To Kill A Mockingbird: Chapter 1-6 Questions

Answer the questions in the TKAM section of your binder.

For the questions with stars, use complete sentences and explanations.

For each chapter, do the vocabulary FIRST and then answer the questions.

These questions will be collected from time to time, so make sure your work is up to date.

Chapter 1

1.  Who is the narrator?

2.  How did Jem break his arm?

3.  ***Describe the Radley family, especially Boo Radley. How does Jem describe him and how does Calpurnia describe him? How are the Radleys different from other Maycomb residents?

4.  ***Discuss the line “The sheriff hadn’t the heart to put [Boo] in jail alongside Negroes” (pg. 11).

Chapter 2

1.  Why do so many children fail grades in school in Maycomb?

2.  Who taught Scout to write? Why doesn't Miss Caroline want Scout to write?

3.  ***What does Scout mean when she says “One does not love breathing” (pg. 18). Incorporate the quotation in your answer using POINT / EVIDENCE/ EXPLANATION structure.

4.  What does Scout know about the Cunningham family that compels her to stand up for Walter?

Chapter 3

1. What lesson does Calpurnia teach Scout in this chapter?

2. What compromise do Atticus and Scout agree to?

3. ***In what ways are the Ewells permitted to break the law? Do you think this is a good way of dealing with people like the Ewells? Why or why not? Provide two reasons and explain your reasoning.

4. What lesson does Atticus teach Scout in this chapter? Use a quotation from Atticus in your answer. Interpret his meaning in your response.

Chapter 4

1.  What do they find in the knothole of the old oak tree?

2.  "There was more to it than he knew, but I decided not to tell him"(50).

What is it that Scout does not tell Jem?

3.  What game have the children been playing all summer and why does it make Scout so nervous?

Chapter 5

1. Why does Scout become closer to Miss Maudie in this chapter?

2. Who are the ‘foot-washing’ Baptists, and according to Miss Maudie, how do they differ from the Baptists? To which Baptist group does Mr. Radley belong?

3. What does Jem write in the note to Boo Radley?

4. What do we learn about Dill’s father?

Chapter 6

1. How does Dill demonstrate his ability to think quickly in this chapter?

2. ***What does Scout mean when she says that “matches were dangerous but cards were fatal.” What does it imply about Maycomb society? Explain your reasoning.

3. Why does Jem go back for his pants?

4. Why is it that Jem and Scout begin to part company at this time?