Consequences Card Game


1.  Using the samples below or sentences of your own, make two set’s of index cards for each group of 2-3 students.

2.  Be sure to put the behaviors on one color and the consequences on another color. Make a “Header Card” for each color with the word “Behavior” or “Consequence” on the card.

3.  You can choose how many behavior/consequences cards to give each group. However, time is a factor so 5 pairs per group is usually sufficient.

4.  Be sure not to duplicate behavior/consequence cards. Each group should have their own, unique set.

5.  Place cards in an envelope or bag to pass-out to each group.

How to Play:

1.  Each group will get a bag with behavior/consequence cards.

2.  Students place the “Behavior” and “Consequence” header cards on the ground (or table) in front of them. Behavior on the left, Consequences on the right.

3.  The group lays out all of the behavior cards in a column under the “Behavior” header card.

4.  One at a time, students take turns reading the consequences cards and placing them next to the logical behavior match.

5.  Play continues until all cards are matched.

6.  Students then take turns using the sentence frames to make complete sentences

7.  Once they feel comfortable with the structures, encourage students to write their own innovations using the sentence frames. Keep these innovations to add to the game on a review day. The students will love the surprise!

Behaviors / Consequences
Albert’s sister hit him / she had to apologize and go to her room
The kids jumped in puddles / they had soaking, wet clothes
They forgot to lock their front door / they had an unexpected visitor
She ate the poisonous apple / she fell asleep for a long, long, time
The goats were clever / they outsmarted the troll.
He slept too long / he was late for school
Brenda didn’t eat all of her dinner / she was hungry at bedtime
The animals were too lazy to do any work / The Little Red Hen wouldn’t share her food.
My cousin was running around the pool / the lifeguard blew her whistle at her.
My sister ate too much candy / she didn’t feel well.
Jason arrived late to school / he missed his spelling test.
The boys threw food on the ground at lunchtime / they had to pick up trash for the custodian
Tony shared his pencil with another student / the student was grateful for his kindness.
Your uncle welcomes visitors to his home / people enjoy visiting with him.
Your aunt made you a cake for your birthday / you appreciated her thoughtful gift
The dog harassed the cat / the cat scratched his nose.
The children were screaming on the bus / the bus driver stopped the bus.
We didn’t listen to our mom / we didn’t get to go to the park to play.