Present: Councillor John Biggam

Councillor Janice Patterson

Lisa Simpson

Colin Hood

Sandra Santos – Walsh

Richard Santos -Walsh

Stephen Honeyman

Steven Baird

Stephen Dougan

Gary Wilson

James Reid

Approved subject to the following amendment at 4.1 ;
First sentence should read
“The trade asked that the age limit on licensed
vehicles be removed”.
2.2 / 4.1 Vehicle Age limits
LS advised that Donnie Cameron was not supportive of lifting the age limit restriction on licensed vehicles and outlined the concerns as regards vehicle presentation etc. The trade asked if Donnie Cameron could attend the next meeting in order to have further discussion with them on this issue.
4.3Problems with PH vehicles using taxi ranks
Trade advised that this is still an issue and stated that they are also experiencing difficulties with the public parking and using ranks as drop off/collection points. Trade advising that police say that this is a matter for the Council. LS advised that Council has no authority to deal with illegal parking and that this was a police matter. Trade requested that a representative from Central Scotland Police attend the next meeting for further discussion. / Donnie Cameron to be invited to next meeting : Action – June Andison
Representative from CSP to be invited to the next meeting :
Action – June Andison
3.0 / Licence fee increases
LS advised that these would come into force on 1st May 2008 / Noted by trade
4.0 / Sounding of horns
LS advised trade of concerns expressed to Councillors from members of the public as regards the sounding of horns late at night.
Trade accepted that use of horns after certain time was an offence but also pointed out that leaving the vehicle late at night posed a threat to their safety, particularly as they may have large amounts of cash on their person. It was noted that taxis would pick up most of their trade late at night from the street or ranks. It was likely therefore that it was private hire drivers who were mainly responsible. It was agreed that a letter reminding the trade re use of horns and suggesting call back etc where possible etc be sent out / Action : letter
June Andison
5.0 / Issues of Concern
5.1 / Insurance – voluntary drivers
The trade asked if Voluntary Drivers used by the council are required to obtain public liability insurance as there was a suggestion that they were included under the Council’s insurance. The trade felt that if this was the case that this was unfair as they also get mileage etc. LS advised that she did not know the position. The trade asked for this to be clarified this with Sandy Nicoll / Action : check position with Sandy Nicoll :
June Andison
5.2 / Tenders
The trade expressed concerns as regards the tenders for school contracts going for a period of three years to five years and how they were to provide for increases to fuel and other costs. They asked for Sandy Nicoll to be invited to the next meeting to discuss their concerns / Action : Invite Sandy Nicoll to next meeting:
June Andison
5.3 / Concern re police stopping drivers for breach of conditions
The trade expressed concern that they were being “put off the road” for things that were not in their licence conditions. It was suggested that CSP may be unaware that Stirling & Falkirk have different conditions. Trade want CSP to be made aware of position. / Action : letter to CSP:
June Andison
5.4 / Query re First Aid Kit
Are all licensed vehicles required to have one?
Do drivers require to undergo First Aid training? / Action : check
June/ Lisa
5.4 / Permission to driver whilst awaiting licence following renewal application
The trade raised concerns that CSP were disputing that drivers could continue whilst the renewal was processed. Asked if they could be issued with a letter from Council to show CSP if stopped. Agreed / Action prepare standard letter to be issued following all applications for renewal.
June Andison
5.5 / Taxi fare review
Taxi fare review due. Next forum meeting scheduled to include initial consultation with trade / Action : Lisa Simpson
6.0 / Date of next meeting
27 May 2008 at 6.30 pm / Action : June Andison