English 12 Senior Seminar and Selected Shorts

Ms. Meeker – 2012-2013

Email: ; Phone Extension: 6887


TEXTS: Elements of Literature: Sixth Course: Literature of Britain with World Classics. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1997. This book must be covered! You will also be using a variety of other resources and paperbacks. You are also expected to have the most current edition of The MLA Handbook. All written requirements are based on this manual.


By the conclusion of the course, students will be expected to:

- Improve your level of language use in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

-  Develop the ability to read critically and analyze works of literature, and to write effectively about what is read.

-  Develop, in writing, the sense of how style, subject, and audience are related.

-  Learn an honest and effective use of language and the organization of ideas in a clear, coherent, and persuasive way, both in writing and speaking.

-  Develop research skills and write expository and persuasive texts employing a standard documentation system (MLA).

-  Study a variety of literary genres from the ancient Greeks to contemporary fiction.

- Examine the connections between artists and authors and their historical time periods.


1.  Classwork, homework, journals and practice activities

2.  Quizzes

3.  Unit Tests, Compositions, and Essays

4.  Personal Choice Reading with a teacher-chosen genre

Note: All grades are based on a point system. Your final evaluation for the course will be based on an average of marking period grades and the final examination.


Marking Period #1

Summer Reading Assessment for Brave New World/In Cold Blood

Oedipus Rex, Sophocles (Greek tragedy)

Beowulf, Anglo-Saxons

Review and writing of the expository essay

Personal Narrative

Research skills and application

Personal Choice Reading

Marking #2

The Canterbury Tales – Prologue and selected tales, Middle Ages

Macbeth, Shakespeare, Renaissance

Renaissance poets

Research skills and application


Personal Choice Reading

Marking Period #3

Selected Short Stories

Research skills and application


Personal Choice Reading

Marking Period #4

Selected Short Stories

Research skills and application


Senior Speech

Final Examination – cumulative skills-based assessment

Notes to the Student about Surviving Ms. Meeker’s Class

1.  BEING PREPARED: You must be prepared for class. Preparation is the single biggest factor in SUCCESS. This means that you always arrive on time with a pen, pencil, notebook (set up specifically for English, preferably a 1 ½ inch loose leaf binder), and textbook(s). Being unprepared for class always has a severe impact on student learning.

2.  GETTING TO CLASS ON TIME: The door will be closed after the bell rings. If you are not in your seat when the second bell rings, you are late. For every three times you are late, you will receive a detention.

3.  GETTING ASSIGNMENTS IN ON TIME: * Homework must be complete and ready for checking at the beginning of the class period. Homework is used during the class period; therefore, after it is checked, no credit will be given after the answers are discussed. **A major paper/project that is turned in by the end of the school on the day it is due will not be counted late. This applies only to major papers, not homework assignments. If you do take advantage of this option to turn a paper in other than during your class period, be sure to deliver it to me personally. It is much better to turn in the paper during the class period. If the paper is turned in on the day (not the class period) following the due date, it will receive a lower grade, dropping by one letter (or 10 points). On the second day following the due date, the grade will drop another 10 points and so on. I will accept the paper until it is so late that all possible credit has been exhausted by this system. Remember that due to block scheduling, days do NOT mean class periods. So if a paper is due on Monday, you will lose 10 points if you turn it in on Tuesday and 20 if you turn it in on Wednesday (the next class period). ***Also, all work missed because of absence must be made up in accordance with the MHS policy as stated in the handbook. This does not apply to field trips because these absences are known in advance.

4.  FINDING OUT ABOUT ASSIGNMENTS: I try to post all assignments on the white board, as well as on the school district’s Faculty Webpages. You are responsible for knowing these assignments, whether or not I discuss them in class. If you can’t see the board from your seat, come up for a better look. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. It is your responsibility to register with and check the school’s website, I will, of course, be glad to give you further explanation if you ask me.

5.  EXTRA HELP: Extra help will be after school from 2:15 to 3:15 p.m. on your teacher’s designated day in their classroom unless notified otherwise. Also, I will be glad to discuss in more detail any class topics you’d like to explore in more depth. Just ask.

6.  EXTRA CREDIT: I don’t give “extra credit” assignments. I’d much rather see you giving your best effort to the regular assignments. For a student who is failing or in extremely extenuating circumstances, I may arrange some extra assignment if he/she wants to put on a spurt of activity in addition to all regular assignments.

7.  ORIGINAL WORK: All written work (i.e., homework, quizzes, tests, essays, etc.) must be your own original work. Any work suspected of being copied or “heavily borrowed” will receive zero credit and consequences in accordance with The Student Handbook. Bear this in mind if you like Cliff Notes or if you “surf the net.” Also works and papers read and/or written for past or concurrent courses are not acceptable for credit again in this course.

8.  WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS must conform to the standard manuscript format of the Modern Language Association (MLA). No papers should have fringe from being torn out of a spiral binder. On homework papers and other papers to be turned in, please use the heading in the MLA Handbook. All writing assignments completed outside of class are expected to be turned in word processed.

9.  CLASSROOM PRINTERS: Your work is expected to be completed when you walk into the classroom. The printer in the classroom is to be used at the teacher’s discretion, based on instructional needs and plans. The printer will not be used without asking teacher permission. If you carry a disk to class with the intent of printing on class time, there will be a grade penalty of 5 points per assignment for not being prepared.

10.  SCHOOL MAILBOXES: DO NOT PUT ANY ASSIGNMENTS IN THE TEACHER MAILBOXES. These boxes have no security. Their use is for main office purposes only.

11.  The wearing of hats and sunglasses is not permitted in my classroom. I like to see the faces and reactions of my students. Generally, not wearing hats and sunglasses indoors in public buildings is considered a courtesy. If you have a medical need for either of these two items, please bring me a physician’s note. If there is some type of special dress-up day in school, I will overlook this rule in the name of MHS spirit.

12.  PROPER DECORUM: I expect appropriate behavior. Infractions will be handled according to school policy. I will give you a couple of examples.

a.  Do not speak while I or another student am/is addressing the class.

b.  Ask permission if you need to leave your seat for any reason.

c.  Do not touch anything that belongs to someone else.

d.  Let us be respectful to and cooperative with each other.

In the English Department we strive to have mutual respect in the classroom. For this reason please adhere to the following:


When a student is greeted with a statement of “Good Morning” it is considered polite to return the reply or acknowledge the statement.

Student’s Responsibilities

Check grades on a regular basis on the grading program on Genesis. Allow teachers ample time to grade assignments and post grades.

It is the student’s responsibility to address the teachers with all concerns. It is imperative that students communicate with their teachers first about all student concerns. Please make an appointment with the teacher in person.

Appropriate methods to speak with a teacher

There is a right time and place to speak with a teacher with regards to specific grading and/or assignment concern. This may also apply to personal requests for letters of recommendation. Follow the methods below:

-  First, approach the teacher before or after class asking when it would be a good time to meet. Best times to meet with teachers are during their scheduled after school hours and/or before or after school based on the teacher’s schedule.

Appropriate way to write an e-mail

1.  Make sure that the e-mail address you are sending your e-mail from is appropriate for school.

2.  In the Subject of your e-mail state all of the following: Your full name, class period, name of class, and reason for e-mail.

3.  In the text of your e-mail include the following: a greeting (example- Dear Mr. Ms. _____), in complete sentences the reason why you are e-mailing, a courtesy “Thank you” for their future assistance and a closing (example- Sincerely, Your Full name).

4.  All attachments to e-mail should also be copied and pasted into the text of the e-mail at the end of your message. By putting the text of an attachment into e-mail it ensures that the instructors will still be able to view your work even if the attachment will not open.

Your e-mail should look similar to the following:

13.  Let’s work together for a successful year. Good luck!!

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