Clubs / Activities
Fantasy and Science Fiction Club
Do you like to read stories or watch movies that showcase people with extraordinary powers or that take you to another world with amazing creatures? If so, come join the Fantasy & Science Fiction Club where we will hear & see some awesome adventures. We will discuss how the characters relate to our own experiences and future. Sign up at lunch. There is a limit of 15 students per week. Movies are rated G or PG, permission slips must be signed for any PG-13.
Sponsor: Mrs. Jones 415-7827 (School Store)
Location: Room 115
Meetings: most Mondays (dates will be announced)
Flying Club
Are you interested in aviation and how things fly? We will discuss and learn about how things fly and howsomeone becomes an airplanepilot. We are planning on at least one guest speaker--a real lifeairline pilot--and several videos and special events--such as discussing the Red Bull and Reno air races. Undoubtedly we will talk about the history of flight including the Wright Brothers and Charles Lindbergh and will probably show "The Spirit of St. Louis" movie at some point. We will begin to meet on Tuesdays starting sometimein October.
Sponsor: Mr. Stephenson 415-5811
Location: TBA
Meetings: Wednesday (starting in October)
Library After-School
During activity period, you may come to the library to read, checkout resources, do homework, work on reports, use computers, listen to audiobooks, and get assistance from the librarian. On the day you wish to stay, come into the library before the end of your lunch period to sign-up.
Sponsor: ???
Location: Library
Meetings: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Math Contest Prep
In this club, students will practice problem solving and test taking strategies for math contests. Practice problems will be given during the meeting time. Open to all students.
Sponsor: Ms. Cronin 415-5810 and Ms. Travers 415-5869
Location: Rm. 707
Meetings: 1st and 3rd Monday of the month
(more dates will be added after Winter Break...please listen to the announcements)
Grades 7 & 8
Top 10 Reasons to become a PCMS Peer Leader
#10 – It’s a great place to meet new friends!
# 9 - It is the best way for you to show how responsible you can be!
# 8 – Why not try to do something for someone new in our building?
#7 - This is the only way you’ll be able to prove to yourself how important you are to PCMS!
#6 – How can the fifth graders learn about how great we are without your support?!
#5 – You know all that PCMS Spirit Wear you bought? This is the time and place to show it off!
#4 – It’s a great way to “find” yourself this year!
#3 – Great treats at the meetings!
#2 – Dr. Wells allows you to be a Peer Leader while you are a part of other clubs, too!
#1 – Guys, all the cute girls join Peer Leaders!!!!
Hope to see you there…
Sponsor: TBA
Location: Art Room
Meetings: TBA, listen for announcements
Student Council
In September, students will have the opportunity to become a member of the Parkway Central Middle School Student Council. The Student Council is our school’s student government organization. It is composed of representatives from each grade level.
STUCO is responsible for planning, preparing, and carrying out the social and outreach activities to promote school and community spirit. The selection process begins the last week in August---GET INVOLVED!!!!!!
Mrs. Evans 415-5838
Mrs. Ballard 415-5803
Mrs. Clossum 415-5839
Ms. Travers 415-5810
Location: TBA
Meetings: TBA
Trend ~ Red Ribbon Week
Let’s have fun being safe and drug free and spread the word to our friends!
Do you like planning school wide events? Are you a leader? Are you creative with good organizational skills or just looking for a place to call home here at PCMS? Then Trend is for YOU! Red Ribbon Week is a week-long event filled with fun activities. There is an all-day training camp available to 10 students that would like to get involved with Trend. These students will eventually take over leadership of the group for the year.
Trend welcomes students from all grade levels. We will meet every Wednesday during the months of September and October, then twice a month after that.
Sponsor: Mr. Davis
Location: TBA
Meetings: TBA
School Yearbook
The "Stampede" is the Parkway Central Middle School student created yearbook. The yearbook staff is open to students in all grade levels who are interested in photography, graphic design and layout, marketing, and generally school spirit. The yearbook staff is chosen by application at the start of the school year.
Sponsor: Mrs. Hoffman 415-5804
Location: Room 709
Meetings: Mondays (Starts September 9th)
Board Games/Chess Club
Hang out with some friends or make some new ones by coming to the Monday Board Games and Chess Club after school in room 209. Join in and play a variety of games including chess, junga, scrabble, checkers, Connect 4, Clue and many others. Come join the fun!!
Sponsor: Mr. Krone
Location: Room 209
Meetings: Wednesday (starting in October)
Love taking pictures? Looking for new and creative ways to capture those memories? Relive those fond moments in time by creating fun & innovative scrapbooks. Bring your photos and a scrapbook to the first meeting. See you in September!!
Sponsor: TBA
Meetings: TBA
Room: TBA
Books for Boys
Tired of reading boring books? Want to find some great books by interesting authors? Then come to an afterschool club just for guys! We will read one book every two months and we will meet once a week to discuss the book as we read. Group members get to vote on what we read through the year, so you will have a choice!
Sponsor: Ms. Connoley 415-5813
Location: Room 402
Meetings: TBA