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As of September 2014

Day Rate: £35.00

Babies& Toddlers: £4.10 per hour

Two’s: £3.95 per hour

Pre-school: £3.85 per hour

(This is due to minimum wage increase)

Fire & Police Visit: 21st July

We are having a visit from the fire engine at 10:30am and police car at 1.30pm, both will be approximately 1 hour. Please feel free to pop up and bring older siblings.

Friday 25th – Active Tots

The babies and toddlers will attend this session at The Main Place (Coleford Library), 10-11am. They will travel via the local bus route, there is no charge. If you are free and would like to join us, all welcome.

Week of 28th July

Summer activities: picnics, woodland walks, local park and the cinema (we will look into what is showing during this week and advise accordingly). This will be for pre-school aged children.

4th August – Disney week

Various Disney activities throughout the week, with a dress up day on Friday 8th August. Lunch will be provided (party food).

TRIP to Farm Park: 11TH AUGUST

The nursery will be closed as we will all be going on the trip. If you have not received a letter with details of this, please speak to a member of staff.

Children do not require a parent if they are already booked in for this day. If you would like to come with your family please book in with either Sara, Anna or Jess.

SUMMER FAYRE: Friday 15th August

From 2:00pm onwards. There will be lots of games, bouncy castle, stalls, food, ice-cream van. If anyone can help out on the day, manning a stall please speak to Amy Bowery. Wine or any other donations for our raffle would be gratefully received.

Gruffalo Week – 20th August

We will be carrying out Gruffalo related activities all week with the Gruffalo trail at Beechenhurst from 10am onwards. Please feel free to meet us there and come around with us.

26 – 29 August: Arts week / Music and Movement

Two’s and pre-school will take a trip to Reckless designs to paint their own plate on Tuesday 26th August.


We will be holding a summer BBQ at Beechenhurst for everyone. We would love to see you and your families from 2.00pm. Please fill in the attached sheet so we know numbers, and the amount of food to provide. Everyone is welcome to attend, the more the merrier!


We return from the summer holidays on:

1st September 2014

Lucy Matthews

We would like to welcome Lucy back after her Maternity leave; some of you may have seen her doing the occasional day at Nursery. She will be back working her usual days in September, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.


Please bring appropriate clothing for your child for the weather. Spare clothes to keep at Nursery and an adequate supply of wet wipes and nappies. Thank you for your cooperation.

Tea Times

If your child attends Nursery past 4:00pm (our tea time) but you do not require them to join us for tea, please can you provide a snack e.g. an apple, cracker, raisins etc.

Proposed September Staffing:

Pre-school: Joanne Knight, Amy Bowery, Sara Brackston

Two’s Room: Amy Wilce, Lucy Matthews, Nicky Bevan, Bronte Williams

Toddlers: Daryl-ann, Caroline, Emma

Babies: Sophie and Janet

We are currently interviewing for a position within toddlers & two’s. If you

have any queries about staff and room changes please either see Anna or Jess.

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