Cal State Northridge Office: BB 3210

ACCT 428 International Accounting -Ticket # 17365 (JH 1117) Office Hours:

Dr. Dhia D. AlHashim TH 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.

Office Phone: 677-2427 TTH 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.

-2461 W 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.

And by Appointment

Fall Semester 2006 E-mail:

This course is concerned with an examination of the environmental factors affecting accounting concepts and standards. Differences in the cultural, social, political, legal, and economic conditions are the determining factors in the selection of accounting concepts and standards. This course is also concerned with the differences in financial and control activities of multinational enterprises and those of domestic companies.

This course will be conducted as a semi-seminar, using a case approach. Each seminar session will be organized around the topic indicated in this outline. Students will be divided into groups; each group will be responsible to present the topic assigned to it, as a basis for class discussion. Each group will be required to provide an outline of its report to each member of the class, and to submit its written report to the instructor. Presentations will be graded on the basis of content, and each student should speak! Each student is expected to actively participate in class discussion, and to adhere to the CSUN Conduct Code, as specified in Sections 41301 through 41304 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations.

Each student will be required to prepare a major paper, to be selected during the first three sessions. The major paper should be comprehensive in scope and relates to an international accounting or to an international business topic. This paper will be due at the end of the semester.

Plus/minus grading will be utilized in the grading system of this course. In addition, the final grade in the course will be based on the following factors and approximate weights:

1. Group presentations and class participation 30%

2. Exams 40%

2. Major paper 30%


Schweikart, Gray & Roberts (SGR), International Accounting: A Case Approach (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994).

M. Zafar Iqbal (Iqbal), International Accounting: A Global Perspective, 2nd. Edition (Ohio: South-Western, 2002).

Other readings as assigned.

First Week (9/6) Class Organization & Introduction

SGR (International Accounting Standards Board)

Second Week (9/13) -- International Dimensions of Accounting

SGR (Ranks Hovis McDougall, DAL & Hi-plex)

Iqbal, Chapter 1

AlHashim, “Accounting Control through Purposive Uniformity: An International Perspective,” The International

Journal of Accounting (Spring 1973)

Cummings & Chetkovich, "World Accounting Enters a New Era," Journal of Accountancy (April 1978)

Kanaga, "International Accounting: The Challenge and the Changes," Journal of Accountancy (November


Fechner & Kilgore, “The Influence of Cultural Factors on Accounting Practice,” The International Journal of

Accounting, Vol.29, No.3, 1994

Third Week (9/20) International Financial Accounting and Reporting

SGR (Yarmouth Woolens, Bergesen & Cadbury Schweppes

Iqbal, Chapter 2

AlHashim, "Accounting Control through Purposive Uniformity: An International Perspective," The International Journal of Accounting (Spring 1973)

AlHashim & Garner, "Postulates for Localized Uniformity in Accounting," Abacus (June 1973)

Tang, “Economic Consequences of the International Harmonization of Accounting Standards: Theory and its Chinese Application,” The International Journal of Accounting, Vol. 29, No. 2, 1994

Stolowy, et al., "The International Harmonization of Accounting: In Search of Influence," The International Journal of Accounting, Vol. 27, No. 3, 1992

Wolk, et al., "Toward the Harmonization of Accounting Standards: An Analytical Framework," The International Journal of Accounting, Vol. 27, No. 2, 1992

Fourth Week (9/27) -- International Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis

SGR (Tanaguchi Corporation, Nippon Corporation & Volvo)

Iqbal, Chapter 7

AlHashim, et al., "Report of the Committee on International Accounting," The Accounting Review, Supplement to Vol. XL XI, 1976

Choi, "PrimarySecondary Reporting: A CrossCultural Analysis," The International Journal of Accounting (Fall 1980)

Freedman, et al., "European Unification, Accounting Harmonization, and Social Disclosures," The International Journal of Accounting, Vol. 27, No. 2, 1992

Ndubizu, "Accounting Disclosure Methods and Economic Development: A Criterion for Globalizing Capital Markets," The International Journal of Accounting, Vol. 27, No. 2, 1992

Fifth Week (10/4) International Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis

SGR (GESI Gdansk, Modello, First Southwest… & Hanson)

Iqbal, Chapter 4

AlHashim, et al., "Report of the Committee on International Accounting," The Accounting Review, Supplement to Vol. XLX, 1975

Sixth Week (10/11) -- Exam

Seventh Week (10/18) Special Assignment

Eighth Week (10/25) Managerial Accounting for Global Business Operations

SGR (The Ameripill Co., Global Enterprises & EuroMachine Company)

Iqbal, Chapter 10

AlHashim, "Internal Performance Evaluation in American Multinational Enterprises," Management International

Review (Third Quarter 1980)Managerial Accounting for Global Business Operations

Ninth Week (11/1) – Managerial Accounting for Global Business Operations

SGR (Whycave Int’l., Opole Electric Implex Corporation)

Iqbal, Chapters 8-9

Bailes, et al., "Empirical Differences Between Japanese and American Budget and Performance Evaluation Systems," The International Journal of Accounting, Vol. 26, No. 2, 1991

Kirsch, et al., "The Impact of Fluctuating Exchange Rates on US Multinational Corporate Budgeting for, and Performance of, Foreign Subsidiaries," The International Journal of Accounting, Vol.26, No. 3, 1991

Tang, et al., "Transfer PricingJapanese vs. American Style," Management Accounting (January 1979)

Enthoven, "International Management Accounting: Its Scope and Standards," The International Journal of Accounting (Spring 1982)

Ndubizu, "Management Preferences for Foreign Currency Standards: An Empirical Analysis," The International Journal of Accounting (Spring 1987)

___, "Functional Currency Smoothing and Managerial Incentives: An Empirical Test," The International Journal of Accounting, Vol. 27, No. 1, 1992

Tenth Meeting (11/8) International Auditing

SGR (BCE, Delta Pharmaceuticals & Roberts Manufacturing)

Iqbal, Chapter 11

Hermanson, “Multinational External Audit Planning,” The International Journal of Accounting, Vol. 28, No.3, 1993

Luck, "The Impact of International Standards and Other Developments on the German Accounting Profession," The International Journal of Accounting (Fall 1982)

Markell, "A Comparison of Preparation for the Accounting Profession among New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States," The International Journal of Accounting (Spring 1980)

Pomeranz, "Prospects for International Accounting and Auditing StandardsThe Transnationals in Governmental Regulations," The International Journal of Accounting (Fall 1981)

Ninsuvannakul, " The Development of the Accounting Profession of the ASEAN Countries: Past, Present, and Future," special issue of The International Journal of Accounting on Recent Accounting and Economic Developments in the Far East, 1988

Bai, "Accounting in the People's Republic of ChinaContemporary Situations and Issues," special issue of The International Journal of Accounting on Recent Accounting and Economic Developments in the Far East, 1988

Eleventh Week (11/15) International Auditing

SGR (Sun Yee On Bank & Auditing in Japan...)

Merei, "Design and Application of Professional Standards in a Developing Country: The Case in Saudi Arabia," special issue of The International Journal of Accounting on The Recent Accounting and Economic Developments in the Middle East, 1985

Needles, Auditing Standards in the Far East: An Overview," special issue of The International Journal of Accounting on Recent Accounting and Economic Developments in the Far East, 1988

Pena, "Special Report: A Comparison of the Accounting Professions of Colombia and the United States," The International Journal of Accounting (Spring 1976)

Suzuki, "The Japanese Auditing System: Its Problems and Prospects," special issue of The International Journal of

Accounting on Managerial Accounting: An Analysis of Current International Applications, 1984

Twelfth Week (11/29) -- International Taxation

SGR (Orange Computer Co., Midwest Uniforms, Hanson and...., Topco Group, Alagon Industries & Masama Industries)

Iqbal, Chapter 10

Thirteenth Week (12/6) -- Comprehensive Exam

Fourteenth Week (12/13) -- Accounting Under Different Economic Systems

Iqbal, Chapter 12

AlHashim, "International Dimensions in Accounting and Implications for Developing Nations," Management International Review (Fourth Quarter 1982)

______, "Social Accounting in Egypt," The International Journal of Accounting (Spring 1977)

______, "Accounting Framework for the Gulf Cooperation Council," special issue of The International Journal of Accounting on The Recent Accounting and Economic Developments in the Middle East, 1985

Berry, "The Accounting Function in Socialist Economies," The International Journal of Accounting (Fall 1982)

Ndubizu, "Accounting Standards and Economic Development: The Third World in Perspective," The International Journal of Accounting (Spring 1984)

Oliga, "Accounting Standards in Developing Countries," The International Journal of Accounting (Fall 1982)

Radebaugh, "Environmental Factors Influencing the Development of Accounting Objectives, Standards, and Practices in Peru," The International Journal of Accounting (Fall 1975)

Shama, et al., "Perestroika and Soviet Accounting: From a Planned to a Market Economy," The International Journal of Accounting, Vol. 25, No. 3, 1990

Turk, "Recent Professional Statements of Accounting Principles and Ethics in Yugoslavia," The International Journal of Accounting (Fall 1976)

Winkle, et al. “Accounting Standards in the People’s Republic of China: Responding to Economic Reforms,” Accounting Horizons (September 1994)

Bing Xiang, “Institutional Factors Influencing China’s Accounting Reforms and Standards,” Accounting Horizons (June 1998)

(12/20) -- Major Papers are Due