Grade 3: Module 2A: Unit 3: Lesson 10
Editing: Polishing Our Writing
Grade 3: Module 2A: Unit 3: Lesson 10
Editing: Polishing Our Writing

Long-Term Targets Addressed (Based on ELA CCSS)
I can use conventions to send a clear message to my reader. (L.3.2)
I can use the writing process to plan, revise, and edit my writing (with support). (W.3.5)
Supporting Learning Targets / Ongoing Assessment
•  I can capitalize appropriate words in titles.
•  I can spell words that have suffixes added to base words correctly.
•  I can use resources to check and correct my spelling. / •  Conventions Criteria checklist
•  Students’ edited writing
Agenda / Teaching Notes
1.  Opening
A.  Engaging the Writer: Recapping Our Journey as
Writers and Unpacking the Learning Targets
(5 minutes)
2.  Work Time
A.  Reviewing Editing Conventions and Preparing to Edit
(15 minutes)
B.  Polishing Writing: Editing Conventions (30 minutes)
3.  Closing and Assessment
A.  Debrief (10 minutes)
4.  Homework / •  In advance: Prepare Draft Model paragraph (see Lesson 9 teaching note). A model has been provided in supporting materials. However, you will need to handwrite this draft so students can see the revision process in action.
•  In this lesson, students will edit their work. Be sure to delineate the difference between revising (the work of Lessons 8 and 9) and editing. Revision is to look again at one’s work to see how to make it a stronger piece of writing. Editing is polishing the existing writing for small details and corrections.
Note: The draft model paragraph included in the supporting materials intentionally includes misspellings and grammatical errors.
Lesson Vocabulary / Materials
editing, revising, grade-appropriate, craftsmanship, suffixes / •  Freaky Frog Narrative Paragraph Conventions checklist (one per student)
•  Model Freaky Frog Paragraph first draft (created in Lesson 7)
•  Freaky Frog Narrative Paragraphs (written by students in Lessons 7 and 8)
Opening / Meeting Students’ Needs
A. Opening: Engaging the Writer: Recapping Our Journey as Writers and Unpacking the Learning Targets
(5 minutes)
•  Gather students. Recap the writing journey students have been on with their research and writing. They have planned, drafted, and revised their paragraphs. Highlight for them specific moments or aspects of the work they have done as writers. Congratulate them on their hard work. Remind them that they are almost ready to be able to share their writing and celebrate their hard work. Ask students:
*  “What are you most proud of as a writer?”
•  Have students think, then talk with a partner about the things they are particularly proud of as a writer during this process. Cold call a few responses. Ask students:
*  “How do you think editing writing is different than revising writing?”
•  Give them a minute to talk about this and then cold call a few students for responses. If needed, guide them to understand that editing means that they are making changes to fix spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Read the learning targets with students. Clarify the words capitalization, spell, resources, and punctuation as needed.
•  Remind students that when they edit their writing for these conventions, their work reflects craftsmanship, which is another word for care and quality in presentation. / •  For struggling learners, prioritize words for students to edit. Pre-identify the words students should focus on.
Work Time / Meeting Students’ Needs
A. Reviewing Editing Conventions and Preparing to Edit (15 minutes)
•  Model for students how to use the Freaky Frog Narrative Paragraph Conventions checklist and their draft writing to edit their spelling and capitalization.
•  Display the Conventions checklist. Read the targets aloud. Display your Model Freaky Frog Paragraph first draft (created in Lesson 7).
•  Explain to students that you are going to model how you use the checklist to help edit the most recent draft of your paragraph. Explain that you are going to ask them to help you if they see something that needs fixing.
•  Think aloud: “Let me read my paragraph aloud to see how I can use this checklist to help me edit my work. I know I am looking for spelling and punctuation as I read.”
•  Read aloud the title and pause: “Well, I already see that I have to capitalize the T in “the,” and the s in “spadefoot,” and the t in “toad.” Cross out the lowercase t and put a capital T above it. Continue with this kind of editing throughout.
•  Ask students if they see anything else. If they don’t note that toad is misspelled, catch it for them and fix it.
•  Continue on reading the next few sentences. Note that there is no punctuation in those sentences, so as you read aloud, emphasize that you are not pausing or stopping.
•  Stop after “short and stubby legs.”
•  Think aloud: “Something doesn’t sound right. Does anyone have an idea that can help me? I am not sure.”
•  Invite students to offer suggestions. Guide them to noticing that there is a missing period and missing commas. If necessary, read the sentence aloud again without the pauses and try then to read it aloud with a pause and correct the punctuation.
•  Continue reading the next sentence. Say the word “spads” correctly, but pause, and say: “This doesn’t look right. Am I missing something?”
•  Invite students to identify the need for an e. If they don’t do that, model for them and add an e to form the word spades.
•  Display the Conventions checklist again. Say: “Now, once I went through my whole paragraph, I will fill this out for myself. I will mark where I think I am with my conventions.”
•  Explain to students that they are now going to go through their own work and make their edits. Address any clarifying questions. / •  Considering adding nonlinguistic symbols to the Freaky Frog Trading Card Research-Based Narrative rubric to help students have a clear understanding of the criteria.
•  Work with small groups of students with similar editing needs as appropriate.
Work Time (continued) / Meeting Students’ Needs
B. Polishing Writing: Editing Conventions (30 minutes)
•  Distribute students’ revised Freaky Frog narrative paragraphs (written by students in Lessons 7 and 8).
•  Remind students to use their Conventions checklists to identify what they need to work on.
•  Give students approximately 25 minutes to edit their writing for correct capitalization, spelling, and punctuation. Invite students to work in partnerships or small groups, reading their work aloud to each other to support their editing process.
•  Confer and support as needed.
•  For students who might have a difficult time finding their own errors, consider the following options:
–  Support them by identifying a few words to correct.
–  Gather a small group for students who might need this same support together so that they can help each other with your guidance.
–  For students struggling to find punctuation corrections, read their writing aloud to them, emphasizing the missing punctuation (i.e., not pausing). Ask students to listen for a place for you to pause that makes sense.
•  After 25 minutes, pause students in their work and ask them to look over their Conventions checklist and check their work against it. Ask students to complete the checklist, marking where they think their writing is at this point.
•  If some students finish earlier than the allotted time, invite them to continue in their independent reading book or one of their frog texts.
Closing and Assessment / Meeting Students’ Needs
A. Debrief (10 minutes)
•  Invite students to Pair-Share their successes and challenges regarding editing:
*  *Which convention target do you think is a strength for you? What is your evidence?”
*  “Which convention target is the biggest challenge for you?”
*  “Which resources are most helpful to you in making editing changes? How did they help you?”
Homework / Meeting Students’ Needs
Continue reading your independent reading book for this unit at home.
Note: Before Lesson 11, complete the Conventions checklist for each student’s draft.
Copyright © 2013 by EL Education, Inc. New York, NY. All Rights Reserved. / Common Core ELA Curriculum • G3:M2A:U3:L10 • First Edition • 5
Grade 3: Module 2A: Unit 3: Lesson 10
Grade 3: Module 2A: Unit 3: Lesson 10
Supporting Materials
Copyright © 2013 by EL Education, New York, NY. All Rights Reserved. / Common Core ELA Curriculum • G3:M2A:U2:L1 • August 2013 • 1
Grade 3: Module 2A: Unit 3: Lesson 10

Freaky Frog Narrative Paragraph Conventions Checklist

Target / Not Yet / Almost There / Excellent! / Teacher Comments
I can capitalize appropriate words in titles.
I can spell words that have suffixes added to base words correctly.
I can use resources to check and correct my spelling.
I can use correct end punctuation in my writing. (Note: Target not explicitly taught in this unit, but previously taught/assessed in Module 1.)

Freaky Frog Narrative Paragraph Conventions Checklist

Target / Not Yet / Almost There / Excellent! / Teacher Comments
I can spell grade-appropriate words correctly.
(Note: Target not explicitly taught in this unit, but previously taught/assessed in Module 1.)
Copyright © 2013 by EL Education, Inc. New York, NY. All Rights Reserved. / Common Core ELA Curriculum • G3:M2A:U3:L10 • First Edition • 8