Summer will soon be here and that means it’s time for CENTRIFUGE 2016, “Unashamed”. Make plans now to attend. The Centrifuge experience is unlike any week of camp your youth have experienced. Hundreds of youth from around the Northwest will come together to renew friendships, meet new friends, be challenged from God’s word, learn some new skills, spend hours having fun together as a youth group and with God. This is the Centrifuge experience, and it’s for all junior high and senior high students (must have finished the 6th grade).

Once again this year’s Fuge Camp will be totally sponsored by the NWBC. Our Fuge team will be made up of Staff and Students from the Resonate church in Pullman & Ellensburg, WA. They have done an awesome job this past five years making the Fuge experience the best ever. We are purchasing the theme, student and leaders guides, videos, t-shirts, dramas, name tags, etc. from Centrifuge for each participant. By doing Fuge ourselves, we can offer Fuge Camp at a reduced price.

The Centrifuge experience will include an excellent program: small-group youth Bible study, team-building recreation, powerful worship, exciting track times, great camp-wide fellowships, and church devotions. This summer’s camp will offer a life-changing experience for all who participate. Leaders and students from the last four years have said that this is the best Fuge staff ever.

Our camp location will be Aldersgate Camp & Retreat Center located near Turner, OR. The date is July 16-21, 2016. Aldersgate is a premier Christian camp. To see for yourself log on to

Complete cost for the week is $300 per person if registered before July 1, 2016. Registering after July 1 will result in an additional $10 fee per registrant. A $50 deposit is due with registration. The remaining balance of $250 per person is due at camp time (this cost is for both campers and sponsors). We believe you will find this to be the most rewarding investment one could make. We have tried as hard as possible to keep your expense down, while ensuring a quality camp experience.

Aldersgate Conference Center will hold a maximum of 400 campers. Because this is our

Aldersgate Conference Center will hold a maximum of 400 campers. Because this is our only Centrifuge Camp in the Northwest this summer, if you want to solidify your chances of

a spot, I recommend you register early. Only send deposits of students you have received deposits from and add numbers as necessary!

You can cancel a registered participant up to July 1st. After July 1st, your $50 deposit is nonrefundable but transferable to a new participant from your church. Secure commitments as early as possible and we will do our best to accommodate any changes you might need to make. We expect a full camp. REGISTRATION FOR CAMP WILL CLOSE July 7th.

Remember, you will need at least one sponsor of the same sex for every five campers. They must be 21 years of age. Occasionally, we will make an exception and appoint a Junior Sponsor, (high school graduate - age 20) if there is a very responsible adult who will stay in the same cabin giving supervision to the Jr. Sponsor. Try your best to enlist your adult sponsors early.

Choosing sponsors is very important to ensure the best camp experience for your students. Because safety is one of our main concerns, we want to advise you strongly to choose sponsors who love youth and will be a positive influence in their lives. It is extremely important for you to know that sponsors have no history of child abuse. (Remember, starting this summer, Background Checks are REQUIRED for all adult sponsors 18 years and older. Remember, Your church is liable for allowing such persons to serve as sponsors. See page 1 for details.) Please refer to the enclosure SPONSORS INFORMATION FOR CENTRIFUGE for Qualifications, Duties, and Daily Schedule.

As soon as we receive your registration, we will send you a registration confirmation letter, camp information and other information you will need to prepare your campers and sponsors of what to expect, wear, bring, etc. Please make sure you review this information and bring everything that is suggested for each person.

Please make a copy of your registration form to keep for your records. We look forward to seeing you this summer at Centrifuge! So, until then, let’s get ready to Fuge!


Danny Kuykendall

NWBC Student Ministry Strategist



For additional Centrifuge logos & promotion materials go to and click on Centrifuge under “Highlights”


Don’t want to stay in a cabin? This year we are making RV & Tent sites available for a reduced camp rate. For a $20 savings ($280 per camper) your students can stay in a tent or RV (RV and tents must be provided by campers/church group). RV sites are equipped with electric and bathroom/shower facilities are located near these sites. We are predicting high registration numbers this year and spaces are limited. Please contact Lola @ NWBC to reserve your RV/Tent space today. Make sure to register early to ensure your spot!

Lola Bowen: (360) 882-2100 or