New books, received before 2016-11-02

  1. Agresti A. An introduction to categorical data analysis.-2007 – Šifras:519.2/Ag 55
  2. Athreya K.B., Lahiri S.N. Measure theory and probability theory.-2006 – Šifras:517.5/At 17
  3. Bartle R.G.The elements of integration and Lebesgue measure.-1995 – Šifras:517.5/Ba 478
  4. Billingsley P. Convergence of probability measures.-1999 – Šifras:519.2/Bi 253
  5. Boswell D., Foucher T. The art of readable code.-2012 – Šifras:004/Bo318
  6. Bourg D.M., Seemann G. AI for game developers.-2004 – Šifras:004.8/Bo 409
  7. Branden C., Tooze J. Introduction to protein structure.-1999 – Šifras:57/Br 47
  8. Buhlmann P., Geer S. Statistics for high-dimensional data.-2011 – Šifras:519.2/Bu 140
  9. Cinlar E. Probability and stichastics.-2011 – Šifras:519.2/Ci 187
  10. Collins P.J. Differential and integral equations.-2012 – Šifras:517.9/Co 81
  11. Cryer J.D., Chan K.-S. Time series analysis with applications in R.-2008 – Šifras:519.2/Cr 99
  12. Čekanavičius V. Approximation methods in probability theory.-2016 – Šifras:519.2/Če 82
  13. Dacorogna B. Introduction to the calculus of variations.-2009 – Šifras:517.97/Da 47
  14. Duckett J. Beginning HTML, XHTML, CSS and JavaScript.-2010 – Šifras:004.43/Du 59
  15. Graham R.L., Knuth D.E., Patashnuk O. Concrete mathematics.-1994 – Šifras:51/Gr 52
  16. Grimmett G., Welsh D. Probability.-2014 – Šifras:519.2/Gr 379
  17. Humphrey W.S. Introduction to the team software process.-2000 – Šifras:004.41/Hu 117
  18. Kernighan B.W., Ritchie D.M. The C programming language.-1988 – Šifras:004.43/Ke 143
  19. Kernighan B.W., Pike R. The UNIX programming environment.-1984 – Šifras:004.451/Ke 143
  20. Knuth D.E. The art of computer programming.-T.1-4A.-1997-2011 – Šifras:004.42/Kn 61
  21. Levesque R. SPSS programming and data management.-2006 – Šifras:519.2:004/Le 377
  22. Lohr S.L. Sampling: design and analysis.-2009 – Šifras:519.2/Lo 59
  23. Millington I. Game physics engine development.-2010 – Šifras:004.9/Mi 212
  24. Norris J.R. Markov chains.-2009 – Šifras:519.2/No 89
  25. Oksendal B. Stochastic differential equations.-2013 – Šifras:517.9/Ok 34
  26. Portnoy M. Virtualization Essentials.-2012 – Šifras:004.9/Po 187
  27. Practical bioinformatics/ed.J.M.Bujnicki.-2008 – Šifras:004:57/Per 05
  28. Savitch W., Mock K. Java: an introduction to problem solving and programming.-2015 – Šifras:004.43/Sa 278
  29. Shiryaev A.N. Probability-1.-2016 – Šifras:519.2/Sh 13
  30. Tramontano A. Protein structure prediction.-2006 – Šifras:57/Tr 32