1.Support the Student Walkout on the 10th of February

2.Smash the NSS

3.Lobby the University to Introduce Academic Reading and Writing Workshops

4.Moving towards a 100% Student Trustee Board

5.Student Officer Structure

6.Revise KCLSU Complaints Procedure (Internal)

7.Association Leadership Elections

8.Create a Trans Officer for Student Council

9.Ethnic Minority Association and Representative Officer Title Change

10.Widening Participation for the Working Class Association

Support Student Walkout on the 10th of February

Motion Proposers (including K number): Emma Clewer - k1458595, Danielle Tiplady - K13329992, Alison Sweeney – k1464185, Zoe Alldis, K1458317, Nicole Emery – K1458140, Phoebe Cantacuzino - K1458687, K1332872 – Jacob Smith, K1458634 – Marina Downs, K1332252 – Charlotte Alexandra, Sophia Koumi

Policy Expiry date (maximum of 2 years): 2 years


  1. From 2017, the government are proposing to scrap the NHS bursary for student nurses, midwives, radiographers, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, dieticians and occupational therapists. These students are also going to be made to pay over £50,000 to do these degrees instead of them being NHS funded. [1]
  2. Over 155,000 people have signed a petition and over 5,000 people marched through London on 9th January against this decision by the Government. Further demonstrations occurred in Newcastle, Manchester and Middlesbrough. [2]
  3. Some of these courses involve clinical placement time, for example nursing, midwifery and radiography courses are 50% tutoring time and 50% clinical placements. Currently the bursary means these students are paid roughly £3 for each hour worked during clinical placement. This does not cover living costs, especially in London, but it does offer some support.[3]
  4. Current student nurses, midwives, radiographers, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, dieticians and occupational therapists are planning to walk out from their placements to join the Junior Doctor strike on the 10th February in order to protest against the cuts to bursaries and introduction of fees but also to stand in solidarity with Junior Doctors and to unite our fight.[4]
  5. Students who are unable to participate in the walkout will be provided with lanyards/badges/stickers to wear on the day.

KCLSU Believes

1.The government should not introduce fees for student nurses, midwives, radiographers, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, dieticians and occupational therapists.

2.The government should not scrap the NHS bursary and should recognise that these students are undertaking unpaid work for up to half of their course which should be rewarded with a wage or bursary.

3.Cuts to the bursary and the introduction of fees for would-be health workers is part of a wider political attack by the government on one of our most valued institutions, which we defend alongside the Junior Doctors.

KCLSU Resolves

1.Support students on their walkout and day of action on the 10th February.

2.Financially support the students’ campaign to provide materials in order to make this movement as broad as possible and to publicise the campaign, such as printing leaflets and making the armbands.

3.To send this motion on anywhere else if agreed e.g. higher union structures, trades council etc.

4.Support future campaigns and direct action by students fighting against the NHS bursary cuts.

Smash the NSS

Motion Proposer (including K number): Andy Warren K1460266

Policy Expiry date (maximum of 2 years): 2 years


  1. The National Student Survey (NSS) is filled out by final-year students each year in order to rank universities across the country.
  2. The NSS is likely to be one of the metrics used in the Teaching Excellence Framework, which itself could be linked to higher fees.[5]
  3. KCLSU’s opposition to the TEF and other reforms like axing maintenance grants set out in the motion ‘Support the Student Strike’, passed by Student Council last term.

KCLSU Believes

  1. The National Student Survey (NSS) does not measure student satisfaction in any meaningful way.
  2. The NSS is used by management in institutions to (and this list is by no means conclusive) bully staff, fire staff, change their contracts and cut courses. [6][7]
  3. As a tool for marketization, the NSS is used to standardise HE, pitching incomparable teaching practices against each other and ranking universities to fuel a notion of ‘value for money’.
  4. The focus on an academic style learning disproportionately affects art institutions and other specialist HE institutions which do not fit this narrow framework.
  5. The questions that the NSS asks do not address institutional problems within universities.
  6. The NSS is counterproductive to creating liberated, autonomous universities.
  7. Our overall aim should be the end of the NSS through campaigning for a national boycott or sabotage by students. This would involve students giving full marks on every question to skew the data, making it unreliable and meaningless while protecting education workers. This must be national; individual sabotage and sabotage by individual institutions will be ineffective and not tackle the problems caused by the survey.

KCLSU Resolves

4.To campaign to get rid of the NSS.

5.To campaign for a national boycott by the NUS.

6.To campaign for the NUS to disaffiliate itself from the NSS.

7.To encourage KCL to create its own form of democratic, participatory feedback process to improve courses and departments alongside staff not at the expense of them.

8.Educate people about the problems with the NSS.

9.To refuse to promote or assist with with the NSS.

Lobby the University to Introduce Academic Reading and Writing Workshops

Motion proposer (including K number): K1460870, k1207542, K1460841, K1333361, K1459258

Policy Expiry date (maximum of 2 years): 2 years


There are courses available for masters students and international students[8]

  1. ‘SKILLS4STUDYCAMPUS’ provide online help with academic writing and reading, and provide one to one help (you have to book a slot)[9]

KCLSU Believes

  1. Workshops on how to read and write academic text would provide a non-intimidating space (students could support each other) for students to learn and develop essential skills to aid them in their degree.
  2. Workshops are an effective means of preparing students with the necessary skillset, they are more informative than the vague ‘how to write an essay’ segment presented at the start of new modules.
  3. I’ve spoken to a lot of students who found academic texts to be inaccessible; having workshops would help break this down to an extent.
  4. Students pay a minimum of £9000 they should be provided with these kinds of services.

KCLSU Resolves

  1. For Vice Presidents of Education to work toward the introduction of academic writing and reading workshops.
  2. For KCLUS to lobby the university to introduce the workshops across all departments. These workshops should:
  • Offer comprehensive help in dissecting academic texts and aid on how to write essays and reference at the start of every new term;
  • Be visible to students (well promoted)

Moving towards a 100% student Trustee Board

Motion Proposer (including K number): Joe Simpson (K1185583) Alberto Torres (K1214321)

Policy Expiry date (maximum of 2 years): 2 years


  1. ‘The Trustee Board is the decision maker of the Students’ Union and is the ultimate decision making body of the Students’ Union’. KCLSU’s Trustee Board has the power to overturn decisions made democratically at Student Council and at AGM[10].
  2. KCLSU’s Trustee Board is currently made up of 5 Sabbatical Officer Trustees, 4 Student Trustees and 4 Lay (Non-student) Trustees[11].
  3. Sabbatical Officer Trustees and Student Trustees are elected, whereas Lay Trustees are appointed.[12]
  4. On 5/11/15 KCLSU Student Council passed a motion entitled ‘Democratise KCLSU’s Trustee Board’. This motion called for the removal of voting powers from Lay Trustees[13].
  5. SOAS SU’s Trustee Board is made up of 3 Sabbatical Officer Trustees and 19 Student Trustees. They are advised by 2 ‘External Advisors’ who are invited to meetings but are not Trustees (and thus do not have voting powers on the Trustee Board).[14]

KCLSU Believes

  1. KCLSU’s decision making should be as student led as possible.
  2. KCLSU’s decision making, including at Trustee Board level, should be made by those who are democratically accountable to KCLSU’s members.
  3. Student Trustees often need guidance and advice from people with particular experience and expertise. This guidance and advice could be given by External Advisors rather than External Trustees.
  4. Point 4 of KCLSU’s Big Plan is a commitment to ‘Empowering Student Change Makers’. This is best achieved by ensuring that all decisions at KCLSU are made by students, for students

KCLSU Resolves

1.To make it KCLSU policy to move towards a Trustee Board that is made up entirely of Student Trustees and Sabbatical Officer Trustees, with External Advisors to provide guidance.

2.To investigate possible structures for a 100% student Trustee Board, including by consulting with SOAS SU to understand how their Trustee Board functions.

3.To consult with the current Lay Trustees to gain their advice on how best to structure a 100% student Trustee Board.

4.To appoint an external consultant to help KCLSU investigate a 100% student trustee board. This should be done by 22nd March 2016 notifying the student body when this is done.

5.By 22nd of March 2016, the Student Officer team will provide a timeline for the proposal of the 100% Student Trustee Board to be voted on.

Student Officer Structure

Motion Proposer (including K number): Joe Simpson, Nadine Almanasfi, Sophia Koumi, Ben Hunt, Rachel Williams

Policy Expiry date (maximum of 2 years): 2 years


  1. The current Student Officer team Structure consists of
  2. President
  3. Vice President Activities & Development
  4. Vice President Education (Arts & Sciences)
  5. Vice President Education (Health)
  6. Vice President Welfare & Community
  1. KCLSU is in the process of carrying out a Student Decision Making Review. One of the recommendations of the review is to change the sabbatical officer team structure in order to move to a constituency model
  2. In the last 5 years there have been no elected Student Officers who are postgraduate students – 0 out of 22 elected students.
  3. During the 2015/16 academic year KCLSU hired a part time Liberation Co-ordinator to carry out a Liberation Review. The review recommended that KCLSU did not need a sabbatical Liberation Officer, however it did make many recommendations about how KCLSU could embed liberation throughout its activities.
  4. During the 2015/16 academic year KCL and KCLSU hired a full time staff member to carry out research into whether KCLSU would benefit from a sabbatical International Officer. Their report recommended many ways to improve KCLSU’s provision for international students but did not recommend a sabbatical International Officer.

KCLSU Believes

  1. Moving to a constituency based officer structure will ensure that all students at KCL are represented in the officer team.
  2. Introducing constituency roles has proved successful in terms of engagement and community development across the health schools, where previously engagement was low.
  3. Students tend to connect through academic departments and level of study, so will relate more to a constituency model and will find it easier knowing who to contact and work with.
  4. The proposed restructure will make it easier for students to engage with sabbatical officers. The old model facilitates communication between KCL and sabbatical officers at the expense of students.
  5. A structure that accommodates postgraduates will enable postgraduates to engage with the union and will ensure that postgraduates are represented in future sabbatical officer teams.
  6. Campaigns span across welfare, education, community, liberation, ethics etc. and are rarely confined to simply a ‘welfare’ issue or an ‘education’ issue.
  7. If campaigning is at the core a Student Officer role, restricting an officer to a specific campaigning area may stifle their campaigning.
  8. Welfare, liberation and education need to be embedded in all of the roles, rather than being solely down to one person.
  9. There needs to be a dedicated role focused on union activity and union development.
  10. It will be important to ensure that sport and activity groups are properly supported in the new structure and this should be reviewed regularly.
  11. The term ‘President’ promotes the idea of hierarchy. The new structure will mean that all officers are equally approachable and carry equal weight in all matters.

KCLSU Resolves

  1. For the Student Officer team structure to consist of:
  2. Union Development
  3. Postgraduate Arts & Sciences Officer
  4. Postgraduate Health Officer
  5. Undergraduate Arts & Sciences Officer
  6. Undergraduate Health Officer
  7. For this to come into immediate effect for the 2016 Student Officer Elections.
  8. To amend KCLSU bye-laws to reflect the new structure and to adopt the proposed Role Specification and Role Description


Student Officer Role Specification:

  • Union Development Officer – a current King’s College London student at King’s College London, elected by enrolled King’s College London Students.
  • Postgraduate Arts & Sciences Officer – a current postgraduate arts & sciences student at King’s College London, elected by enrolled postgraduate arts & sciences students.
  • Postgraduate Health Officer - a current postgraduate health student at King’s College London, elected by enrolled postgraduate health students.
  • Undergraduate Arts & Sciences Officer - a current undergraduate arts & sciences student at King’s College London, elected by enrolled undergraduate arts & sciences students.
  • Undergraduate Health Officer - a current undergraduate health student at King’s College London, elected by enrolled undergraduate health students.


Student Officer Role Descriptions

Undergraduate Health Officer, Undergraduate Arts & Sciences Officer, Postgraduate Health Officer and Postgraduate Arts & Sciences Officer Role Description:

Engaging with students

Build networks and friendships with students, connecting with our members across King’s College London.

  • Proactive engagement with students day-to-day, both remotely and in person.
  • Develop initiatives and opportunities to widely engage students throughout the year.
  • Attend and support relevant student meetings and events.

Building student communities

Join with student groups and support student led activities, building and strengthening inclusive student communities.

  • Promote liberation, faith and culture at King’s College London, celebrating our diversity and working with students and representatives to build an inclusive Students’ Union.
  • Encourage, celebrate and work together with existing and emerging student activities, societies and clubs.
  • Strengthen and promote student led activity that builds student led communities locally and across King’s College London.

Amplifying student voices

Build partnerships between students, KCLSU, King’s College London and external bodies; encouraging and developing student views and working to improve experiences for students.

  • Work with Student Representatives, developing and supporting them to effectively engage with the students they represent and the departments they work with.
  • Attend King’s College London academic and facilities committees, ensuring a student perspective on proposals for discussion, scrutiny and decision.
  • Create partnerships between students and King’s College London that propose, receive and develop initiatives together, improving the experiences for students now and in the future.

Empowering student-led campaigning

Together with students, campaign for the education and welfare needs of our academic, liberation and international student communities.

  • With students, develop and deliver lead campaigns and manifesto pledges.
  • Empower and support students who want to make change.
  • Build a student-led campaigning culture across King’s College London.

Trustee of KCLSU

The KCLSU Trustee Board is responsible for setting the vision and values of KCLSU, to make sure that as an organisation we deliver our organisational purpose, and to ensure that a long-term strategy is developed and agreed.

  • Ensure that KCLSU lives up to its responsibilities as a charity, and in particular stays true to its mission, vision and values.
  • Ensure KCLSU is a student-led organisation.
  • Help KCLSU achieve its objectives and improve the lives of its members.

Union Development Officer Role Description:

Engaging with students

Build networks and friendships with students, connecting with our members across King’s College London.

  • Proactive engagement with students day-to-day, both remotely and in person.
  • Develop initiatives and opportunities to widely engage students throughout the year.
  • Attend and support relevant student meetings and events.

Building student communities

Join with student groups and support student led activities, building and strengthening inclusive student communities.

  • Promote liberation, faith and culture at King’s College London, celebrating our diversity and working with students and representatives to build an inclusive Students’ Union.
  • Encourage, celebrate and work together with existing and emerging student activities, societies and clubs.
  • Strengthen and promote student led activity that builds student led communities locally and across King’s College London.

Amplifying student voices

Build partnerships between students, KCLSU, King’s College London and external bodies; encouraging and developing student views and working to improve experiences for students.

  • Work with Student Representatives, developing and supporting them to effectively engage with the students they represent and KCLSU.
  • Attend King’s College London academic and facilities committees as a member of the King’s College London Council, ensuring a student perspective on proposals for discussion, scrutiny and decision.
  • Create partnerships between students and KCLSU that propose, receive and develop initiatives together, improving the experiences for students now and in the future.
  • Attend the National Union of Students’ National Conference as KCLSU’s lead delegate.

Developing a student-led Union

Together with students, lead and develop a Union that serves the needs of our academic, liberation and international student communities.

  • Lead the student perspective on developing KCLSU functions, projects and provisions for students, ensuring an accessible, engaging and inclusive Union.
  • Ensure KCLSU student-led decision making is inclusive, effective, transparent and accountable, empowering students to lead and shape their Union.
  • Facilitate KCLSU’s relationship with our students, King’s College London, National Union of Students, the media and other external bodies.

Trustee of KCLSU and Chair of the Trustee Board