Geography of Greenland Book Project
You will be using the 5 Themes of Geography discussed during class to make a booklet about our community of Greenland, New Hampshire.
The 5 Themes of Geography are: Location, Place, Human-Environment Interactions, Movement and Regions.
The book will be done mainly during class-time. It will be hand-drawn and should illustrate your understanding of the 5 Themes of Geography. Your only homework is to make observations when you are out in Greenland on the way to school or with your parents.
The Book must include:
1) A Creative Title Page with your name clearly printed.
2) 1 Page for each of the 5 Themes of Geography – requirements for pages below:
- Theme of Geography Title
- A picture illustrating the theme from something you observed Greenland, NH.
Ex. A picture of your house to illustrate place
- A written caption describing why this picture shows that theme of geography.
Ex. I live on Jones Lane, which is a road built on a former farm. This shows human-environment interaction because the city built the road so people could drive to work and school.
- Write the definition of the theme of geography somewhere on the page.
3) The final page is where you will need to answer 2 questions. There is no clear-cut correct answer. What I am looking for is evidence of thinking.
Questions: Must write/type these neatly. Lined paper will be provided.
1) How might a geographer use the 5 themes of geography?
2) How might we use the 5 themes of geography during this school year?
On this project you will be graded on your understanding of the five themes as illustrated by what you observe in our community. I will not grade you based on your ability to draw. You will do very well on this project if you use your class time appropriately and put forth your best effort
All items below are graded on the 1-4 point scale discussed during class.
Your title page is creative and it is clear your goal is to teach about the 5 themes of geography as related to Greenland, NH.
5 Themes Pages
Your selected place in Greenland appropriately illustrates Location.
Your selected place in Greenland appropriately illustrates Place.
Your selected place in Greenland appropriately illustrates Human-Environment interactions.
Your selected place in Greenland appropriately illustrates Movement.
Your selected place in Greenland appropriately illustrates Regions.
Question 1
Question 2
You used your class time appropriately and followed the directions of the project.
It is clear you put some thought into the 5 themes and made strong observations in the community.
Your Points
= Final Grade
40 Total Points
When you complete a part of this project, make a check below. Please turn this in with final book.
/Pg 2 - PLACE
q Title on pageq Picture of theme from Greenland
q Describing Caption
q Definition / q Title on page
q Picture of theme from Greenland
q Describing Caption
q Definition
q Title on pageq Picture of theme from Greenland
q Describing Caption
q Definition / q Title on page
q Picture of theme from Greenland
q Describing Caption
q Definition
q Title on pageq Picture of theme from Greenland
q Describing Caption
q Definition
Questions Page (I answered both questions completely)