and DC

b. They pass both AC and DC

c. They pass AC but block DC

d. They pass DC but clock AC

68. What is the inverse of capacitance called?

a. Elastance

b. Reluctance

c. Susceptance

d. Conductance

69. Capacitor plates are separated by an insulator known as ______.

a. wood

b. paper

c. dielectric

d. non-metal

70. A capacitor stores energy within a dielectric between the conducting plates in what form?

a. An electric field

b. Positive voltage

c. A magnetic field