Aid to Induction Sheet for Each Specific Adverb

Adverbial keyword/Phrase +
Semantic category and/or conjecture / Search terms / Look at the sheet for Activity 2; it is entitled, “Adverbial and Collocation Recording Sheet.”
For each keyword, do you notice any pattern in the words that come right before or right after the keyword? If yes, write that in this column. This induction of a pattern can only come after reading many sentences. You should induce a rule for THREE of the keywords. This should be based on your own observations and in your own words.
word = because
Semantic category = Cause-effect / Education
English / Example:
Because is often followed by a pronoun (it/he/they) or a noun. Sometimes a gerund is used (becoming).
Because the learners needed scaffolding, the teacher provided guided practice before letting them work independently.
Because it was time for the lesson, the teacher wondered why the students did not appear.
Because / Induction / Induction: It appears that the subordinate clause which contains the “because” is usually the cause, while the main clause is the effect. Usually the dependent (subordinate) clause is something that occurs before the independent clause in time.
Word = because / Examples (from Activity 2 sheet)
(1)However, I question whether the connectionist model leaves out essential components of reading,becausebecoming literate istranspersonal (a distributed phenomenon, not simply something residing within a single head(Erickson, 1996, p. 29). Many in the field of literacy, myself included, would consider the connections model to be a limited one, as it constructs reading as an act of cognition, or acomplex collection of skillswhich reside within the individual alone.
(2)Also, Prof. X demanded perfection. I was so unfamiliar with the concept of musical perfectionbecauseI'd never been responsible for polishing anything to perfection before entering college.
(3)As a result, composition teachers are often threatened or anxious when they encounter writing that narrates traumatic experiencesbecausethey assume they must adopt a therapeutic position (Payne, 2000). In this way, the student-survivor is read as disordered and vulnerable, no matter how she composes her texts or what she argues about her experiences (Payne, 2000).
(4)Becausethere are many people who cannot afford a good education, Jefferson argued, all should share the cost, in order to foster the best possible representative government.
(5)In addition, students learn that Spain is perceived to be themother countryin the Hispanic world since the official language in many countries of Central America, South America, and the Caribbean is Spanish. In addition, Spain and the Hispanic world share similar cultural elements, such as religion and food, which were originally brought by Spanish conquistadors. Lastly, I will emphasize to students that the content of this lesson is related to the purpose of the unitbecauseit provides a historical and cultural context for Spain’s influence on the Hispanic world.
(6)For example, Andrew mentions that he enjoys reading the newspaperbecausehe is interested in the stock market, which is most likely an interest of his father's.
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