EPS Field Trip to the Canadian Rockies

August 26th – September 1st 2012

Undergraduate Rockies trip 2009

At the beginning of the fall term 2012, the Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS) Department will offer a field trip for undergraduate concentrators to examine the fabulous geology of the Canadian Rockies. The trip will explore the Banff and Kananaskis regions of southwestern Alberta, which afford perhaps the best-exposed fold-and-thrust belt in North America. The field program will introduce basic concepts of physical geology, and provide an opportunity for concentrators to meet with EPS faculty and other EPS concentrators, to discuss course offerings,research opportunities and other departmental activities.

Travel and Accommodations

  • Travel, lodging and meals will be paid for by EPS for all concentrators.
  • We will depart from campus on Sunday, August 26, and return on Saturday, September 1 (flight and airport shuttle departure time will be provided this summer).
  • Our point of arrival/departure in Canada will be Calgary International Airport. When flying to Canada,

you will need to have a passport. Foreign students may need to obtain a visa.

  • We will camp and cook our own meals, traveling to local field stops and hiking each day.

Essentials to bring:

□ Hiking boots□ Warm coat

□ “Day pack” or backpack□ Rain coat

□ Sunscreen and hat□ Water bottle

□ Sunglasses□ Light binoculars

Sign up

To sign up please go to and complete the registration form. If you are using a computer outside of Harvard’s network, you may need to enter the following user name:epspassword:hawaii.

The registration deadline is May 9th. We hope to accommodate all EPS concentrators; however, asspace is limited, priority will be given to primary concentrators. Shortly after the sign-up closing dateofMay 9th,Bridget Mastandrea () will confirm your space on the trip. If you are a FRESHMAN planning to become an EPS concentrator, please have your Plan of Study signed by the department and submitted to the Registrar before theMay 9thfield trip registration deadline.

If you have any questions about the trip, please contact:

Professor John H. Shaw, , 617-495-8008 or

Chenoweth Moffatt, , 617-384-9760