A. Author1 et al.Formatting Papers for Possible Publication in FSE

Formatting Papers for Possible Publication in FSE (Frontiers in Science and Engineering)

A. Author1¹and B. Author2²

¹Institution Name 1, Department if any, Full address including the country

²Institution Name 1, Department if any, Full address including the country

3 Corresponding Author E-mail:

Abstract. This is to describe formatting of papers for possible publication in Frontiers in Scienceand Engineering, an International Journal edited by Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology.Reviews or State of the Art and Original Research Papers, require an abstract. The abstract islimited to 300 words or less. For Research Articles, the abstract should include a brief statementfor each of the sections related to Introduction, Methods/Approaches/Materials and Discussion,and Conclusion written in paragraph form. All abstracts must be written in one paragraph, withno subheadings, equations, tables, reference citations or graphics. Notice that when readers aresearching for information online, an abstract of an article is the first thing they see. Your abstractneeds to be concise but convey as much information as possible about the content of your article.In addition, our Publication System Manager Publishing will supply your abstract to many otherdatabase systems used by researchers to find papers.

Key words: Maximum 5 key words, no capital letters.

1. Introduction

Required for Reviews/State of the art and Original Research Articles. One to two pages.

2. Approachs /Methods /Materials

Please describe your approach.

3. Section X

Please fill in your section

3.1. Subsection Y

Equations should be numbered if they are referred to.

x²+ y²= z²:(3.1)

Please see how to write equation (3.1) in the latex file.

Theorem 1. To write a paper, please follow the instructions to authors to avoid going back andforth with the editors.

Proof. Please follow the instructions.

Remark 2.For the references please remind that books [1] and papers [2] are treated differently.

4. Section Z

If the paper is accepted, you will have to send the latex, eps files and pdf files to the editors.

5. Numerical results

Summarize your results. Figures and tables should be numbered and contain a title explaining theirpurpose. Figure 1 respectivel Tables 1 are given for simple illustration.

Table 1: This is an example of table.

6. Conclusion

Please conclude your paper.

Figure 1: Figures should be high quality eps (encapsulated postscript) files.They should be clearlyexplained with legend if required.


The editors would like to thank the contributors to FSE and for respecting all the formattinginstructions.


[1] G. AuthorG. The title of he book. Publishing Editor, Number of Pages, Year of Publications.

[2] A. Author1, B. Author2. Formatting papers for possible publication in FSE. Front. in Sci.and Engg. Int. Jour., 1 (2010), No. 1, 1-20.

Frontiers in Science and Engineering

An International Journal Edited by Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology